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Best or ur FAVorite UFC Fighter ENTRANCE!!!

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  • #16
    if i was in the ufc i would come out to the song from Guiles level on street fighter. how badass would that be.

    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

    kens is pretty cool too
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    • #17
      Royce, hands down. Who else comes out with every single member fo their family? LoL, thats just cool.


      • #18
        the Gracie train looks nice


        • #19
          I kind of hate all of them. I feel like I'm watching WWE or something.


          • #20

            impress me on the mat and save the theatrics for when your career goes in the toilet and you wind up on professional wrestling. Tyson's entrance was the best, no glitz no glam, wearing the basic black and a towel with a slash in it, Public Enemy's 'Welcome to the Terror-dome' blasting on the speakers!

            That's the way it's done son.

            I hate Tito's little "I gotta pee!" pre-fight hop around the octagon. He looks silly


            • #21
              Forrest Griffin's entrance in the first Stephan Bonnar fight was very cool. No theatrics, just Forrest smiling and drinking a bottle of water, relaxed and play boxing with the crowd. He looked like he was on his way to a movie premiere.


              • #22
                He fought like he was on the way to one too...

                I think he seriously underestimated Bonnar and if he would have taken him more seriously there would have been no need for a second fight.


                • #23
                  Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by 3mptin3ss View Post
                    how is that an enterance to the UFC? its a AIChains video lol. Lame.
                    layne staley was badass, but the Ron' did him in


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by OmaPlata View Post
                      how is that an enterance to the UFC? its a AIChains video lol. Lame.
                      layne staley was badass, but the Ron' did him in
                      it would make a badass entrance song for any fighter.

