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TOAS NABARD, persian art of combat

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  • TOAS NABARD, persian art of combat

    i stumbled apon these videos, they are supposedly persian combat arts. some of it looks really cool. never heard of it till now though. anyone know of this art?? is this stuff just kung fu? check these videos out.


  • #2


    • #3


      • #4
        Looks like gong fu. Two short swords, staff etc.


        • #5
          yeah i thought this art may have been original, but sadly its not. just another guy who created his own art with moves taken from other arts


          • #6
            persians have a long history of wrestling, a persian friend of mine told me that if you get in a fight with someone there its always grappling


            • #7
              Originally posted by sly fox View Post
              persians have a long history of wrestling, a persian friend of mine told me that if you get in a fight with someone there its always grappling
              yeah, wrestling is very popular in iran. tkd and karate are also very popular in iran.

              here is the iranian tkd team training with the french tkd team.



              • #8
                That first video is rigged. He did not get stabbed in the back when he turned his back in the opponent. I demand a refund for no stabby stabby.


                • #9
                  T.O.A.S. Nabard

                  Originally posted by DickHardman View Post
                  yeah i thought this art may have been original, but sadly its not. just another guy who created his own art with moves taken from other arts
                  What is your source for discrediting this art?
                  Also, what are your credentials for judging T.O.A.S. Nabard?

                  Your first opinion of the art was that it "looked cool". Then you've changed your mind....based on what? Have you researched this art or read the website ?

                  Have you asked yourself what made this art look cool to begin with? The answer is that it looks cool because it looks original...unique...unusual.... Because it is.
                  If certain moves, kicks, punches or exercises look similar it is because the movements of the human body are restricted to limitations in range of motion of the joints and muscles. The term "Martial Arts" is a classification of a group of styles that hold similarity in purpose. You are able to identify a specific martial art as a martial art because of what? ..... The similarities of one to another.

                  "Kicks" is a classification of a group of movements that ALL LOOK THE SAME yet are slightly different... This rationale is also applicable to other elements of a fighting art ie: punching and sparring.

                  Besides a few changes in the limited realm of muscle and bone, what makes a martial art different is in the concept of the art. Research that my friend and then you will become educated enough to form intelligent judgments.

                  I have personal experience in this art and I have met the creator, Master Safakhoo. I can assure you that this art is REAL and is unique.
                  If you really want to know more about T.O.A.S Nabard, do a little research with credible sources...starting with their official website.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by THINK View Post
                    What is your source for discrediting this art?
                    Also, what are your credentials for judging T.O.A.S. Nabard?

                    Your first opinion of the art was that it "looked cool". Then you've changed your mind....based on what? Have you researched this art or read the website ?

                    Have you asked yourself what made this art look cool to begin with? The answer is that it looks cool because it looks original...unique...unusual.... Because it is.
                    If certain moves, kicks, punches or exercises look similar it is because the movements of the human body are restricted to limitations in range of motion of the joints and muscles. The term "Martial Arts" is a classification of a group of styles that hold similarity in purpose. You are able to identify a specific martial art as a martial art because of what? ..... The similarities of one to another.

                    "Kicks" is a classification of a group of movements that ALL LOOK THE SAME yet are slightly different... This rationale is also applicable to other elements of a fighting art ie: punching and sparring.

                    Besides a few changes in the limited realm of muscle and bone, what makes a martial art different is in the concept of the art. Research that my friend and then you will become educated enough to form intelligent judgments.

                    I have personal experience in this art and I have met the creator, Master Safakhoo. I can assure you that this art is REAL and is unique.
                    If you really want to know more about T.O.A.S Nabard, do a little research with credible sources...starting with their official website.
                    no i dont know much about this art. can you tell us more about it?? is it an original art that was developed centuries ago by persian warriors, or is this a mixed art put together by a guy who trained in various styles in the 70's and 80's?? can you give us more information please?


                    • #11
                      T. O. A. S. Nabard

                      Where do all martial arts originate? Most people who has not educate themselves about history of their arts would say China! This assumption would be 90% correct. But T.O. A. S. Nabard, is a original martial art with its own concepts and principals of what martial arts is all about. Most martial arts has origins from China. But in the ancient world to today's history the Persians people has their own identity of what is martial arts.
                      T. O. A. S Nabard origins is founded from the influence of Persian nation but the martial art itself is original to its creator Grandmaster Safakhoo. To state that his art is kung fu is like saying everything we buy form Wal-mart must come from China. Its seems we assumes from what we see verses not from what we learn of what is true. To say something true without searching and researching but only assuming is false.
                      As human being we posses a mind, two legs, two arms, a torso. As practioners of martial arts we only limits ourselves from what we learn verses what exist out there. All martial arts has self-defense concepts: kick, punch, block, grab and so forth. Sometimes as individual we paint a pretty picture of how good we are or imagine how our form of martial art is unique. But in the martial arts world there are many branches coming from the same tree (ie Karate, tae kwon do, judo, and/or wu shu). T. O. A. S. Nabard is a tree separate from other forms of martial arts.
                      For more information type TOAS nabard in any search engine and educate yourself.


                      • #12
                        what is chinese?

                        It is funny that our eyes is always deceived by what we see rather than the truth. TOAS Nabard is a style separated from what is chinese or origins from what is kung-fu. Many hundreds of years ago the Persian empire encompasses the region we now call China, Asia, Iran, Iraq and so forth. The people shared in their ideas and believes. But in that effort there is always tyranny. The people of multiple ethnicity developed their own ideas and culture from their history and influences. If you now go in modern Persia, the people are of mixed races. Their is no look for what is Persian or oriental. The people are that of many races and nationalities whom are called Persians.
                        Let's look at the word kung-fu, it is a generic name given to any martial style. Toas Nabard uses the term kung-fu for the sole purpose that it may closely resemble a kung-fu forum. Nabard at first could not classify itself as karate, tae kwoon do, judo, akido or other well known words to describe a form of martial art syle. When TOAS Nabard was first introduced 25 years ago, it was introduced as kung fu. The reason is that the public can't related to the Persian word "Nabard" the Persian art of combat. The Academy of TOAS Nabard has a Chinese mystic for the sole purpose of relating to the word kung-fu. The general public is not educated when it comes to what is martial arts. All they know is that all martial come from China. The history of martial arts did not start in China. TOAS Nabard introduces itself a an original martial art style separated from it contemporaries.
                        Another aspect that people ask about TOAS Nabard is clothing. Their martial arts attire look Chinese, in the Persian world they look Persian. In modern Persia these attire exist. Traditional Persian men don't uses belts they uses fabric or sashes. For more info look at the Persian History of TOAS Nabard.


                        • #13
                          What my sees and what the truth beholds are different!

                          Look at the history of the region! Between the time period of 6 to 18 century B.C. the Persian encompasses the region of China, Iran, Iraq. During the Persian reign of King Xerxes and Cryus the Great, Persian thought ruled over these areas.

                          TOAS Nabard was intoduced over 25 years ago with the intent to teach martial arts without the forethought that someone will question its origin as Chinese. The martial world seems to accept that kung-fu or any form of martial arts originated from China. I don't believe this notion. Many movies and advertisement over the past 75 years has portray that martial arts has originated from China. People forget the notion that martial arts exist in every country and nation. I'm I suppose to beileved that martial arts is unique only to China! That's crazy. Is Brazilian Judo unique from Japanese Judo? Does tae kwoon do different from Japaneses karate, akido, or shotokan. These examples that martial arts exist in many cultures and nation.
                          If TOAS Nabard first introduced itself as Persian art of Combat nobody would believed it, that Persian has their unique style. It is not plausible or accepted in teaching in America. Nobody would join. Using the term Kung fu made it easier to attract students.
                          If TOAS NAbard introduces itself as the Varzesh-e-Pahlavani (Persian war-training regimen or "sport or exercise of heroes") people would be confused. The public are not so easily accepting of different ideas or of that of other languages or culture.
                          To exemplify Persian ideology, look at the philosophy of Zoroastrianism. The idea of free thought and personal responsibility. This philosophy if someone research it would be surprised in its influences to Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam and other modem beliefs.
                          Now to figure out TOAS Nabard clothing how it looks Chinese? If you research Persian clothing or culture you will come across literature that " Persians introduce two garments to history of clothings : trousers and seamed fitted coats. Adopted by the Central Asia and northern Europe ...(China, India and Celtic People of Northern Europe) (cited from
                          TOAS Nabard is a young style growing slowly but it struggles in demonstrating itself to the world one person at a time. Why is the public so fixated in Chinese thought. All knowledge is unique to every culture and nation, once it is shared where did it began. "To know the truth one must educate themselves of what is true" Ostad John
                          If not our eyes will only see pictures or images of what is true. Thank you for your time and responses.
                          Last edited by Oestad John; 12-19-2007, 10:57 PM. Reason: misspelling


                          • #14
                            I would say that this is a persian kungfu style, but is kung fu. Persian Kung Fu. because, just becasue kung fu originated in China doesnt mean it stays ther (obviously). Just like TKD being everywhere. With TKD the basis of the style remains the same, but the practice of theat tkd changes with exp and travel, as does everything. Nothin wrong with the style, and no it is not chinese, but the basis of this kungfu style is the same as its chinese origins, soley because it is kung fu. I dont see the problem, im sorry. I am just starting to get back on this forum (i have a computer again ^^).


                            • #15
                              I'm Lost in a Dream having illusions!!

                              I've been a practitioner of TOAS Nabard for many years. I've known its origins and its founder for long time.

                              KUNG FU

                              Defined by Merrian-Webster as a noun, Chinese derivative of the word GONGFU-- as a skill, art: dated in 1966

                              Webster dictionary
                              defines KUNG FU or gongfu as its original meaning referring to one's expertise in any skill, not necessarily martial.

                              Quoted as "according to legend Chan (Zen) Buddhist monk Bodhidarma, kung fu also has its origin in India. around the time of 500 C E"
                              Kung fu in a 20th century term doesn't exist in an ancient texts
                              Introduced to the Shaolin monk of Henan Province.
                              Kung fu the term was first used by a Westerner, French Jesuit missionary Jean Joseph Marie Amiot in the 18th century
                              The term kung fu was popularized in the late 1960's by Hong Kong films. Then later the term kung fu was define as "Chinese Boxing", now in modern times is defined as chinese martial arts.
                              But in truth kung fu true roots reffered to the process of one's training and strenghering of the body and the mind, learning and perfecting of one's skill rather than to what was being trained. " refers to excellence achived through long practices in any endeavor. IE. you can say that a person's kung fu is good cooking, or that someone has kung fu in calligraphy.......... a person possesing kung fu in an area implies skill in that area.
                              Tell me that I should take down the sign Kung fu----know the truth of the word kung fu... We of TOAS NABARD are practitioners of a true art separate from your Chinese KUNG FU. We train to strengthening of the body and the mind to transcend and excel beyond the norm or comfort zone.
                              Tell me that I'm lost in a dream having illusions of what is true. Being true to your art is knowing yourself and having roots to your art versus posing an idea of your art.
                              Thank you for your acknowledging TOAS NABARD, a skill and an art in the martial genre.

