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help with dropping weight

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  • help with dropping weight

    I have 22lbs to drop by Dec 9th for a mma amature title bout, deos anyone have any ideas or different regiments for me, I am getting tired of sauna suits and starving! I was 178 this morning, need to be 157 , oh I can weigh in the night before, any quick little tricks would be greatly appreciated, I am 33 and my young guy stuff isn't working as well any more!

  • #2
    well the safest thing i can think of is drink lots of water, i mean like at least 3/4 of a gallon a day. and use "natural colon cleanse pill" they wont make you have the hersey highway, what it will do is get rid of all of the built up junk thats causing extra weight in your bowls. that will help with your performance more than anything. and probably solve a bunch of other problems your body might be having. i also suggest you not eat "to many" carbohydrates they tend to stick with you a while.


    • #3
      Main thing is diet. You dont have to starve to lose weight. Diet right, lots of water, keep the cardio high.


      • #4
        colon cleanser

        does anyone know any brand names for these colon cleansers? Thanks for taking the time to help!


        • #5
          Get few packets of Super Strength Laxatives, on Ultimate Fighter TV show they had people needing to drop weight fast and the way they did it was extreme and looked dangerous, going in sauna steam room for hours. The body is not designed to lose weight so quickly and it can leave you feeling weak if you do it fast then have to fight. Better to do it the natural way and diet, you can cut out a lot of calories doing away with candy, soft drinks, fatty meats.


          • #6
            definetly dont use a drug store bought "LAX" your arse will burn and you will feel like garbage. if you have a health food store around they should have "swiss Kriss" or another good one that is cheap and effective is "super colon cleanse." you wont be shooting water out of you like a squirt gun. do not buy the drug store junk. get some fiber in you try not to eat heavy foods like a week bofore you fight. good luck man.


            • #7
              Double your road work, cut your overall calories by 1/4, add an extra 2 hours a day to your normal training schedule, and don't start cutting the water until Dec. 2.


              • #8
                thnks for the help I am looking for the colon cleanse stuff tommorow at a health food store, & I am doubling my run distance tommorow morning.


                • #9
                  forget the colon-blow shit. that's just another (bad) form of cutting water.


                  • #10
                    20 odd pounds is a lot to lose in a short time.

                    I fought at the weekend and from Saturday night to a Sunday morning weigh-in I lost a little over 5 kilo's just by completely cutting my food and fluids for 18-hours before hand (71 kg- 64.5). I didn't need to but I had planned an early morning jog Sunday..

                    The week leading up to the comp, I cut to 1,000 calories/day.

                    Make sure you take some stuff to efficiently rehydrate after the weigh-in.

                    Oh, I read recently that to lose 1 lb of weight you need to burn 3,500 calories if that helps with the math's.

                    I'd guess losing 22 pounds would depend on your build and how much extra timber you're packing.

                    Good luck.
                    Last edited by Juicefree; 11-14-2006, 05:00 AM. Reason: Added last line's.


                    • #11
                      Rev, post the video of the fight once it happens.


                      • #12

                        Brandon Ruiz, who trains Greco Roman Wrestling at the US Olympic Training Center, wrote an article on cutting weight for my website. Check it out, he knows what he's talking about:


                        • #13
                          I am currently 173 after running today, I do have some excess to lose, 5'9 I got down to 161 3 weeks ago, but most of my sparring paretners went back for wrestling last week and my mma partners have pro fights in va.this coupled with the fact that I had banquets I had to eat at for my job on 4 of the 7 days of each week I found myself 18 lbs heaveier after 2 easy weeks, alot of it is coming off as we speak, I float about 6lbs over night. so I am in better shape than I was !


                          • #14
                            that link is great!

                            169 currently , that link is great, he knows his stuff, I am doing well and thanks for all the advice hope to be 165 by fri!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                              forget the colon-blow shit. that's just another (bad) form of cutting water.
                              why do you even talk? you dont know anything. the fact that most all diseases happen in the colon, and the fact that this dosnt deprive you of water becuase its not store bought turbo lax just means you dont have a clue what the hell your talking about. i dont think i need to explain myself your just dumb.
                              i never had to cut weight and spit into cups because i wasnt completely oblivious about how the body works and what it needs. no one needs your negative comments becuase they are useless.

