Hmm Really good points, I think Telling the teacher would be the right thing and in a perfect world It would make them stop annoying him but sadly we dont live in a perfect world, If he had done that they wouldve just verbally annoyed him for quite a while, and as I think Tom Yum said before, come after him outside of school hours which Id say is more dangerous than inside school hours, at least now the bully hasnt got much to hassle him about, and everyone else will think twice before bullying the kid again. I say good on the kid.
Mephariel: Yeah, and it also gets you a suspension. Imagine doing that in the work place someday. You get fired. Tell the teacher and be done with it.
Id rather stand up for myself and get suspended than tell a teacher and get annoyed for a long time after by him and his friends.
Im not saying that going to the teacher is a bad and wrong choice, Im pretty sure if he knew telling the teacher would make them stop he wouldve done it, but In my opinion telling the teacher only slows down the problem and in the end makes it worse.
And I hope by the time they are in the workplace their a bit more mature about things lol, but I cant comment on the workplace one cause Ive never been in such a situation. (Im still In school).
Mephariel: Yeah, and it also gets you a suspension. Imagine doing that in the work place someday. You get fired. Tell the teacher and be done with it.
Id rather stand up for myself and get suspended than tell a teacher and get annoyed for a long time after by him and his friends.
Im not saying that going to the teacher is a bad and wrong choice, Im pretty sure if he knew telling the teacher would make them stop he wouldve done it, but In my opinion telling the teacher only slows down the problem and in the end makes it worse.
And I hope by the time they are in the workplace their a bit more mature about things lol, but I cant comment on the workplace one cause Ive never been in such a situation. (Im still In school).