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BJJ Information

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  • BJJ Information

    In light of the fact that has merged with and that site pretty much sucks I have decided to build an all inclusive database of BJJ Gi and No Gi techniques, most of which are used in the UFC. And yes the it is going to be a free site. The site is going to be at I need techniques submitted there so please go and check it out. There is also forums. Sign up and start posting so we can get some content placement in google.

    Also, Rich Frankling needs to buy a beginer book on Mui Thai Boxing! Cross your arms out in front of your body bro, and keep your chin up as high as you can! And keep shooting!

  • #2
    An all inclusive database of bjj techniques?

    That's a mammoth undertaking my friend - good luck. There are plenty of people who've tried to do it over the years (including myself!), and I'd be interested to see how you structure it.

    I was a systems analyst for a number of years & understand how to build a database, but it can get a bit complicated, so there are a number of questions you're gonna need answers for if you haven't already...

    Do you break the techniques down into their positions?

    (If so, what about sweeps that change positions?)

    Or would you break the techniques down into attack/defence/sweep etc.?

    Or would you break down techniques into approximate belt level?

    Or do you relate a technique to all of the above (it is a relational database after all) - this would allow someone to search for a technique by position/by technique name/by technique type/or by belt level!

    What about combination techniques - are they documented under the first technique in the combo, or as a separate entity?

    What about counters - are they linked to the technique they're countering, or as an individual technique? And counters to counters etc.

    How about a naming convention for limbs - Attackers left hand = ALH? Defenders right hand = DRH? Are left & right always from one persons perspective, or seen from 'each side' (ie. my left is your right).

    If you can decide on issues like these before you start structuring your database it'll be a lot quicker than wasting hours of work having to start from scratch further down the road. Of course, you can simply list the techniques in one place & allow people to scan through them if you want to keep it simple.

    Either way, good luck - please let me know how you get on. I'm sure there are a few guys on this forum that can help with contributions.


    • #3
      I agree that the OTM site is awful. The wiki's background is black with white/orange text? Give me a fucking break.

      As for your endeavor, good luck with that. That's alot of information you're trying to encapsulate.


      • #4
        Network out as widely as you can to get people to send you pictures/captions for techiques. Go to all the local establishments and talk about it, you're going to need to do a lot of outreaching to do this, I hope you succeed.


        • #5
          There is a site that I like almost as much as lol).

          It's actually not a site but a collection on google video. Go to google video and type in abhaya bjj. ALOT OF MATERIAL there.

