I'm working on a write up for amateur MMA. I have to do a little speech on it in front of a City Council and possible present it to the athletics commission on sanctioning. So far i've checked out about 10 different MMA circuits and there really isn't much difference in amateur and pro. Just some amateur events you cant do knee strikes, and there are sertain ways you are alloud to do elbow strikes.
In my area, and different parts of Nebraska there is know sactioning of MMA or kickboxing. But it's also stated that anyone that puts on a event without the approval of the law inforcement that the fighters could be fined for assault, as well as the promoter for promoting the assault. A few weeks ago, I had to get up front of a crowed on a rezone issue at a planning commission meeting on a facility that was going to allow MMA. And a church group was there to speek against MMA. The threw alot of untruths and accusations, bascially because they didn't know anything about MMA. So I did alot of giving of information about MMA, kickboxing and proboxing.
I know in my write up, i'll still have to do alot more information giving. But I think there should be more differences between pro and amateur. Maybe in using more safety equipment like knee padds, elbow pads and some sort of modified head gear.
I guess what I could use , is some advise on what to present and if someone has had to do this for there city or state, giving a bit of information on that, and how it worked would be helpfull as well. And maybe some suggestions on what brand of padding, as well as head gear. I was thinking of maybe a modified wrestling headgear might work best for MMA. Gotta be something thats not to bulky.
In my area, and different parts of Nebraska there is know sactioning of MMA or kickboxing. But it's also stated that anyone that puts on a event without the approval of the law inforcement that the fighters could be fined for assault, as well as the promoter for promoting the assault. A few weeks ago, I had to get up front of a crowed on a rezone issue at a planning commission meeting on a facility that was going to allow MMA. And a church group was there to speek against MMA. The threw alot of untruths and accusations, bascially because they didn't know anything about MMA. So I did alot of giving of information about MMA, kickboxing and proboxing.
I know in my write up, i'll still have to do alot more information giving. But I think there should be more differences between pro and amateur. Maybe in using more safety equipment like knee padds, elbow pads and some sort of modified head gear.
I guess what I could use , is some advise on what to present and if someone has had to do this for there city or state, giving a bit of information on that, and how it worked would be helpfull as well. And maybe some suggestions on what brand of padding, as well as head gear. I was thinking of maybe a modified wrestling headgear might work best for MMA. Gotta be something thats not to bulky.