Originally posted by J-Luck
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Franklin: Beat The Fkc Down
[QUOTE=J-Luck;242662]As far as the spoilers... I usually don't like to read them. Alot of times they're not accurate.
Either way, I still like Shonnie, and Serra needs to get his little fairy ass wuped by SOMEONE.[/QUOTE]
Why is Matt a fairy? He seems like a stand up guy, will tell it is to your face and back it up. Just like that guy that was talking shit about Royce, and Matt gets into with him. I like Matt. He'll submit shonie, easy.
Can u guys post the spoilers since i wont be able to see it tomorrow
[QUOTE=OmaPlata;242768]Originally posted by J-Luck View PostAs far as the spoilers... I usually don't like to read them. Alot of times they're not accurate.
Either way, I still like Shonnie, and Serra needs to get his little fairy ass wuped by SOMEONE.[/QUOTE]
Why is Matt a fairy? He seems like a stand up guy, will tell it is to your face and back it up. Just like that guy that was talking shit about Royce, and Matt gets into with him. I like Matt. He'll submit shonie, easy.
Can u guys post the spoilers since i wont be able to see it tomorrow
He's consistently talked behind people's backs, made fun of them, talked about kicking their asses(Shonnie, Rich, Matt) and then to their faces acted all nice and cool. He's a bitch. I would call him on it as soon as I saw him, something like this; "Hey Matt, Rich, could you come over here? Matt Serra has something to say about you, such as you guys being dicks, penis', stupid jocks, not being able to fight, ect. ect." Then Matt Serra shits a couple bricks and passes out from sheer fairy fear.
Originally posted by 7r14ngL3Ch0k3 View PostLmao, youre right. I just dont like it when fighters do that. For wrestling ive never ran into any 'staredowns' because i choose not to but there definetly is all that other "puffing chest" crap. Now that you mention wrestling, you doing it this year? Arent you out of highschool already?
That's cool that you don't get into the staredowns. I never do either, simply because I can be agressive without being angry.
Are you wrestling this year? And have you gotten into Jiu-jitsu/Judo yet?
Originally posted by J-Luck View PostYea. I'm wrestling for my college and I'm still going to train at the highschool sometimes(my lil bro's on the team and I my coache's are amazing). I'm also going to start going back(had to leave becuase i lost my job) to my Bjj and Judo classes.
That's cool that you don't get into the staredowns. I never do either, simply because I can be agressive without being angry.
Are you wrestling this year? And have you gotten into Jiu-jitsu/Judo yet?
[QUOTE=J-Luck;242830]Originally posted by OmaPlata View Post
No, Matt seems like a little fairy bitch. You should stop trying to argue with me... it never seems to work for you.
He's consistently talked behind people's backs, made fun of them, talked about kicking their asses(Shonnie, Rich, Matt) and then to their faces acted all nice and cool. He's a bitch. I would call him on it as soon as I saw him, something like this; "Hey Matt, Rich, could you come over here? Matt Serra has something to say about you, such as you guys being dicks, penis', stupid jocks, not being able to fight, ect. ect." Then Matt Serra shits a couple bricks and passes out from sheer fairy fear.
[QUOTE=OmaPlata;242846]Originally posted by J-Luck View Post
He doesnt talk behind their bacsk, he tells it right to them , includig franklin and including that jerk that grapples but doens fight
Do you watch the show, I mean.... ugh, you're worthless.
Originally posted by 7r14ngL3Ch0k3 View PostYep. My third year wrestling now. I started freshman year and ive improved so much, more than anyone else on the team, in my mind. Ive been going to every pre season practise and ive been working out on my own time for a while now. I plan to do very well this year not to brag or anything. Ill try to post a vid/pics of my matches later on this year. The season starts in the very beginning of november. As for BJJ and Judo, ive never had official classes but i started practising BJJ freshman year(before i even started wrestling) with a family member, i dont know if that counts, but right now im just trying to focus on wrestling.
What gets me about this fight is that Silva's Muay Thai clinch wasn't even that good but Franklin never even attempted to take advantage of it. A great Muay Thai fighter will never extend his leg as far as Silva was because it exposes you for a leg takedown. You are supposed to control the other person and bring them into the knee, so that the knee is kept close to the body and there is no space for someone to reach underneath and attempt a leg takedown.
Silva was giving up the leg takedown and Franklin never once even attempted it. It makes no sense.
Originally posted by J-Luck View PostGood stuff good stuff. What weight do you wrestle? If you're in the New England area sometime, drop me a message and you can come for a free class at my bjj school and we'll roll.
[QUOTE=J-Luck;242859]Originally posted by OmaPlata View Post
Wrong again. ALL he does is speak about them behind their back, INCLUDING FRANKLIN AND HUGHES DUMBASS.
Do you watch the show, I mean.... ugh, you're worthless.
Serra seems to be willing to confront people when there's an issue. Shonie and Laimon on the show alone.
[QUOTE=bigred389;242941]Originally posted by J-Luck View Post
What, and other people don't? I mean...there were plenty of people in that van totally in agreement with him.
Serra seems to be willing to confront people when there's an issue. Shonie and Laimon on the show alone.
Only with Laimon did he confront him, and it was only because he insulted one of his trainers... I mean, does it take that for him to actually be a real man and say things upfront to people?