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best takedown

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  • best takedown


    What has been the finest, slickest, most satisfying takedown you have ever hit?

  • #2
    Hmm, one time someone tried to single leg, and when he just came in grabbed my leg, before he could sink it in I turned and flipped him for a uchi mata


    • #3



      • #4
        i would have to say a reverse head and arm trip on a state champion, although this move helped me almost win it just made him even more pissed off. he then proceeded to beat the shit out of me.


        • #5
          tomoe-nage, nice big arc that knocked the wind out of the guy. and the generous helping of icing on the cake? rolled it right up into tate-shiho-gatame, that's "mount" for you guys

          too bad it was just in randori

          how 'bout you jubaji?


          • #6
            For me it was a harai-goshi. I was still experimenting with the move at that time and trying to find different ways to set it up. I was going against a much more experienced MMA fighter than me but I managed to land it by punching myself to clinch, faking a head and arm, then going for the harai goshi. Everybody in the room saw it and some people I proceeded to get my ass tossed left and right.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Bjjexpertise@be View Post
              For me it was a harai-goshi. I was still experimenting with the move at that time and trying to find different ways to set it up. I was going against a much more experienced MMA fighter than me but I managed to land it by punching myself to clinch, faking a head and arm, then going for the harai goshi. Everybody in the room saw it and some people I proceeded to get my ass tossed left and right.
              lol, yea it's funny how a great takedown can really get the other guy goin', when you're on mats anyway. a lot of the time i hit tomoe-nages or sumi-gaeshis as a last ditch effort against brown or black belts who are only really half-assin' it. they chuckle and say "nice!" then i'm their bitch for the rest of class


              • #8
                Haha I hear ya. A little surprise move is good for everyone, makes sure the better guy isn't slacking, keeps your ego in check (when they're kicking your ass for pulling that move off), and keeps a friendly atmosphere .


                • #9
                  Originally posted by The_Judo_Jibboo View Post

                  how 'bout you jubaji?

                  Too many thousands to really choose, but a few stand out in my memory. This one is kinda juvenile as it was way back in high school: I think I was a freshman or sophmore, and we had a dual-meet with a team we normally wouldn't run into until the states. This dude at my weight was joe all-state hardguy and for a week everyone was doing the "oh, um, you've got a good chance if you do your best" bullshit with the wide eyes and nodding head that just scream, "you're fucked!" Which was about right, 'cause I got my ass kicked for most of the match. This kid was taking me down pretty much at will and letting me up to run up the score. So its late in the third period and I'm down 11-6 and this kid's coach is screaming at him to try and ride out the period. I get a standup (I was always pretty hard to ride), and we're on our feet. Well **** it, I basically punched into an over-under, pushed just a bit and jumped into a lateral drop. Huge air as this kid goes completely ass over tea kettle. In the very last few seconds I get three back points and a big, dramatic, teen movie ending as I win by one point. The crowd goes wild and all that shit. For years the coach used the tape of that match for "don't give up no matter how badly you're getting your ass kicked" instruction.

                  I've always remembered that one.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                    Too many thousands to really choose, but a few stand out in my memory.
                    yea, most memorable takedown is kinda tough when you're talking about an art that's mostly takedowns i had a hard time picking and i've only been at it for a couple years!

                    how 'bout this, add to jubaji's question: what's your "go to" takedown? the question's been asked before but mine recently changed so i wonder how you guys are developing too.

                    my new favorite is sumi gaeshi. very similar to tomoe nage but higher success rate due to its being harder to see coming, harder to slip out of/reverse when you do see it coming, and slightly quicker. also, with tomoe nage it's preferable to have a symmetrical grip (both hands on the other guy's sleeves or both on his lapels) which is a dead give away if he knows the throw, sumi gaeshi pretty much has to be thrown with a standard grip.

                    guess it says something about my style that i always like the sacrifice techniques, i suppose i take "the yielding way" to heart.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by The_Judo_Jibboo View Post

                      how 'bout this, add to jubaji's question: what's your "go to" takedown? the question's been asked before but mine recently changed so i wonder how you guys are developing too.

                      That's a good question, and I'll go you one better and say a Russian is my "go to" set up for my most likely set of possible takedowns.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                        That's a good question, and I'll go you one better and say a Russian is my "go to" set up for my most likely set of possible takedowns.
                        i'm totally in the dark on this and cannot come up with any combination of keywords that get any search results but sambo what's a Russian set up?
                        in judo pretty much the best set up you can ask for is to get one arm over the guy's back and grip the gi between the shoulderblades or there-abouts, just about as nice is under the arm, grabbing the dead center of the back of his belt.


                        • #13
                          Ive had a bad experience which resulted in being taken down and got caught in an arm bar in which my arm snapped :P, I cried in the fetal position before getting it popped back in heh


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by The_Judo_Jibboo View Post
                            i'm totally in the dark on this and cannot come up with any combination of keywords that get any search results but sambo what's a Russian set up?

                            Think standing up facing your opponent with two-handed control of one of his arms at the elbow and wrist.


                            • #15
                              Then the russian is becoming one of my favorites too. Since I'm always attempting to armdrag these days , not too good at it yet still can't do it in the right time.

