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Do you think I am ready to return to fighting?

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  • Do you think I am ready to return to fighting?

    I badly sprained my thumb 4 months ago. Right after I injured it I really didn't go to my doctor's for advice and tried to ignore it. I most likely have reinjured it few times during those couple of weeks. Then I finally decided to go to a hand surgeon (he treats non surgerical injuries as well) and he told me to splint it for a month. After I splinted it I was to remove it and start stretching exercises and now I have been doing strength training exercises for the last 4 weeks. I have noticed good improvements in strength, and range of motion. But there is still small instances of pain when it's in certain twisting motions. (for maybe one second then the pain goes away) It occurs sometimes when I'm doing the exercises and sometimes when I'm not doing exercises.. Sometimes I'm painless for almost three days straight. It's almost back to full strength. I can make a fist, use sisscors, and some other small, normal things. Am I ready to return to sports/exercise?

    I'm desperate for opinions so please answer. Thanks.

  • #2
    I don't really know where the right forum was to post it..


    • #3
      seriously bro,

      I would honesty say no,

      it is in its peak of healing, if you do anything to reinjure it, and I am sure it could easily happen, throw a bad punch, twist it, hit it....etc...
      than you have to start all over again, and it will take longer

      give it more time, keep stretching , conditioning it,

      take it easy bro,,

      and I wishyou the best


      • #4
        Nah, I would just take it easy till your thumb heals.. If it's just spranged it'll heal quickly, no point in trying to make it worse and taking a chance of seriously hurting it.


        • #5
          Thanks for your opinions guys... yeah so I'm going to lay off of the fighting and gym (school) at least for 3 more weeks probaly.


          • #6
            good choice,

            and best of healing bro,



            • #7
              be lucky it's just a thumb. Keep training though.


              • #8

                good choice. glad you guys suggested "no". seriously have seen a couple sites where advice given says things like "go for it. if it hurts that just means you need to train it harder so it gets used to it."



