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best fighting style for tall and lanky build?

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  • best fighting style for tall and lanky build?

    I'm about 6'1 , 165 lbs, pretty tall and lanky, and I was wondering what would be the most fitting fighting style for me to start on (if there is one)?

  • #2
    If you do fancy getting into BJJ, then you've got the build for a great open guard game. You'll learn closed guard techniques to start with, but once you start to use the open guard & your 'hooks' properly, those long legs will become an asset, particularly if you can keep reasonably flexible. Look at Lagarto & Roger Gracie for examples of this. If you want to learn a standup art, then the long legs would suit a kicking art such as TKD (but look for a school that injects some reality into it as opposed to the schools that are all flash but no substance).

    I'd say BJJ, but then I'm biased.


    • #3
      Yeah, I'd say not do TKD, but I'm baised. Pretty much any style you do will shape itself to suit your body type. Like, a short skinny guy might do Muay Thai, and a average height stocky as hell guy might take it up as well, but their fighting styles will be completely different to suit their body types.

      I'd probably say Muay Thai or some other form of kickboxing if you want stand up fighting. BJJ if you want a ground game. But seriously, just look at teh art itself and see if you like it, it will suit itself to your body type no matter what it is


      • #4
        muay thai is good for any body type.


        • #5
          If you are that tall I would honestly reccomend tae kwon do or kickboxing.
          oh yeah, like the other person said, if you do tkd choose a school that has actual sparring, because the "no touch" tkd is bull shit and will get your ass kicked on the street.

          You need a martial art that will take advantage of the benefits of your long legs, therefore a kicking art would be good

          but than again its your choice


          • #6
            Muay thai for sure with the stand up....being so tall and skinny its pretty easy for you to be taken down so with that id just focus on your Guard game working on submissions and sweeps.


            • #7
              Train muay Thai but focus on throwing lots of straight punches, footjabs and knees to take advantage of your height. Supplement it with some wrestling to learn take down defense and bjj.



              • #8
                Theres no real style that will suit one particular build. As was said before your'll see diversification within each art and although they may hold strong to their art it will be represented in a very different way. Your'll find in any art that incorperates the use of all limbs that taller people generally throw more kicks and keep their distance, whilst shorter people generally try to get close and throw a lot of punches, its common practice. Best bet is to go to each of the schools and see what interests you, at the end of the day its what you feel you would enjoy and benifit from most.


                • #9
                  remember that size is a relative thing. training in a way that relies heavily on your height is a sure way to get beat down by the first 6'5" guy who comes along. that's why, as a couple people are mentioning, there is diversity within each art to accommodate different builds. base your choice the goals you have in mind for practicing martial arts, and you're not going to find one where someone tells you "oh you're 6'1", 165 pounds? well this amazing art of ______ simply won't work for you."


                  • #10
                    I'm 6'1", 155 lbs. I train Muay Thai and BJJ and it really works for me. Being so tall is a huge advantage when fighting guys in your weight class.


                    • #11
                      Muay Thai.But maybe do some weight training to put a little muscle on the frame.In the end though,do what YOU want and what you like.Good luck.

