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Mixed Martial Artists Should Carry a Weapon Or Have Practiced With One.

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  • Mixed Martial Artists Should Carry a Weapon Or Have Practiced With One.

    I've often heard that mixed martial arts is the most popular sport, yet it is among the last of the arts and sciences, we've begun to hear about, yet it is the most of necessity in practice. In reality it is the necessity of practice for anyone claiming to study these arts and sciences we've been calling martial arts from, uhhh where do martial arts come from?? Oh, well in the street we recognize 3 elements of reality in any real street situation and that stuff happens via normal conversation, so you never know when someone's trigger gets pulled. It just escalates into violence, and what can you do and what should you do are major questions that are usually answered afterwards after someone jumps to the fast lane.

    Practices shows us a 3 foot rule (yes the one that links 3 of your foot lenghts, about 30 inches) I call it my space. When someone is in your space, or in your face, and strikes. You get hit. I remember Jafri always saying. "Move same time, many be not get hit." Otherwise it's too late I would add. So we follow simple rules, in the street:
    1) No rules in street.
    2) Cheat, bad guy always has a weapon.
    3) Remember these are the only rules in the street, no rules.

    Then, how would / could / did / didn't / end results, do? All to often death, or injury appeared your life will never forget that. Practice often makes one interested to really find out for themselves, well practice is the best answer, chance is a fleeting moment, if it happens, it happens. But I still go along with the late Suryadi Jafri's reply, practice gives you a better chance, belief places you aware, belief lies in the same place as does practicing with at minimum the basic weapon, knife of many different sizes.

    In the famous line, "You call that a knife? Now this is a knife." from Crocodile Dunde. Would you even have the confidence necessary, without practice? Or with the practice? Or better yet, why not visit us, we're at HAMA, we are there year round and twice a year September and March we do a five day program on weaponry, from the Philippines, and Indonesia and well see for your self at for more on the activities available. Kali Silat is taught by master Dennis Ocampo, P. Greg Alland, Guru Gerry Reyes, Guru Gary Mah and students. Oh, Hybrid Academy is run by Thai Master and MMA Master Buck Grant, MMA Master, and all.
    Last edited by MasterKaliSilat; 06-26-2007, 07:52 AM. Reason: none

  • #2
    Mixed martial artists practise their art as a sport. The techniques practised are to win at that sport under the various rules allowed (subject to organisation). MMA is not a self defence art and if you want to be good at MMA you should concentrate on the hundreds of techniques and skills required to win in the ring/cage and not get to carried away learning skills you do not need.

    I agree everyone including MMA artists should know self defence, however I disagree that MMA should carry weapons, as this just escalates violence. Sure if you are under a direct threat you may have to resort to this, however going around with a knife, just means you WILL use it when you get in a fight. Likewise if someone used one against you, they better be good, as most experienced MMA would kick their ass and up the level of pain inflicted accordingly.


    • #3
      Guro Alland makes a good point. The Filipino martial arts have a lot to offer - whether or not you practice MAs for the ring or the street, weapons training has many benefits. When you are used to someone swinging a stick/sword at you, a mere fist seems to be much much slower.


      • #4
        While the fist may seem slower remember the arts of self defense are more injury based.

        If you train to defend yourself in the street it will cross over to the ring. The problem with this is any real SD program worth it's merit will involve harming your assailant. More oft than not in a way illegal in any ring fight. This could lead to a ring fighter using an illegal move and at best a DQ and at worst somebody dying (more than likely a serious injury).

        You can't train one way and fight another you will always fight how you train.

        I do believe some SD is good if sports training is all you have had. But it's a dangerous mix.


        • #5
          Originally posted by kingoftheforest View Post

          You can't train one way and fight another you will always fight how you train.
          well then, if you SD guys get into a fight, does that mean you will pull all your strikes and techniques since in practice you dont actually gouge out peoples eyes, or crush their throat and neck? if you practice like that then you will fight like that right?? unless you are actually performing these techniques to completion and leaving your partners crippled and dying.


          • #6
            btw, if all you know is SD stuff that is meant to harm people, what will you do when you need to stop someone without injuring them? maybe uncle joey had too much red wine at the thanksgiving table and next thing you know he is trying to massage your shoulders. are you gonna deliver a knifehand strike to his throat and require someone to give him a tracheotomy in your family living room to save his life? i dont think so.

            im not saying one way is better than the other, im saying you should train both ways.


            • #7
              Originally posted by DickHardman View Post
              btw, if all you know is SD stuff that is meant to harm people, what will you do when you need to stop someone without injuring them? maybe uncle joey had too much red wine at the thanksgiving table and next thing you know he is trying to massage your shoulders. are you gonna deliver a knifehand strike to his throat and require someone to give him a tracheotomy in your family living room to save his life? i dont think so.

              im not saying one way is better than the other, im saying you should train both ways.
              The following "you" and "yours are not directed at anyone unless their name preceeds it.

              First and fore most if I am in an altercation where I need to use SD, then it is a SD situation. SD stands for self defense. My idea of an SD situation is someone trying to harm me or kill me, now if you haven't made it past the stage where you get mad when people call you names you don't understand SD.

              If someone touches your shoulders because he's a little drunk and you can't defuse the situation without a punch or kick, go back to the school of life and learn how to be an adult. Fights are not childish affairs.

              If yo momma this or that is something you need to fight over then I guess I need not waste anytime on this. Not to mention the fact Dick that we have been over this in numerous other threads some do some research and jog your memory.

              My new goal is to be polite and clear if you want to ask me things like a little kid Dick I'll just ignore you like one from now on.

              Also any SD teacher who has real world expierence, (my two best SD teachers were (are) a correctional officer and ex-military ) will tell you it is damn hard to truley defend yourself against someone trying to harm you without harming them.

              As for the first post Mr. Hardman if you don't understand what situations require real self defense then why should I waste my time answering the more complicated question.


              • #8
                Originally posted by kingoftheforest View Post
                The following "you" and "yours are not directed at anyone unless their name preceeds it.

                First and fore most if I am in an altercation where I need to use SD, then it is a SD situation. SD stands for self defense. My idea of an SD situation is someone trying to harm me or kill me, now if you haven't made it past the stage where you get mad when people call you names you don't understand SD.

                If someone touches your shoulders because he's a little drunk and you can't defuse the situation without a punch or kick, go back to the school of life and learn how to be an adult. Fights are not childish affairs.

                If yo momma this or that is something you need to fight over then I guess I need not waste anytime on this. Not to mention the fact Dick that we have been over this in numerous other threads some do some research and jog your memory.

                My new goal is to be polite and clear if you want to ask me things like a little kid Dick I'll just ignore you like one from now on.

                Also any SD teacher who has real world expierence, (my two best SD teachers were (are) a correctional officer and ex-military ) will tell you it is damn hard to truley defend yourself against someone trying to harm you without harming them.

                As for the first post Mr. Hardman if you don't understand what situations require real self defense then why should I waste my time answering the more complicated question.
                wow, what an uptight asshole.

                its ok though, i figured you would get upset after i used your own bullshit logic against you.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by DickHardman View Post
                  wow, what an uptight asshole.

                  its ok though, i figured you would get upset after i used your own bullshit logic against you.
                  Well I'm sorry that giving an honest answer and pointing out that every situation thats not to your liking should turn into a physical conflict.

                  But the military back during WWII trained people to kill people without killing 50% of the soldier, which would be the surviving opponents, then how do you suppose they did that. How's that for bullshit logic.

                  Fights rely on reflex action. The circling each other posturing and dialog is all movie B.S. . Real fights happen in a instant so you don't have time to think about "should I knock this guy out or hurt him".

                  This is all I have to say I am not going to be dragged into another B.S. thread destroying pissing contest on this forum with ANYONE again. I'll do what everybody else does when ignorant people start mouthing off, not acknowledge you.

                  Good Day.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by DickHardman View Post
                    well then, if you SD guys get into a fight, does that mean you will pull all your strikes and techniques since in practice you dont actually gouge out peoples eyes, or crush their throat and neck? if you practice like that then you will fight like that right?? unless you are actually performing these techniques to completion and leaving your partners crippled and dying.

                    Well the military does it everyday all over the world.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by kingoftheforest View Post
                      Well the military does it everyday all over the world.
                      the military trains in boxing and jiu jitsu.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by kingoftheforest View Post
                        Well I'm sorry that giving an honest answer and pointing out that every situation thats not to your liking should turn into a physical conflict.

                        But the military back during WWII trained people to kill people without killing 50% of the soldier, which would be the surviving opponents, then how do you suppose they did that. How's that for bullshit logic.

                        Fights rely on reflex action. The circling each other posturing and dialog is all movie B.S. . Real fights happen in a instant so you don't have time to think about "should I knock this guy out or hurt him".

                        This is all I have to say I am not going to be dragged into another B.S. thread destroying pissing contest on this forum with ANYONE again. I'll do what everybody else does when ignorant people start mouthing off, not acknowledge you.

                        Good Day.
                        did you fight in ww2?

                        do you even know anything about ww2? cause ww2 wasnt a style vs style competition or a martial arts seminar, it was fought with tanks, planes, guns, bombs, flamethrowers, poison gasess, and missiles. you are more caught up in a fantasy than anyone else, like those lame civil war reenactors who cant get over the civil war you just cant get over ww2. you even have to keep mentioning how you train under people who have been in the military like that makes you some tough guy or something lol. do you know where the military turns to for learning martial arts? they turn to martial artists. dont get it wrong. and how does riding another mans accomplishments make you a better martial artist?


                        • #13
                          No logic was used here. You're just being a Dick.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by medic06 View Post
                            No logic was used here. You're just being a Dick.
                            i agree, kingoftheforest used no logic, and was nothing more than a dick.


                            • #15

                              One problem with all those. There is a DIFFERENCE between self defense and sport...

