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What is th best martial art to protect yourself from vicious pitbull thugs?

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  • What is th best martial art to protect yourself from vicious pitbull thugs?

    I live in boston, lincolnshire in the uk and am always getting started on b y and picked on by people. In boston where I live, people are like pitbulls when they fight you, trying to punch the hell out of you and strangling you and hitting you with baseball bats and bits of wood. There isnt a night go by without someone getting beaten up for absolutely no reason. I use to be pretty damn crazy myself, running after people with baseball bats and shooting at them with guns when they start trouble for no reason and never ever started on anyone but now i've got children and have calmed down so much that I feel so down and depressed by people putting me down and making me feel like i'm not worth anything that I feel totally defenseless.

    Like I say this trouble in boston in years and years old and considering the town is only 3 miles accorss the problem is terrible. I use to be able to handle it but now im 31 and cant handle it anymore and cant seem to defend myself in any way. So i'd like to know what the best form of martial arts is to defend myself. I've always been into martial arts but never tried to learn because I thought it was an art that i've got no chance of being able to learn.

  • #2
    Just move to another city or state.


    • #3
      Originally posted by JustaFighter View Post
      Just move to another city or state.
      God is every internet forum got idiots with stupid answers and the silly roll your eyes thing as if to say i'm being totally pathetic or something by not just simply moving and saying goodbye to my kids.

      I've got kids and family here in boston so moving isn't an option and I can't just not see my kids ever again can I. I'm gonna put my heart and soul into learning jujitsu or taekwondo and when they start again after i've learnt quite a bit of that i'm gonna go mental on them. But I understand its hard to learn so i'm gonna be dedicated. Because the people in boston will shag your girlfriend and get their mates in gans to beat you up just cos they dont like the look of you. I'm not gonna go after people with baseball bats and guns anymore, so its time to start using martial arts to take them down and then when they're on the floor give them the hardest couple of punches and kicks to the face I can possibly pull off.

      If I dont make them scared to start on me again they'll keep on doing for as long as im alive. And anyway running away is for chickens, people who can't face their fears and I wanna face these people with such force that they wont dare cause trouble again.


      • #4
        If they have guns and baseball bats, no martial art is going to help you. I have to agree with the other person, either you get a gun yourself (which I think would be illegal where you live) or find another place to live.


        • #5
          No they dont have guns, I did. I use to be totally crazy and if someone started i'd punch him in the face and let him go, then next time I see them i'd chase them through the middle town with a gun shooting at them, then catch them and put the gun in their mouth and tell them to call my bluff. But thats when I was crazy, now im not and i've lost my nerve so when someone starts I just back off or tell them to calm down. I know martial arts can help a person when someone tries to punch you, and then deflect their punch and then strike them so they either go down knocked out due to a blow to a nerve region on their body or just puncg them hard as hell in the face after you've deflected their punch, breaking their nose, jaw or maybe even taking them down and breaking their arm. Believe me thats enough for no-one in boston to ever mess with you again. People here are pussies but they strike at weak defenseless people who get scared.

          But there is a martial club about 30 miles away from me so i'm gonna get regular classes to learn different moves and try and improve my reaction time so I can react faster, plus learn body language so I can have a better chance of being able to tell whether or not someone is actually gonna try and hit me or whether they are just mouthing off.


          • #6
            I live in SE London on one of the more dangerous roads - next to the biggest and most troubled estate. The area is full of gangs/prostitutes/drug lords/pimps/theives/and any other scum you can think of.

            I know that each day a few people get seriously hurt and sometimes killed in my area so understand where you come from.

            I too used to be a bit handy with my mates and enjoy a ruck but i now have kids and realise i have too much to lose should something happen.

            Generally I walk with confidence to and from the shops - when i get home i close the door and ignore anything that goes on outside.

            I have studied martial arts for quite sometime and know many moves/techniques/applications but i would never rely on them to fight! I can gurantee that it would be pointless for me to fight back the 20 or so teenagers outside the chicken king - they will definitely have knives and some may carry a gun - even without that ther is still 20 of them!

            If you feel you are being terrorised/bullied I would suggest a couple of things - tell the police - which i know would be the hardest to do as they will probably find out its you and you will be worse off. THe other thing could be to get together a few people and bring bats and take them down - which is obviously not very sensible.

            It is a hard situation where confrontation can alwys go bad.

            I would say definitely learn martial arts - it may give you more confidence to walk with your head high and not seem like a 'target'. Of course you will make friends that are fighters that may be able to back you up should you need it, you will learn defence and striking which may come in useful but most a big plus is that you can push yourself hard and get fit enough to just run should the occasion need.

            pick any martial art or western boxing - they can all help. Get a punch bag to allow the depression to be released as frustration and anger - then psych yourself up and beat the crap out of it

            if i think of any tips I iwll come back to you.


            • #7
              The little story at the top of this thread sounds fake, and the guy who wrote it is very likely some teenager just goofing around.


              • #8
                Originally posted by djteknovibe View Post
                God is every internet forum got idiots
                Couldn't agree with YOU more, Mr. Djteknovibe. Is that a Russian name or something? Maybe you're a troll, maybe you're not, in either case...

                If you do indeed live such a crazy day to day life, no martial art can really protect you vs guns/baseball bats/5 on 1 attacks. Only thing I can think of that would come close to it is Jeet Kune Do concepts and the Filipino martial arts, which teaches using weapons tactically such as machetes, knives, sticks, etc...

                Good day.


                • #9
                  Thanks shaolin. Its totally different in boston, where I live. All the lads are pussies. If they think they can have you then they will, but if they think you might come after then 1 by 1 and each, in turn exact a measure of beating to each of them then they'll run a mile cos deep down all they are is vhavs, fulls stop. They'll never stab or shoot you even though they do carry baseball bats and knives. they just use those kinds of weopons to make themselves look harder.

                  When I use to be crazy and not give a shit if I took on 20 lads i'd get started on, so i'd give a couple of them a punch each that broke there jaw or nose or cheekbone and the rest would run after I shouted "i'll pick you off 1 by 1 in town or come wait for you down your street". And I am most certainly not hard. So what I need to be able to handle these thugs and what I want to be able to handle these thugs are 2 differen things. To be able to handle them all I need to be able to do is knock them clean out with a punch or whatever and they will never bother me again, thats the way they are, like I said pussies, all talk and then when you give them a fucking well hard slap they run to their dads.

                  What I want to be able to do is have enough strength to be able to cause some damage with a couple of punches so as well as them never bothering me again, they are shit scared of me. I know it sounds silly but in boston, its fear that keeps people off your back not how tough you are. I've seen the way martial artist deflect punches from people and then turn their body sideways so it makes the person trying to attack you a sitting duck after his punch has been deflected, and then you can just summon all your strength and punch him in the ribs breaking a rib or turn him round, grab him round the neck in a choke hold, moving backwards so he loses his footing, falls backwards and squeeze your arm muscles until he passes out.

                  Belive me this would be enough to make ANY boston lad think "f**k that i'm not messing with him again".

                  I know a move like that would need training for a person to lower their reaction time and quite a bit of strength to break the person's rib or cut off their oxygen so they pass out.


                  • #10
                    *sniff* *sniff*


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by djteknovibe View Post
                      ...i'm being totally pathetic or something by not just simply moving and saying goodbye to my kids.
                      I've got kids and family here in boston so moving isn't an option and I can't just not see my kids ever again can I...
                      I must assume by those statements that you don't have custody; but aren't you even more afraid for their safety and welfare? Why would you leave them behind to grow up (or die) in that kind of enviroment?

                      Originally posted by djteknovibe View Post
                      ...I'm gonna put my heart and soul into learning jujitsu or taekwondo...
                      How 'bout you put your heart and soul into working and earning enough money so you can afford to provide a safer environment and a better lifestyle for your children and your family?

                      Originally posted by djteknovibe View Post
                      ...And anyway running away is for chickens, people who can't face their fears...
                      Stop indulging in these little vigilante fantasies and get a real life, then dedicate that life to bettering the lives of those innocents you've created.
                      There's running away and then there's walking away. Right now, I'm walking...



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                        *sniff* *sniff*
                        I smell it too...


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by djteknovibe View Post
                          I've got kids and family here in boston so moving isn't an option and I can't just not see my kids ever again can I. I'm gonna put my heart and soul into learning jujitsu or taekwondo and when they start again after i've learnt quite a bit of that I'm gonna go mental on them.
                          If you put everything into learning jujitsu or tkd, you won't go mental on them - you'll probably be a much more calm, confident person.

                          Originally posted by djteknovibe View Post
                          I'm not gonna go after people with baseball bats and guns anymore, so its time to start using martial arts to take them down and then when they're on the floor give them the hardest couple of punches and kicks to the face I can possibly pull off..
                          Keep the bat and pistols for home protection.

                          Originally posted by djteknovibe View Post
                          If I dont make them scared to start on me again they'll keep on doing for as long as im alive. And anyway running away is for chickens, people who can't face their fears and I wanna face these people with such force that they wont dare cause trouble again..
                          Don't pick fights. Don't hang out in places that are prone to violence. Don't let words get you into trouble either - use verbaj judo and comedy to turn it around on them.

                          If someone tries to physically assault you (and its not part of an MA training program...obviously), then step up.


                          • #14
                            Yes, for sure the best solution is to move to a safer place for you and your family. but since this does not seem an option

                            is there no way you can carry some sort of weapon, I used to carry around a telescopic steel baton, just flick it out and bash the attacker with it, of course against a gun or big gang of guys useless, but still better than empty fists.
                            you will laugh but if you are worried about stabbings or shootings, buy yourself a kevlar vest that you can wear underneath your clothing.

                            for martial arts I would reccomend definetly a western boxing, also a weapon art that could help you if say you had a bottle, or a baton...etc..
                            and a grappling art like brazilian jiu jitsu, if it came to the worst and you got taken down to the ground.

                            but man, like everybody else said, martial arts will help, but in a place like that...... just move your ass somewhere else!!!



                            • #15
                              steel batons like that are HIGHLY illegal in many states in the usa. carrying any kind of stick on you or in your car is a felony for sure in california. our knife laws are cool though, we dont have any size restrictions

