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Best Conditoning Exercises for BJJ

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  • Best Conditoning Exercises for BJJ

    Just a question that values YOUR opinion. what off day exercises have you found the best compliment to BJJ? Pick your top 3.

  • #2
    seated rows, leg press, bench press.


    • #3
      Not sure how you cycle your rest days but generally speaking Deadlifting is one of the best all round weight-based exercises. Just keep to strict technique and warm your back up.


      • #4
        I'd just like to mention that in all grappling arts, the back muscles pay the largest role because you constantly do some sort of pulling action. So work on that.


        • #5
          Bearwalks... hundreds of thousands of laps of bear walks... *shudders*...


          • #6
            running , jogging, by far


            • #7
              Originally posted by OmaPlata View Post
              running , jogging, by far
              Different type of endurance than needed in grappling, but it still helps.

              IMO, Sit-ups(where you go all the way up and not stop half way), pushups and leg excersizes(lunges, leg presses) are the best to do. Then sprints, not jogging. Those are what help the most, from my experiance.


              • #8
                I'm having good results with this, check out the site:

                CrossFit offers a results-based, community-driven approach that helps you build fitness and improve your health—over your lifetime.

                Lots of variety, lots of functional strength exercises, cardio built in, designed to be a general fitness regime to complement sport specific training. Most of the workouts can be done (if you are able to do them) in less than an hour.

                On the site find the:

                Official crossfit warmup (in the FAQ's
                Workout of the day (on the main page)
                video and slideshow demonstrations of all exercises.
                Last edited by gregimotis; 09-27-2006, 04:21 PM. Reason: seplling


                • #9
                  I cant get over that CrossFit's disgusting "whole body chinup" where they like... use their body to hump the air to get up.. use your fucking back muscles.. its not a bad site, has some good stuff, but I dont know, that really turned me off of it.


                  • #10
                    Swimming is a very good way to condition yourself for grappling.


                    • #11
                      Deadlifts and squats. Also try jump squats and power cleans, snatches. Great for building strength and explosive power.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Cyclops View Post
                        Deadlifts and squats. Also try jump squats and power cleans, snatches. Great for building strength and explosive power.
                        Crossfit goes on and on about deadlifts, squats, cleans etc. Makes me sore as hell the next day. I've been lately thinking of finding a trainer with some background in this.

                        DO you (or anyone) have any background info you could post?


                        • #13

                          I agree with many here who espouse "Olympic" style lifts, such as the deadlift, squat (or jump squat), cleans, snatches....etc. Most research indicates they are the best lifts for explosive power, speed, and overall sport preparation. The reason is obvious, as these lifts are the most comprehensive exercises (in terms of weight training) as they incorporate the entire bio-mechanical structure.

                          However. These exercises should only be practiced under the eye of a trainer who knows the proper form. I am 45 years old and have been lifting since the age of 15. I have experienced just about any regimen or cycle known. Hypertrophy, powerlifting, cut cycles, etc... etc.. By far the most productive in terms of sport specific training are the Olympic lifts. At the same time, if bad form is present, they can produce the most devastating injuries. So, PLEASE. Proceed with caution.

                          You can always find a bodybuilder in a local gym. An Olympic lifter is a breed few and far between. Extremely few and far.

                          Bottom Line: Great preparation. But scarce input to make sure your form is perfect.

                          Hope this advise helps. You all have been great. I do not want to see you hurt.

                          Big Papi


                          • #14
                            BJJ is the perfect training to help with your BJJ.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by 7r14ngL3Ch0k3 View Post
                              Different type of endurance than needed in grappling, but it still helps.

                              IMO, Sit-ups(where you go all the way up and not stop half way), pushups and leg excersizes(lunges, leg presses) are the best to do. Then sprints, not jogging. Those are what help the most, from my experiance.
                              that stuff we do it class for 30 minutes before we even begin to train

