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Forum Poll: Weed or Steroids

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  • Forum Poll: Weed or Steroids

    If your favorite fighter came up hot on a piss test by a state athletic commision for testing positive for a banned substance, would you rather it be weed or steriods. Neither is not an option, which banned substance could you live with that would keep you from losing respect of your favorite(s) MMA fighter?

    A) Weed




  • #2
    I wouldn't respect a fighter for coming up positive on anything that was concidered banned or illegal. I know this may sound korny to some but "Think of the Children." Role models like athletes do have an effect on the young, and I for one am going to raise my children to understand the importance to live healthy lives and I'm not going to put up w/ some athlete condoning the use of drugs that have harmfull effects on people.


    • #3
      If I had to pick I would say weed. From my vastly limited knowledge and research (which consists of reading seldomly on the internet and speaking to non-authority people) it seems that weed has even less negative sideeffects then cigerettes. The general consense in the US is that weed is REALLY BAD for you. Now I don't do either but I would say that's my opinoin.

      I have yet to see someone on rage out on weed.


      • #4
        Personally, I would think less of the fighter testing positive for either because he is flat out being dumb and risking his career. Although having to choose one to be right and one to be wrong. I would be more accepting of the weed because that doesn't give him a competitive advantage. If a fighter is using the roids he is flat out cheating.

        Lei Kung


        • #5
          I wouldn't care if they tested positive for anything but the following.

          Crack or Meth - they should be taken out back and shot.
          Heroin- should give them a medal.
          Estrogen and/or hormone treatment for a sex change operation- they have had has balls. You go Girl!


          • #6
            who cares if any fighter tests positive for weed

