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shooting trouble

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  • shooting trouble

    I was just wondering if someone can give me some feedback. I'm new to bjj and I'm having a hard time shooting because the other guy allways gets me in a head lock. Does anyone have any suggestions?

  • #2
    Originally posted by B78NY View Post
    I was just wondering if someone can give me some feedback. I'm new to bjj and I'm having a hard time shooting because the other guy allways gets me in a head lock. Does anyone have any suggestions?
    What type of head lock? Like a bulldog choke or a guillotine?


    • #3
      im not sure what a bull dog choke is, but i think its guillotine choke. my head is facing his stomach while im trying to get a leg and take him down. but they allways get my neck even if i get the takedown.
      Last edited by B78NY; 11-23-2006, 08:28 PM. Reason: bad spelling


      • #4
        Originally posted by B78NY View Post
        im not sure what a bull dog choke is, but i think its guillotine choke. my head is facing his stomach while im trying to get a leg and take him down. but they allways get my neck even if i get the takedown.
        Sounds like the guillotine. Do you leave any face space when you shoot in? Try to leave no space period

        I'm sorry if you've heard this before, but tucking your chin in when you leg shoot helps deter the choke attack. Basically, hump the guy's leg that you're shooting in. Like if you shoot in on his left leg, face hump the left leg like you love it while tucking in your chin.

        Hope it helps.


        • #5
          I prefer to look straight up at the ceiling. If your posture is good and you're looking up there should be no way he can get the guillotine.


          • #6
            Well, theres two options....

            Do it the wrestling way...

            Or do it the BJJ way.

            The BJJ way wont get you caught in a choke, but the takedown wont be nearly as good. The wrestling way leaves potential for the choke, but its a solid takedown.

            When you do it like wrestling, with your head up, driving with your head, etc.... You expose the neck. This can be a problem if they catch you in the guillotine.

            Heres the kicker, pass the legs as part of the takedown, they CANNOT finish the guillotine from side control, pass those legs and your home free. Whether its a running double, or a full on lifting double, you can pass the legs fairly easily. If its just a shot that takes em right back , clamp down on the legs, hold em together, and pass from there.

            Also, why not ask your instructor for some guillotine defenses once you hit the ground. Cant hurt to know how to escape it if you do get caught.


            • #7
              What kind of shot are you taking? If taking a double leg shot, be sure to have your head on the outside of his hip. Then turn the corner and pass guard after you take him down. It would be ideal to actually turn him like a steering wheel, but if he is heavier and you are lighter than most (like I am) I like to turn the corner instead.

              If taking a single leg shot, have your head on the inside. Be sure to step forward and then back. i.e. If attacking his right leg, step forward into him with your right, then back with your left while sitting down and "hiking" his leg. Like "pike". Try not to go down with him on the single, then maybe you can pass his guard. Hope this helps. Good luck and keep training.


              • #8
                Saw this in a Cesar Gracie video. Just make sure you keep your shoulder pressed against your head/kneck so you dont leave yourself exposed.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by SamuraiGuy View Post
                  Well, theres two options....

                  Do it the wrestling way...

                  Or do it the BJJ way.

                  The BJJ way wont get you caught in a choke, but the takedown wont be nearly as good. The wrestling way leaves potential for the choke, but its a solid takedown.

                  When you do it like wrestling, with your head up, driving with your head, etc.... You expose the neck. This can be a problem if they catch you in the guillotine.

                  Heres the kicker, pass the legs as part of the takedown, they CANNOT finish the guillotine from side control, pass those legs and your home free. Whether its a running double, or a full on lifting double, you can pass the legs fairly easily. If its just a shot that takes em right back , clamp down on the legs, hold em together, and pass from there.

                  Also, why not ask your instructor for some guillotine defenses once you hit the ground. Cant hurt to know how to escape it if you do get caught.
                  Actually, keeping your head up and driving to the side(or your "wrestling way") is the proper way to shoot a double(even in bjj). Putting your head down actually leaves you alot more open for the choke. Besides, when your head is up looking up and across their back, your neck is too close for them to get their arm around for the choke. And even if they do get your neck from there, your supposed to lift them and sort of windmill your arms as you put them down and you should land in sidecontrol or half guard.

                  Of coarse if you telegraph your shot and the guy sprawls really well on you, then your chances of getting guillotined are much more.

                  So whats the BJJ way of shooting the double?


                  • #10
                    By keeping your head down I mean chin tucked, straight choke defense before its even there. Imagine your touching your chin to your chest in the way you do RNC defense, now do your shot like that.


                    The bjj shot , is a little front kick and then diving at the legs, see UFC 1 and royce gracie, lmao..

                    I do it with my head up and most of the time do a running double so its not really an issue for me. All I worry about my head really is driving through their hip as I turn the corner.


                    • #11
                      you need to learn how to shoot, and how to keep your head tucked against your shoulder and his thigh tightly


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Dale B. View Post
                        What kind of shot are you taking? If taking a double leg shot, be sure to have your head on the outside of his hip. Then turn the corner and pass guard after you take him down. It would be ideal to actually turn him like a steering wheel, but if he is heavier and you are lighter than most (like I am) I like to turn the corner instead.

                        If taking a single leg shot, have your head on the inside. Be sure to step forward and then back. i.e. If attacking his right leg, step forward into him with your right, then back with your left while sitting down and "hiking" his leg. Like "pike". Try not to go down with him on the single, then maybe you can pass his guard. Hope this helps. Good luck and keep training.
                        im doing bjj


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by B78NY View Post
                          im doing bjj
                          You do both types in bjj too...


                          • #14
                            As you can see there are several different ways to shoot in on someone. Just like training with different boxing coaches, they will all have a different way of throwing a hook. I suggest asking your instructor to help you with your shoot in. You may even cough up a little money to pay for a few private lessons where you have him work with you strictly on the shoot in. A big mistake that I see beginners making when shooting in is the same one I made when I first started. You shoot in from to far away and it is easy for your opponent to see it coming. Try getting a little closer before you shoot in and try to make it less visible to your opponent. It will take some time but if you keep training it you will improve.


                            • #15
                              thanks guys

