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How to fight a Kicking Specialist

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  • #16
    Originally posted by DickHardman View Post
    we saw the muay thai guy do it to the tkd guy in this clip.
    The TKD guy in your vid was McDojang, at best- he fought at green belt level.


    • #17
      Originally posted by DickHardman View Post
      i was just showing hardball that it can be done. it wasnt really a comparison of style, rather just showing him its possible to catch fast hard kicks if you are good enough. there are also ways to cut short the power of such strikes, as you probably already know tom.
      You have given intelligent answers in this thread. Unfortunately the tkd guy in your vid was not throwing a 90mph roundhouse. More like a 50 mph mcdojang thrust kick. LOL
      Now to back track and check out Tom Yums vid.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Tom Yum View Post
        Dick, no matter how many times that fight gets posted, I enjoy watching it. Believe it or not, that TKD guys side kick is hard and you can tell by the smack landing square in the thaiboxers solar plexus. Unfortunately, the thaiboxer probably does 500 situps a day...

        I still say its the fighter and not entirely the art. This TKD does much worse.

        And this one does much better
        1st vid I'd say about 60 mph, second vid yeah he had to be up around 90mph with his kicks.


        • #19
          the guy in the last clip is on a completely different level than any of the other guys.


          • #20
            Originally posted by DickHardman View Post
            the guy in the last clip is on a completely different level than any of the other guys.
            I'd say typical TKD Black Belt.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Hardball View Post
              I'd say typical TKD Black Belt.
              Probably 2nd or 3rd dan BB.

              He probably only threw a dozen punches during the entire fight, but probably threw 4 times as many kicks. That takes alot of conditioning; but kicks are more powerful than punches - you just have to be able to land them...that's the trick, huh.


              • #22
                The legs are longer and stronger than the arms. Nice vid. Is there really a difference between the skill of a 1st tkd dan and a 2nd tkd dan?


                • #23
                  My 2 cents.....theres a couple of ways to handle a "expert kicker". 1)Chose what target youre giving them. 2) slide away from the roundhouse thats coming in and catch the leg as its already passed through were the target(you )was.Even if you can only slide 6 inches away from the kick it will make a big diffrence when you try to catch or just block it. 3) Slide inside and take the legs out of the equation and sweep them. 4) as soon you see his foot leave the floor you slide in fists blazing.5) Dont reach to block a low kick, use your legs to check his.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Hardball View Post
                    The legs are longer and stronger than the arms. Nice vid. Is there really a difference between the skill of a 1st tkd dan and a 2nd tkd dan?
                    this is just an estimate, but in my school, 1 out of every 450-500 people that try a class make it to black belt. from there i would say that 1 out of every 100 or so make it to 2nd degree. i've been around my school since 97 i think (i watched my dad train for 4 years before i started), and i've only seen 5 go for 3rd degree and 2 obtain 4th.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Hardball View Post
                      You have given intelligent answers in this thread. Unfortunately the tkd guy in your vid was not throwing a 90mph roundhouse. More like a 50 mph mcdojang thrust kick. LOL
                      Now to back track and check out Tom Yums vid.
                      True, but if it's in ring examples of top level competition that you want...Gonzaga DID catch a Crocop's left body kick to get the takedown.


                      • #26

                        This topic along with the vids is good for a laugh.I've been a kickboxer a oylipmic tkd fighter and trained mma and I'd never fight using only kicks in anything that allowed punches ot the head or tkd foot work in kb or mma. In the first video when the tkd guy started using punches he started doing better enough said. He simply was not trained in how to defend against leg grabs in a full contact fight the thai was because mt allows it so you must be able to defend against it. Also because of his in and out foot work he was not able to bring enough power into the kicks. The thai's rear leg round kick was really nice and his legs kicks were good and the tkd guy didn't know how to defend them. So basically the tkd brought a knife to a gun fight no puncheing, wrong foot work no leg kick or grab defense wow I can't belive the thai won. I really like the thai fighter though he's a great kicker.


                        • #27
                          I'm of the ground and pound school of thought, so I'd say takedown by double leg or suplex.

                          If you must stay on your feet, then I advocate boxing offense and muay thai defense against a kicker.

                          But keep in mind, I'm just not a fan of kicking and certainly would not want to trade them. Others would just try to out kick the opponent.

                          In other words, just use what you're good at and what's natural.

                          SideBar: Man, that TKD guy in the gi looked silly against the MT guy. The TKD kept trying thos weak spinning kicks and axe kicks. If I was fighting that guy I'd jamb one of those stupid kicks and suplex him.....real hard. That MT guy looked like a concrete piller though. He hardly flinched or moved in receipt of the TKDer's kicks. You gotta hand it to the MT guys--they're as hard as they come. I don't think it's the art. TKD is a great striking foundation. I just think that if you fight in TKD tournys with those rules you could get used to them and get sloppy in a real fight with that walking stance and hands low etc... I've known TKD guys who train for NHB and they know how to exploit TKD rather well.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Shoot View Post
                            That MT guy looked like a concrete piller though.
                            that is a popular theory on how muay thai should be used. let your opponent hurt himself on your hardened, conditioned body


                            • #29
                              the author of the thread didn't differentiate what type of fight it was..

                              if it's an MMA fight, close the gap, tackle his ass...and then start pounding away of looking to choke or break something.

                              If it's a thai style fight...close the gap and knee the fucker into oblivion.

                              If it's a kickboxing match, stay out until you see an opening, like he throws a round kick all the way around past 0 pressure...close the gap with punches and just blitz.

                              If it's a mean spirit fight but you don't want to kill him- stomp the support leg at the knee, stomp the kicks as their coming in, sepa kick and sweep the ankles and shin.

                              If it's a combative life or death situation, or you happen to have a shovel in the back of your car and nobody else is around...pull your knive quietly and hamstring the bitch.

