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Does anyone else feel like an outcast at work for being a MMA'er?

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  • Does anyone else feel like an outcast at work for being a MMA'er?

    So this week all my co-workers were making their brackets for March madness, asking each other who their picks were, how much they were wagering in the office pool, constantly checking to see the scores and so on.

    I just wanted to blurt out loud "WHO THE **** CARES ABOUT BASKETBALL!?"

    Of course, I restrained myself, but I asked if they ever bet on UFC fights. They didn't know what the UFC was. Great.

    It's more than that though, many times coworkers want to go out to drink after work, when quite honestly I would rather be rolling, lifting, or running.

    Does anyone else have these sorts of feelings? Of course I have friends that enjoy MMA and at my dojo, but I'm not with those people for 40 hours a week.

    I just had to get this off my chest

  • #2
    What is this "MMA" you speak of? lmao

    Same shit happens to me at school. Nobody knows what mma is. Sure, people have heard of "the UFC!" but no one's really a fan and it definitely seems sort of taboo to discuss, since it has to do with fighting and martial arts. I fucking hate basketball, football, baseball, etc and im not afraid to announce it. But when someone asks you, "well, do like any sports?", just proudly reply, "Mixed martial arts... Tune into to FSN sometime and you might see something called PRIDE Fighting championships".
    Last edited by 7r14ngL3Ch0k3; 03-17-2007, 09:07 PM.


    • #3
      Originally posted by 7r14ngL3Ch0k3 View Post
      Tune into to FSN sometime and you might see something called PRIDE Fighting championships".
      With modified rules and scenes cut out ... YEAH!

      Tune into Spike and catch that UFC stuff....


      • #4
        Originally posted by SamuraiGuy View Post
        With modified rules and scenes cut out ... YEAH!

        Tune into Spike and catch that UFC stuff....
        That sounds good too. Then end the conversation with a guillotine choke.


        • #5
          Originally posted by JaredExtreme View Post
          So this week all my co-workers were making their brackets for March madness, asking each other who their picks were, how much they were wagering in the office pool, constantly checking to see the scores and so on.

          I just wanted to blurt out loud "WHO THE **** CARES ABOUT BASKETBALL!?"

          Of course, I restrained myself, but I asked if they ever bet on UFC fights. They didn't know what the UFC was. Great.

          It's more than that though, many times coworkers want to go out to drink after work, when quite honestly I would rather be rolling, lifting, or running.

          Does anyone else have these sorts of feelings? Of course I have friends that enjoy MMA and at my dojo, but I'm not with those people for 40 hours a week.

          I just had to get this off my chest

          You're pissed off because everyone doesn't share your interests? Too f-ing bad.

          Welcome to earth; basketball is more popular than MMA and more people enjoy drinking than cage fighting. Get used to it.


          • #6
            Originally posted by jubaji View Post
            You're pissed off because everyone doesn't share your interests? Too f-ing bad.

            Welcome to earth; basketball is more popular than MMA and more people enjoy drinking than cage fighting. Get used to it.



            • #7
              Originally posted by jubaji View Post
              You're pissed off because everyone doesn't share your interests? Too f-ing bad.

              Welcome to earth; basketball is more popular than MMA and more people enjoy drinking than cage fighting. Get used to it.
              No I'm pissed because there's lots of morons like yourself out there.


              • #8
                Originally posted by JaredExtreme View Post
                No I'm pissed because there's lots of morons like yourself out there.
                No disrespect to you but i know 100% for sure that im way more of an MMA fan then you....i watch MMA events that only few know about from this and other countries....and i see nothing wrong with what Jubaji said...its the TRUTH and i could care less...i HATE WITH A PASSION your cassual TUF NOOB and im glad they dont watch it because the utterly rediclous shit that comes out there mouth makes me want to stick my foot in it.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by JkD187 View Post
                  i HATE WITH A PASSION your cassual TUF NOOB and im glad they dont watch it because the utterly rediclous shit that comes out there mouth makes me want to stick my foot in it.
                  Sig material right there.


                  • #10
                    who cares, the less people that dont know about mma are less likely to beat your ass. i like those odds and i dont mind if they stay that way.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by 7r14ngL3Ch0k3 View Post
                      What is this "MMA" you speak of? lmao

                      I fucking hate basketball, football, baseball, etc and im not afraid to announce it.

                      I have to agree with you, generally I find most mainstream sports are painfully boring, and don't even get me started on NASCAR!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by JkD187 View Post
                        No disrespect to you but i know 100% for sure that im way more of an MMA fan then you....i watch MMA events that only few know about from this and other countries....and i see nothing wrong with what Jubaji said...its the TRUTH and i could care less...i HATE WITH A PASSION your cassual TUF NOOB and im glad they dont watch it because the utterly rediclous shit that comes out there mouth makes me want to stick my foot in it.
                        Solid post mate. Solid.


                        • #13
                          I don't hate mainstream sports, but they don't get me nearly as pumped as MMA does.

                          Thank god for April, looks like 1 Pride PPV, 2 UFC PPVs, with one being shown free and a UFN. That's a solid schedule. Only time it bugs me is when I'm trying to watch and the idiots come by and spout nonsense.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                            You're pissed off because everyone doesn't share your interests? Too f-ing bad. Welcome to earth; basketball is more popular than MMA and more people enjoy drinking than cage fighting. Get used to it.
                            To add to that, I'd guess there are many, many more fans of MMA who are also active in the sport vs. those whom are basketball fans - still basketball is just as fun to watch, although I prefer to watch football (especially college).

                            BIG 12 BABY!!!

                            Besides, its fun to watch Yao Ming of da Rockets lift up his arm and touch the top of the

