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Techniques against a larger opponent

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  • Techniques against a larger opponent


    I weigh around 65-70 kilos and I wondered what I could do when sparring someone significantly heavier than me. My friend must be around 90-95 kilos and is taller than me too so I find it quite difficult to get any techniques on him and when I get into his guard or even half guard he can sweep me with ease and get mount then just crush me!

    Are there any techniques that are particularly useful when rolling with larger opponents.

    We are both beginners.


  • #2
    i have a technique specifically for bigger guys. if i have them in half guard and im on the bottom, i will swim towards their groin area and get out from underneath them through their legs. you can take their back from there.


    • #3
      The one thing that revolutionized my game was going against an extremely agile and quick wrestler. He was my weight but was possibly the best scrambler I've ever seen. If you can find someone like that and work your guard game on them then it'll improve your guard game to the point where you can beat bigger opponents (well at least give you the time to practice those techniques) because they have difficulty passing your guard.

      As far as techniques go, all of the techniques will work on bigger opponents, however, I'd stay away from the keylock and kimura as they tend to have an easier time defending that and can power out of it the easiest. When working guard, try to get a high guard or work rubber guard. From there, don't be afraid to try armbars and triangles. If you are constantly aggressive and have a guard that's hard to pass (which is what you should work on) then it'll throw his game off and allow you to control the tempo of the roll.


      • #4
        Thanks for the tips.

        I iwll have to try his brother - got his purple belt in super quick time - think he was the/one of the youngest purples in the UK at one point. He moves like a snake!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Shaolin View Post

          I weigh around 65-70 kilos and I wondered what I could do when sparring someone significantly heavier than me. My friend must be around 90-95 kilos and is taller than me too so I find it quite difficult to get any techniques on him and when I get into his guard or even half guard he can sweep me with ease and get mount then just crush me!

          Are there any techniques that are particularly useful when rolling with larger opponents.

          We are both beginners.


          Yeah, ask him to convert those weights from kilos to pounds and run away while he's calculating.


          • #6
            I wouldnt advise thinking armbars and triangles from the bottom, simply because its easier for the big guys to just power out of those things, they might be easier to catch in it, but finishing it is a different story, trying to sink on a tight triangle on huge guys is difficult, nevermind them just stacking you and crushing you into the floor.

            So then you think sweeps, because if your on top they cant crush you into the floor, and this is a better route than submissions IMO.

            The next best thing is to avoid the situation altogether and try to work from the top, you say he always sweeps you from there, then ur screwed... well work your top game, chances are his bottom game isnt up to par with his top game seeing as how he's a big guy. Thats a general statement but most of the time true. Play top more, you wont get swept as much than you can beat him, more importantly you'll learn how to play a top game.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Shaolin View Post

              I weigh around 65-70 kilos and I wondered what I could do when sparring someone significantly heavier than me. My friend must be around 90-95 kilos and is taller than me too so I find it quite difficult to get any techniques on him and when I get into his guard or even half guard he can sweep me with ease and get mount then just crush me!

              Are there any techniques that are particularly useful when rolling with larger opponents.

              We are both beginners.

              It depends.

              If you're a short-strong kind of guy, you want to get out of his range and fight on the inside, that may mean closing in as he is attacking you, coming in at angles etc.. If you're a short-quick kind of guy with good reflexes, you've got to use superior timing to set up your shots.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Tom Yum View Post
                It depends.

                If you're a short-strong kind of guy, you want to get out of his range and fight on the inside, that may mean closing in as he is attacking you, coming in at angles etc.. If you're a short-quick kind of guy with good reflexes, you've got to use superior timing to set up your shots.
                While good advice, I think he meant for grappling.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by SamuraiGuy View Post
                  While good advice, I think he meant for grappling.
                  D'oh. Read and responded too quickly. Puttin' the coffee down now.

