Hermes Franca beats Sherk by uni. dec.
Penn either ko's Pulver or chokes him out.
Penn vs. Franca: close fight for 2 rounds; Penn by gogoplata
technical submission in round three. (Hermes goes to sleep.)
Pulver moves down to 145 and gets beat by that surfer looking kid at 145 who
was featured in the MSNBC doc about mma.
UFC establishes the 145 class - featherwt.
Penn either ko's Pulver or chokes him out.
Penn vs. Franca: close fight for 2 rounds; Penn by gogoplata
technical submission in round three. (Hermes goes to sleep.)
Pulver moves down to 145 and gets beat by that surfer looking kid at 145 who
was featured in the MSNBC doc about mma.
UFC establishes the 145 class - featherwt.