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gong-fu/wrestling vs. bully

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  • #16
    Why are you calling him Bruce Lee?



    • #17
      Stereotyping and ethnic slurs in its finest forms over the past pages.

      But, Tom, I believe the story behind this (at least what I read from other forums) is that the white kid as been making racial comments towards the asian kid and bullying him since he was the new kid in school.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Bjjexpertise@be View Post
        But, Tom, I believe the story behind this (at least what I read from other forums) is that the white kid has been making racial comments towards the asian kid and bullying him since he was the new kid in school.
        He didn't go through the proper channels to notify the teachers and/or principal first? As responsible educators and adults, they should respond to this. In light of events like Columbine, they would probably respond quickly.

        If he'd done that, assuming ideal situations, both the educators and the bullies parents would tighten the noose around him. No one gets hurt. Both kids eventually learn to live with each other.

        But realistically speaking, the bullies parents either didn't know or care about his behavior, which is why he's getting by as a bully. And even doing the right thing, the bully would continue harassing, pushing or threatening or might have escalated a fight.

        Either way, looked like that Asian kid was prepaired.
        Last edited by Tom Yum; 04-10-2007, 08:20 AM.


        • #19
          A kid getting picked on in school is not a lawyer. A smack in the mouth saves a lot of time and paperwork.


          • #20
            I know, jubaji but we live in a litigious society. And sadly the bullies parents could sue for medical damages, even though he harassed the kid in the first place.
            Last edited by Tom Yum; 04-10-2007, 08:29 AM.


            • #21
              True that is. However, no kid these days will run to the teacher for help if they encounter a bully situation because they feel they won't be socially accepted.
              I felt he did the right thing by smacking the bully up. What happened to the days where you could smack somebody up for being a douchebag or harassing a woman without being sued out of your arse?


              • #22
                Funny thing, about hour ago, there was on tv an show we have here whats going on in slovenia, some tv show that talks about society in here and ppl that need help and so on from corupcy to criminal to ppl that are whitout money.... well the point is, i watched 15 min about kids in slovenia get picked by bullyes, stuff like, spit on the floor and eat it and so on,... and they found this out over the net, becouse of the tape that got on youtube or something, ....

                Well the whole point, the kids get beaten up, they get verbal abuse and so on. And they clerly said even the teachers are turning back from the truth, becouse they are afraid and so on. If u have to stand up to a bully do it on what ever way you know or can use.

                Some shit about here like getting threw court and police wont help you, even the tv host said that, (i think me and mike had this sort of conov before about court in slo ) It makes me angry, yes, it makes me angry why noone picked on me in high school, cuz they knewd i aint for that kind of jokes.

                Be a man and stand for your self, beat up a guy and thats it.

                Cya around peepz.


                • #23
                  if that guy really was a bully, then that asian kid may have saved his life. mabye the beating the bully recieved humbled him and made him realize that if you go looking for trouble you will find it. the asian kid may have saved this bully from messing with the wrong people and getting himself killed. who knows.

                  a similar thing happened to the son of my moms bf. he was walking home one day and the school bully and his friends cornered him in a culdesac. they woulnt let him leave, they wanted him to fight the bully. the bully didnt know that this kid was an excellent highschool wrestler with many matches under his belt. the bully didnt even have a chance. he got his ass kicked even after throwing a sucker a punch. the son of my moms bf didnt really have a choice, the people werent going to let him go, they wanted to push him around and make him fight the bully.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Tom Yum View Post
                    He didn't go through the proper channels to notify the teachers and/or principal first? ....

                    Either way, looked like that Asian kid was prepaired.
                    With all due respect Tom it is often worse to be the "snitch"...

                    I agree with the post above, I think the little guy did the bully a favor this way. (and got it on video too) Nice...Unless someone wants to press charges.

                    Was he prepared to be arrested after the fact for simple assault?


                    • #25
                      I agree a little with tom, and a little with the rest of you guys. First off, I'm a little late but I didnt see any real technique with the punches, just the windmill technique... But anyways, I think the asian kid could have easily ended it without telling a teacher and being made fun of even more or beating that kid to a bloody pulp.His wrestling seemed good, he probably could have taken him down and went for a sub, or mounted him, or just get up and take him down again.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Tant01 View Post
                        With all due respect Tom it is often worse to be the "snitch"...?
                        You are correct, Tant and I hear you.

                        But if that bully is determined to protect his image or a sore loser, he's going to come back someway or somehow. It helps to have the law on your side, especially if you're right to begin with; that youngster ins't of age to carry any kind of concealed weapon.

                        Originally posted by Tant01 View Post
                        Nice...Unless someone wants to press charges.Was he prepared to be arrested after the fact for simple assault?
                        Exactly my point.
                        Last edited by Tom Yum; 04-11-2007, 10:46 AM.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Tant01 View Post
                          With all due respect Tom it is often worse to be the "snitch"...
                          yeah man, i aint no snitch.

                          dont ask me shit, i dont tell man. you can send me to jail.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by dogzilla View Post
                            It makes me angry, yes, it makes me angry why noone picked on me in high school, cuz they knewd i aint for that kind of jokes. .
                            I got jumped once in highschool protecting a friend. None of those guys would meet me one on one, which was kind of silly, because I wasn't intimidating at all (I was barely 150 and some of the guys in question were a little over 200-lbs). Plus I was only a few years into MA training, so its not like I was anything special.
                            Last edited by Tom Yum; 04-10-2007, 11:06 PM.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by DickHardman View Post
                              if that guy really was a bully, then that asian kid may have saved his life. mabye the beating the bully recieved humbled him and made him realize that if you go looking for trouble you will find it. the asian kid may have saved this bully from messing with the wrong people and getting himself killed. who knows. .
                              Maybe. You would hope so.

                              At the same time, the bully might be even more pissed. He could start stalking the kid, where he lives or works and planning to beat him down with friends. That's alot to face when you're a young teenager; I'm not saying a youngster isn't capable of handling that kind of pressure, but that's been the flavor since the 90's.

                              Originally posted by DickHardman View Post
                              a similar thing happened to the son of my moms bf. he was walking home one day and the school bully and his friends cornered him in a culdesac. they woulnt let him leave, they wanted him to fight the bully. the bully didnt know that this kid was an excellent highschool wrestler with many matches under his belt. the bully didnt even have a chance. he got his ass kicked even after throwing a sucker a punch. the son of my moms bf didnt really have a choice, the people werent going to let him go, they wanted to push him around and make him fight the bully.
                              I guess he had no choice then.
                              Last edited by Tom Yum; 04-11-2007, 12:10 AM.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                                A kid getting picked on in school is not a lawyer. A smack in the mouth saves a lot of time and paperwork.
                                Yeah, and it also gets you a suspension. Imagine doing that in the work place someday. You get fired. Tell the teacher and be done with it.

                                I am not going to judge this kid because maybe he told the teacher and they didn't do anything. But you should always take the non-violent way out. If that doesn't work, then do something.

