Originally posted by B78NY
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Can You Handled Steven Seagal?
Registered User
- Aug 2003
- 215
The key to immortality is first to live a life worth remembering
--Bruce Lee
On the mountains of truth you can never climb in vain: either you will reach a point higher up today, or you will be training your powers so that you will be able to climb higher tomorrow
-- Friedrich Nietzsche
I agree with you about the classical martial arts. But in thier defense, I dont think that they are taught correctly. It's just about business. Where I train at the end of class we spar with no pads "street fighting style". Most schools ddont do that. I've even seen people who have their black belt that have never sparred in a real life situation. There are too many lawsuits these days. The instructors theach the forms and when the student knows them they test. There is alot more than forms. It's about how well you can fight! IT is these kind of schools that give classical/traditional martial arts a bad name
Agreed. There was an ad in my local paper last night for Mai Ki Do self defense -
"Seeks out your potential then pushes you beyond it"
"means 'the way of dancing energy'"
"motivates the mind as well as the body and leaves the student ready to take on the world"
"teaching & study involves not only combat situations but energy flow"
I'm away training for November, but would've loved to go to his open day & see how effective his 'power deflecting' really is