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Mayweather on the UFC

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  • Mayweather on the UFC

    Winning against a UFC opponent might seem easy to Floyd Mayweather, but opinions differ greatly.

    I don't know what Maywheather's thinking, but pretty good read though....


  • #2

    hello 1993 called it want's it's unreality back
    fact: a grappler can shoot from outside kicking range and punching range why do you think most tkd fighters and kickboxers started doing mma duh!!!!!!
    Second there have never been any top level boxers to be successful in mma the last top guy was meltin bowne who got arm bared super fast by Steve Jenum. Yes their have been ufc guys ko'ed in boxing and there have been kick boxers/mauy thai guys who got ko'ed in boxing as well but some mma kb/mt guys actually did well in boxing fights. Name one known boxer who has done well in mma the last person I can think of is fmr. Canadian Super heavy weight boxing champion Gary Good Rich that was long ago and he had alot of ma training too. Boxers (who I respect) may be able to transition to kb/mt with only a few problems but inn mma they will get raped once it hits the floor and Floyd's attitude is not uncommon in boxing circles. That being said boxers still have alot better punching power and punching ability but have no chance in mma unless they can stop take downs. I'd still like to see Chuck in boxing though he has a kb background and would do fine in my opinion. At least the mma people are will to fight boxing, kb/mt ect. So come on boxers represent your fighting style


    • #3
      Yeah...Sherk would freaking murder him. And I don't even like Sherk.

      Mayweather would have to learn how to punch a fast moving target moving below his waist...and KO that target with ONE punch.

      Soon as Sherk grabs him, he's done. And Sherk doesn't have to worry about getting caught in a sprawl or submissions from Mayweather.


      • #4
        The only boxer I know that was able to make the jump to MMA and do decent was Butterbean, and even he had big problems with Minowa, and Sudo.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Mako Victim View Post
          The only boxer I know that was able to make the jump to MMA and do decent was Butterbean, and even he had big problems with Minowa, and Sudo.
          You forgot Mighty Mo.


          • #6
            Boxing and MMA are two COMPLETLY different sports. MMA guys couldnt stand up to a boxer in a boxing match, boxers couldnt stand up to MMA guys in an MMA match. This is seriously like comparing baseball and football, its just not the same


            • #7
              Mighty Mo did extremely well.


              • #8
                Bean is doing really well too. His ground game has been improving also. It is not worth it for Mayweather. He is making too much money boxing and he doesn't have time to crosstrain for MMA. He will not win if he goes in as a pure boxer.

                Mayweather is one of the best boxers alive. He is only 150 Pounds. Do you think he can box out cro-crop?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by bigboywasim View Post
                  Bean is doing really well too. His ground game has been improving also. It is not worth it for Mayweather. He is making too much money boxing and he doesn't have time to crosstrain for MMA. He will not win if he goes in as a pure boxer.

                  Mayweather is one of the best boxers alive. He is only 150 Pounds. Do you think he can box out cro-crop?
                  In a pure boxing match...maybe.

                  In a K-1 match, he'd get killed.

                  In a MMA match, I think even Crocop would take him down and submit him.

                  If he's gonna yap about it though, he should put his money where his mouth is. Otherwise...he's just yapping.


                  • #10
                    nah man, he wouldnt even see the left hk coming... crocop would dislodge his brain. as for chuck in boxing i dont see him doing well.... i think chucks success with his punching style (which i hate but ahve to respect) is partly due to the 4oz gloves... to be honest.


                    • #11
                      Sherk or Stevenson(and so many other UFC and PRIDE lightweights) would DESTROY/embaress Mayweather. He's so ignorant about MMA its not even funny. He thinks that UFC is the actually sport!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by slayer31 View Post
                        i think chucks success with his punching style (which i hate but ahve to respect) is partly due to the 4oz gloves... to be honest.
                        No its because Chuck fights guys who are not on the same level as kickboxing as him and also his wrestling defense is better than their offense.


                        • #13
                          I have 6 mma fights & 65 boxing matches, at least admit mma guys don't hit anywhere close to as hard as boxers do! no where close! that is a fact and a undisputible one, butterbean was a circus show not a real boxer!

                          the best response is they are 2 different sports, completely, no one in the ufc could box with a guy ranked in the top 25 and last 2 rds, and the reverse is probably true as well!


                          • #14
                            Mayweather should have no excuses, he can use all his weapons in an mma match, and box until the cows come home if he wants ... and lets see how far it gets him..

                            But if Sherk fought in a boxing ring 90% of what he's good at is gone..


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by 7r14ngL3Ch0k3 View Post
                              No its because Chuck fights guys who are not on the same level as kickboxing as him and also his wrestling defense is better than their offense.
                              i agree that chucks sprawl is excellent. and you are right, he doesnt fight guys with the same level of kickboxing, they arent terribly great. chucks kickboxing honestly is that great either if you watch some of his older tapes, his kicks even now. His boxing is a different story, interesting style.... but if you really watch the chuck/rampage 1 fight watch how badly he was destroyed. when i say its becaus ehe is fighting with the 4oz, his awkward angles have more potential to be neutralized by the bigger gloves. chucks punches easily slip the smaller guard, you put chuck in a k1 setting and i dont think he would make it past the first guy he faces. and please dont bring up overeem, god i hate overeem hahaha

