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Fighters below 155

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  • Fighters below 155

    Just seeing how many of us out there are smaller BJJ guys. I fluctuate between 167 and 145 but fight at 154 w/gi. What are you guys coming in at?

  • #2
    walking around at 185-190 and sometimes will drop to the 165lb division for a tourney to stay away from the big guys


    • #3
      My weight jumps from the range of 135-145 planning to fight at 155.


      • #4
        I wouldnt suggest that. If your natural weight is lower than your fighting weight thats bad. You generally want to fight at either your natural wight, or lower than your natural weight. Gaining fat and water to enter a heavier division where guys might be 175 cutting to 155 is bad, then its a natural 170 vs a natural 140. He will most certainly have a lot more muscle than you, and that means power and authority.


        • #5
          Originally posted by KiotoQuinn View Post
          I wouldnt suggest that. If your natural weight is lower than your fighting weight thats bad. You generally want to fight at either your natural wight, or lower than your natural weight. Gaining fat and water to enter a heavier division where guys might be 175 cutting to 155 is bad, then its a natural 170 vs a natural 140. He will most certainly have a lot more muscle than you, and that means power and authority.
          well im in no mans land, its drop to 165 or go up to 205 or over, usually. Depends on how many people compete, the less people, the wider the weight spectrum


          • #6
            any one of you guys want a fight in an Freestyle tourney in NY in dec, call me if you do 145 - 165 I need one more guy to split division inhalf i.e 145-155, 155-165 please let me know if interested all winners get a title belt and a fight with city champions call 518-872-9239, all fighters have 4 or less bouts!


            • #7
              im about 155 lbs currently. before i started training and lifting i was 140 lbs, and at my biggest ive been able to get to 165. if i decide to compete, im gonna compete at whatever my weight is. im not gonna cut or gain weight for fights.


              • #8
                When I first started wrestling season I weighed about 129. Now I weigh 152-3. I generally roll with guys who are 60-70 pounds heavier than me so it pisses me off that most of the time I end up in guard. Oh well, at least I got a solid guard game now :-/.


                • #9
                  I like to fight at about 155, but I usually weigh about 160-165. I'm only 17 though, so I'm hoping to gain some lean weight.


                  • #10
                    I'm about 150-155.


                    • #11
                      150-160 lbs and 5'9 , 510 height range is good body type for martial arts inmop. not to big, not to small, fast, and still can achieve sufficient power.


                      • #12
                        Yeah, I just fought at 154.5 with Gi, but range from 144-162. 5'11". Strictly BJJ with gi.


                        • #13
                          Its crazy, I'm a little over six foot, and I wiegh between 149-154. But I'm strong for how skinny I am. I always get a huge reach advantage over guys in my wieght class. Guess I'm fortunate....

