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Analytical Fighting Systems ?

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  • Analytical Fighting Systems ?

    check out this video.

    never heard of the system, but it looks pretty cool from the demo video. lots of interesting techniques.

    the kanibasama to armbar is awesome!

  • #2

    Muay Thai, kali(mostly knife), and various grappling styles.


    • #3
      AFS Academy martial arts and fitness.

      Couldent find a bio link.


      • #4
        Only real refrence seems to be Paulson. Looks like a Paulson clone on crack to boot!!


        • #5
          You know, the video looks impressive on first glance. Look deeper though and you see that it is cooperative land swimming. Not saying the guy can't fight, but this video gives you no evidence of it. It's all smoke and mirrors and glam. Most of what he shows could not be pulled off with a resistant partner. If it can, he's the only guy who can do it because I haven't seen anyone else do it. I think demos like this are bad for the martial arts. It's inauthentic.


          • #6
            Originally posted by doubleouch View Post
            You know, the video looks impressive on first glance. Look deeper though and you see that it is cooperative land swimming. Not saying the guy can't fight, but this video gives you no evidence of it. It's all smoke and mirrors and glam. Most of what he shows could not be pulled off with a resistant partner. If it can, he's the only guy who can do it because I haven't seen anyone else do it. I think demos like this are bad for the martial arts. It's inauthentic.
            Those are pretty obviously drills, they're designed to familiarize you with skill sets and movements without risk of serious injury. But the grappling stuff(both regular and weapon retention) was obviously done with moderate resistance.

            It's certainly true that your skill set will diminish under pressure, but even just one of those drills going "live" would result in the target getting horribly hurt.


            • #7
              Originally posted by bigred389 View Post
              Those are pretty obviously drills, they're designed to familiarize you with skill sets and movements without risk of serious injury. But the grappling stuff(both regular and weapon retention) was obviously done with moderate resistance.

              It's certainly true that your skill set will diminish under pressure, but even just one of those drills going "live" would result in the target getting horribly hurt.
              Spoken like a true land swimmer. Your skill set will not deminish under pressure if you train the right skill set. Not the silly stuff seen on this video. Why would you want to study a skill set that won't work under pressure?


              • #8
                Originally posted by bigred389 View Post
                It's certainly true that your skill set will diminish under pressure, but even just one of those drills going "live" would result in the target getting horribly hurt.
                in regard to this video, this statement is even less viable than when it's usually used. plenty of the clinch up/takedown/submit stuff shown before the knife stuff could be safely practiced and full speed with a resisting partner (sambo anyone?) there was maybe thirty seconds of the video showing techniques used against a resisting partner, and surprise surprise, it didn't look like anything we haven't seen in any grappling competition.
                don't get me wrong, these techniques look very cool and i even think many of them could be brought into your repetoire of moves you can use under pressure, as long as you practice them right.
                doubleouch, your post was right on the money.


                • #9
                  its seems like when anything gets close to a newish realistic fighting system like this one they spoil it by trying to fill it with useless techniques that have no realism attached.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by doubleouch View Post
                    Spoken like a true land swimmer. Your skill set will not deminish under pressure if you train the right skill set. Not the silly stuff seen on this video. Why would you want to study a skill set that won't work under pressure?
                    OK we clearly have some miscomm. going on here.

                    When I say your skill set diminishes I don't mean it doesn't work. Hopefully, you would be intelligent enough only to train stuff that works. But when somebody is trying to seriously hurt you or stab you, a LOT of the options you trained are going to go out the window, and for most people they revert to what they're most familiar with. Stress pyschology has been studied for quite some time now and has explained this phenomenon.

                    As for being a "landswimmer" I've focused my time on boxing, Muay Thai, and BJJ. Far from "landswimming." But I try to keep an open mind, and didn't learn to spar by getting tossed in a ring with somebody trying to take my head off from day 1...I also did "drills" to get the concepts down first. Maybe you're so good you can skip drills, but us mere mortals take a little time to pick up the basics first.


                    • #11
                      i think what doubleouch was getting at is that if this guy could pull these things off under pressure against a resisting opponent he would have showed it in the video. no one's denying the importance of drills, it's just that drills are all this guy shows us here.


                      • #12
                        i already stated that this video was a demo only. its only demonstrations of what they train in. im sure there training includes much more training vs resisting opponents than what is shown on the clip. the clip is just to give people an idea of what they train in. its not a mma match, or randori, or whatever. hence the name "demo".


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by bigred389 View Post
                          But I try to keep an open mind, and didn't learn to spar by getting tossed in a ring with somebody trying to take my head off from day 1...I also did "drills" to get the concepts down first. Maybe you're so good you can skip drills, but us mere mortals take a little time to pick up the basics first.
                          yup, you will never learn properly if you are trying to fight for real everytime you train. you have to slow it down, break it down, analyze, and experiment. cant do all that if you are going 100% everytime you train.

                          even bjj guys take time to drill and flow train in order to become more familiar with positions, techniques and concepts.


                          • #14
                            i agree that most of that stuff wouldnt work against a resistant opponent. some of the wrestling was a bit foolish like the standing steam roller and that part where he put his head in between the guys legs was kind of pointless yet funny to watch. but i think the drills if practiced enough could be effective in the way that you could posiblly combine them to make it more realistic to the situation.

