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If you had only three finishes...

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  • #16
    Choke him out, break his neck or cut his throat...Done!


    • #17
      45. to the skull, knife across the throat, or a baseball bat.

      Unarmed, definitly a right cross, double leg slam, or headbutt.


      • #18
        I think they were talking about submission finishes...if not, place "toss headfirst into a volcanoe/ off the ledge of a cathedral and onto a spike" and "set atop a kiddie pool filled with carniverous earwigs on pcp and slow acting acid on a styrofoam float" somewhere in my top 3.


        • #19
          Originally posted by gregimotis View Post
          So, not a lot of votes for knee bar/ankle lock/heel hooks then? I find especially when things are slippery, people often find themselves in ankle lock/heel hook wars... Not everybody's experience?
          I wish i could put knee bars and ankle locks on my list, but i've never trained them. their usefulness is pretty blatantly apparent and i've been intending to find a way to learn them well. i found a place that practices judo and sambo together, so as soon as finances and schedule allow i'll be all over that.

          as my skills stand right now, the submissions i get the most success with are triangles, arm bars from the guard, and lapel chokes.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Garland View Post
            I think they were talking about submission finishes...if not, place "toss headfirst into a volcanoe/ off the ledge of a cathedral and onto a spike" and "set atop a kiddie pool filled with carniverous earwigs on pcp and slow acting acid on a styrofoam float" somewhere in my top 3.
            In that case, from guard-keylock, from side control-kimura, and from mount/knee on belly, armbar.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Garland View Post
              I think they were talking about submission finishes...if not, place "toss headfirst into a volcanoe/ off the ledge of a cathedral and onto a spike" and "set atop a kiddie pool filled with carniverous earwigs on pcp and slow acting acid on a styrofoam float" somewhere in my top 3.
              FINISH HIM!!!!! (hahaha Garland)

              lol I love you everyone assumes he's talking about street fights etc...

              MMA AND BJJ FORUMS...

              He was talking about grappling, jebus.....

              Armbar, RNC, all day.

              RNC is king because in No-Gi its one of the few submissions elite people can catch each other with, obviously they got caught with others but its generally a solid choice. Look at Marcelo climbing all those big fuckers and tapping them all with the RNC, prolly wouldnt have caught many of those people in armbars etc... as there too big (Ricco anyone?).

              I dont go to the boxing forum and say "whats your favorite finish" than expect a TriangleChoke to come up, so dont come to the grappling/mma forum, and say things like, headbutts, neck breaks, etc....


              • #22
                Kimura, Guillotine, Triangle

                Obviously personal choice is the largest factor in this decision so here are mine.

                Kimura, Guillotine, Triangle

                Guillotine-Fastest submission possible, good from standing or guard
                Kimura-Good from standing, mount, sidecontrol, guard
                Triangle-Good from standing, guard, mount, back.


                • #23
                  Say it in Japanese?

                  Originally posted by Rebiu View Post
                  Obviously personal choice is the largest factor in this decision so here are mine.

                  Kimura, Guillotine, Triangle

                  Guillotine-Fastest submission possible, good from standing or guard
                  Kimura-Good from standing, mount, sidecontrol, guard
                  Triangle-Good from standing, guard, mount, back.

                  Thats good Judo...

                  Kimura was a Judoka. His name is used in place of the udegarami by BJJ players.

                  Your guillotine is a reverse naked choke or mae hadakajime

                  And the triangle choke is nothing more than a figure four with your legs, we call it sankakujime or sankakugatame


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Tant01 View Post
                    Thats good Judo...

                    Kimura was a Judoka. His name is used in place of the udegarami by BJJ players.

                    Your guillotine is a reverse naked choke or mae hadakajime

                    And the triangle choke is nothing more than a figure four with your legs, we call it sankakujime or sankakugatame
                    Thanks, I speak Japanese better than I speak BJJ. LOL


                    • #25

                      Originally posted by Hardball View Post
                      Thanks, I speak Japanese better than I speak BJJ. LOL
                      That is interesting considering Japanese does not use English sounds. Those names are a very course approximation of the actual sounds and language used in Japan.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Tant01 View Post
                        Choke him out, break his neck or cut his throat...Done!

                        While those are my favorite finishes as well...they are all one target, thats what my first post was referring to...what if you cant access his neck or throat?

                        Finishes for 3 different targets improves the chances of finding a target. Diversify...


                        • #27
                          Good thread. I'm partial to the kimura because I know how to do it and because the day I had my bro teach me it, he informed me that he'd used it ON THE STREET that very same day during an arrest. Nice.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by treelizard View Post
                            Good thread. I'm partial to the kimura because I know how to do it and because the day I had my bro teach me it, he informed me that he'd used it ON THE STREET that very same day during an arrest. Nice.
                            Sounds good, Tree.

                            Here's the description of the side choke:

                            side choke
                            your opponent throws a straight punch at your face. You slip outside and close immediately with his arm over your shoulder. The hand closest to your opponent, hooks around his neck (crook of the bicep should be wrapped around the side of his neck) and you grab that hand with your free hand (hands clasped - not interlaced). By squeezing with your arms you pin his free arm to his head keep the pressure on the side of his neck and keep your head almost ear to ear.

                            That's the best description I can give.

                            You can also set it up with an arm and collar lock like you would in free-style wrestling or like what sometimes happens in a street fight lock up. Change levels like you are moving down in the lock up, but come up instead, come down again (your opponent thinks its a passive move) and you pop up his elbow with the palm of your hand, shoot in under his elbow coming up just behind his armpit. Your inside arm is in position to wrap around the neck and your free hand can squeeze and secure the choke.

                            * - Do not practice this move without the assistance of a qualified instructor.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Rebiu View Post
                              That is interesting considering Japanese does not use English sounds. Those names are a very coarse approximation of the actual sounds and language used in Japan.
                              nice point. what's in a name anyhow?


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Tom Yum View Post
                                Sounds good, Tree.

                                Here's the description of the side choke:

                                side choke
                                your opponent throws a straight punch at your face. You slip outside and close immediately with his arm over your shoulder. The hand closest to your opponent, hooks around his neck (crook of the bicep should be wrapped around the side of his neck) and you grab that hand with your free hand (hands clasped - not interlaced). By squeezing with your arms you pin his free arm to his head keep the pressure on the side of his neck and keep your head almost ear to ear.

                                That's the best description I can give.

                                You can also set it up with an arm and collar lock like you would in free-style wrestling or like what sometimes happens in a street fight lock up. Change levels like you are moving down in the lock up, but come up instead, come down again (your opponent thinks its a passive move) and you pop up his elbow with the palm of your hand, shoot in under his elbow coming up just behind his armpit. Your inside arm is in position to wrap around the neck and your free hand can squeeze and secure the choke.

                                * - Do not practice this move without the assistance of a qualified instructor.
                                I believe that's called an arm triangle.

