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Bruce Lee

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  • Bruce Lee

    Hello All,

    Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Sad Sack and i am from the UK.

    I have made this thread to discuss my views on Bruce Lee - the much talked about phenonomen and i want to hear what your views on him are, having read my view.

    I believe that Bruce Lee is simply a made up character, just like Mickey Mouse. I think all of the films he "starred" in just proved that he was not a real martial artist and was/is on par with the likes of Van Damme.

    You may ask yourself how i can say such things when there are videos out there which show Bruce and all of his flashy moves. In response to that, i have just two words....ADOBE PREMIER

    Yes, that is right....i think Bruce Lee is a made up, computer generated character which was used to brainwash an awful lot of people into believing that Karate and other useless "sports" like that were the way forward in self defence.


  • #2
    I think YOU are just a made up program...


    • #3
      So you agree with my comments do you? I'm pleased not everyone was brainwashed by that Bruce Lee crap.


      • #4
        Don't respond to me, you computer program!


        • #5
          Oh ARE a Bruce Lee fan arent you.

          I do apologise if i have offended you, however i am trying to get some serious conversation going here regarding everybodies thoughts on Computer Lee.

          Do you have a reasonable argument to suggest that Bruce Lee was not compute generated?


          • #6
            shit, how do you turn this stupid program off?


            • #7
              If it is a program you are watching with Bruce Lee in it, you simply press STOP (usually indicated by a square) button on your remote control


              • #8
                What a poorly written program. Not nearly at Sensei Saki's level. Somebody pull the plug!


                • #9
                  Who is this Sensei Saki you speak of? Is s/he someone who watched Bruce Lee films, thought it looked good and decided to open a McDojo to teach things like the 1 inch punch


                  • #10
                    Maybe this thing is just a virus...


                    • #11
                      Maybe you have to release Sensei Saki to counter this virus...


                      • #12
                        where the F@#$% do you guys come from Sad you really believe this BS you are posting on here or is just an attempt to have people recognize you and respond to you. The stuff you posted...your theory doesn't even make sense...can you please think things through before posting it on here for al lto read and laugh at. You post does not even warrant a reply from anyone regarding Bruce Lee....I will not post again on this particular topic from you.....


                        • #13
                          Its All A Conspiracy!!!

                          Tony Jaa Is Made Of People!!!! People!!!!


                          • #14
                            Did you happen to take a bite out of Tony Jaa?


                            • #15
                              It's not possible for Bruce Lee to have been a computer animation. I remember seeing Bruce Lee movies as a child, long before CGI technology existed. No, Bruce Lee was animated the old fashioned way, by hand, frame by frame, by dedicated teams of Shaolin cartoonists at Disney Hong Kong in the 1970's. It's the only rational explanation.

                              Mickey Mouse isn't a made up character, by the way. He's a genetically modified three foot tall mouse. There was a show about it on A&E.

