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Gary cogill interviews a sleepy UFC champ and thats Chuck ''The Iceman'' Lidell

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  • Gary cogill interviews a sleepy UFC champ and thats Chuck ''The Iceman'' Lidell

    from frankfan of the frank shamrock site...

    UFC Light-Heavyweight Champion Chuck Liddell made a cringe inducing appearance on US Talk Show “Good Morning Texas” to help promote Frank Miller’s latest epic “300” a film set in the brutal Spartan period.

    In the short interview Liddell came across like a veteran punch drink boxer, not focusing on the interview, glassey eyed he mumbled incoherent responses to some of the questions put to him, not even reacting to the host’s remarks about fighting in the nude.

    Liddell even appeared to nod off between questions prompting the host, Gary Cogill, to reach over and ask if he was OK. Appearing that Liddell was deteriorating Coghill cut the interview short and signed off by saying, “Hang in there Chuck.”

    here's the interview:

  • #2
    Everyone gets hungover... just most of don't have to appear on National TV when we are. ^_^


    • #3
      I think the word is "Hungover" not tired ofr sleepy


      • #4
        nubain. pk's are around more than you think. Watch the smashing machine.


        • #5
          Nodding off midsentence like that, he looks like he's on narcotics. Wikipedia says that Dana White said after UFC 68 that Liddell had pneumonia and that he was extremely angry that his team let him do the interview. A narcotic cough syrup can make you nod off like that if you take a bit too much.

