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is ground fighting overrhyped for everyday self defence?

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  • #16

    Originally posted by kiddbjj View Post
    that way your offence occurs whilst you and the other guy are on foot and doesnt neccessetate a takedown leaving you less mobile and open to third parties

    Comment: ................................


    • #17
      Originally posted by Blue Wave Gym View Post
      ok there's a point here and also a complete lack of understanding of what fighitn in a ring is all about and other fighters will know waht I'm talikng about so have at it guys.
      ummmmm.... I would disagree. Richard Dimitri is a brilliant RBSD teacher. He is just trying to make the point that a situation on the street such as this, is much different than a fight that takes place in the octagon, There is no surprises or unknown variables in the octagon, on the street it is totally different.

      however, I am not saying that fighting in a controlled environment is useless, it is practical in some directions and unpractical in others.


      • #18
        Jiu-fu fighter pretty much got it how I was hoping it would be portrayed. It was never intended to be a criticism of MMA and sport combat. Never. It was only to show the differences.


        • #19
          I am a grappler. If I will have a one on one steetfight then I will be more than happy to bring him to the ground, pin him, apply submissions or get a stone and hit em onthe face. Street fight is a street fight and I will make it sure that I will inflict him with the mst damage because there is no rules there. but when it comes to multiple attackers, I try to see if there is a steel rod or maybe an arnis stick (rocks,chair,broken glass with sharp edge or also a pen)which I can use to defend my self and if not then it is not bad to run away. But the moment I run away I make it a point I remember their faces because I 'll be back double or triple their numbers and will make it sure there will be trouble on their side. We filipinos have a term we use here - Make sure you kill me because if you make me live then I will be back.

          i will use ground fighting if applicable and I will use my street wise techniques if I also need to.

          This is me and this how I think.


          • #20
            Originally posted by daringdex View Post
            But the moment I run away I make it a point I remember their faces because I 'll be back double or triple their numbers and will make it sure there will be trouble on their side. .

            Er, yeah, "I'll come back with more friends!" is kind of a punk-ass attitude. If you think clan wars makes you tough I hear there is real estate going cheap in Afghanistan, otherwise let it go. 'Stupid' doesn't need extra help perpetuating itself.


            • #21
              Originally posted by jubaji View Post
              Er, yeah, "I'll come back with more friends!" is kind of a punk-ass attitude. If you think clan wars makes you tough I hear there is real estate going cheap in Afghanistan, otherwise let it go. 'Stupid' doesn't need extra help perpetuating itself.
              no offense dude but why will u go by yourself and attack 3 or 5 persons. Well the rule on the street is that there is no rule. it may be a punk ass attitude but I make it sure that I will be on the upperhand............ Streetwise dude....
              I only resort to this things if they really beat the hell out of me but If they havent hurt me or something then I could let it pass.

              but it is true if you can run away from a fight then run away. A real man knows hows to back out of a fight unless they need too...


              • #22
                for kidbjj...

                Try to train in Muay thai for better stand up and since you have your BJJ with you then use that when you end up on the ground. I have a friend who is a security guard and he was able to immobilize his assailants by punishing leg kicks and he knows a little ground game which he applies when he needs to. when you are on the street and you sense that you outnumbered and not sure if the guy is loaded or not then try to stay away as much as possible because even the blackbelts in aikido will just let it pass by unless they need to defend themselves.

                study Kali or Arnis because it is the best art for defending against multiple attackers...


                • #23
                  Originally posted by daringdex View Post
                  it may be a punk ass attitude ...
                  There's no "maybe" about it.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                    There's no "maybe" about it.
                    whatever. But i stand by my belief. Thank you...


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by daringdex View Post
                      ....We filipinos have a term we use here - Make sure you kill me because if you make me live then I will be back.

                      This is me and this how I think.
                      That is a poor attitude. No need for retaliation. I am half filipino myself and take offense to that comment. Not all filipinos are that way. Aren't you the guy who wants to teach Jiu Jitsu to others but only had some informal training from books or something? Just curious, what belt are you?


                      • #26
                        I practice submission grappling so it doesnt have a belt... I dont teach jiu-jitsu but submission grappling. :-)


                        • #27
                          and i didnt learn from books. I trained under a submission grappler and took informal lessons from JJJ and BJJ and Judo. My main art is kickboxing and Submission Grappling. I dont read books dude FYI.. maybe when i was in school but now seldomly. c ya!!!


                          • #28


                            Have a nice day.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by daringdex View Post
                              I dont read books dude FYI.. maybe when i was in school but now seldomly. c ya!!!
                              Impressive! Haw haw haw!

                              As an aside, lets get back to topic.

                              If I knew that every fight I had was one against one, with no weapons and a nice large flat floor space (preferably matted), then my training would revolve around BJJ.

                              But life just ain't like that.


                              • #30
                                So what does your training revolve around?

