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MMA is Not Self Defense!

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  • #61
    I think the shit depends upon the situation entirely. I a guy gives me his back, I'll be tempted to choke the shit out of him...If he comes straight on, I'm going to want to kick his leg or hook his jaw...if it's already close, Headbutt, Knee, Elbow, etc...all guns firing.

    If it's a serious situation- use the environment as a weapon, or use whatever I have on hand.

    I mean...that makes more sense than- "this is the better strategy" shit. Let the situation dictate strategy. Unfettered mind, mofo.


    • #62
      Originally posted by Mike Brewer
      While I agree entirely that distance is your friend, my real-life experience has shown me that it's rarely possible. If I have distance on my side, I've got news for you - I'm not punching or kicking either. I'm shooting. I'm caling in air or artillery. I'm doing anything but engaging in a fair fight.
      If you don't voluntarily close the distance due to a preconceived notion and fight strategy like the one dictated in the FM you'll have distance on your side, that's my whole point. They took a strategy designed for the ring and put it on the battlefield. I found keeping a little distance and using a short stick worked very well for controlling people without having to kill them or get close enough to allow them to kill me. If you shoot everyone who resist or who pulls a knife you'll never get to question anyone, as for calling in arty or air on someone close enough to use a knife on you, well I don't think that really needs a comment now does it? Using a short stick allows you to humanely disarm or stun people instead of shooting them in front of their wife and kids 45 seconds after their front door was kicked in and is a FAR better option than trying to use bjj to subdue them. Many times just having money in the house was reason enough to detain the head of the family for questioning, shooting a family member who gets excited during this time frame is not going to help your cause. Thats where the problem is, most people admit the BJJ component was added to help in detaining and controlling people, yet you're expected to use it on people who are usually armed and have friends and family present. On a side note, imagine the position the BJJ mentality puts a soldier in if we happen to have a problem with a country known for human wave attacks like say, Iran or China, rolling around on the ground waiting to see whose friends show up with a gun first (per the manual) suddenly seems pretty fucking stupid doesn't it?

      Somehow the Army went from "close with and destroy the enemy." to "close with and make him tap out."


      • #63
        Originally posted by Mike Brewer
        No they didn't.

        They still vastly prefer airstrikes, artillery, mortars, close armor support, grenades, machine gunners, snipers, assault rifles, pistols, bayonets, and knives as the progression before resorting to that last ditch "control him until your buddy can stick him from behind" philosophy. The primary mission has always been killing people and breaking things. Trouble is, now there's a news camera taping it and exploiting them for it when they do.

        Aw c'mon now, that shit was funny. I was making light of the concept that shit went completely wrong because an American soldier is fighting with his hands, and yet the training is predicated on your friends getting there first, that isn't realism, it's optimism. Whatever happened to train for the worst hope for the best?


        • #64
          Judo rules in warfare...?

          Originally posted by TTEscrima View Post
          Aw c'mon now, that shit was funny. I was making light of the concept that shit went completely wrong because an American soldier is fighting with his hands, and yet the training is predicated on your friends getting there first, that isn't realism, it's optimism. Whatever happened to train for the worst hope for the best?
          Made me laugh...

          Picture a jar head with the "TAP-OUT" Logo shaved into his haircut...

          I don't think holding someone on the deck with your boot is a BJJ move though? Kinda like the M-16 in his face...


          • #65
            Originally posted by Tant01 View Post
            Made me laugh...

            Picture a jar head with the "TAP-OUT" Logo shaved into his haircut...

            I don't think holding someone on the deck with your boot is a BJJ move though?
            When a Marine taps you out, there are only two taps and it's permanent.


            • #66

              I call the wait for your buddies to save you system the Disney Princess mentality.

              I'd rather not wait for PFC charming to rescue me.


              • #67
                Originally posted by TTEscrima View Post
                When a Marine taps you out, there are only two taps and it's permanent.

                Only if you're an enemy...


                • #68
                  Can we ALL at least agree that Tai Chi is not self defense?


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Garland View Post
                    Can we ALL at least agree that Tai Chi is not self defense?
                    Absolutely, NO art is, except Yellow Bamboo of course.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Mike Brewer
                      Holy shit...Garland, you couldn't have picked a worse crowd for that comment.
                      Why? Because KOTF is lurking about.

                      Yeah that's right buddy, why the hell didn't you stop by my posts? How the hell is the old hog?


                      • #71
                        MMA was a lot more useful for self defence, as practised under the early UFC / vale tudo rules, where head butts, knees to head on ground etc were all permitted.


                        • #72
                          "MMA is not Self-Defense"-Well yeah its not entirely a be all and end all for a Self Defense/Street scenario system.But if you encorporate the 'techniques' banned from the sport regs,add in Awareness scenario training and weapons training ie Knife,Stick/Baton and Handgun/Rifle(use of and unhanded responses to),and a little bit of 2 on 1,2 on 2,3 on 1,etc training,I think you might have something.
                          MMA has its place in a system for use for personnal protection,as long as you just dont look at it from just a sporting perspective.


                          • #73
                            "The essence of self-defense is the ability to defend oneself against an attacker using any and all necessary violence of action to end the threat against ones' life. Any weapon is just a tool that we use in defending ourselves. Whether one uses their own body, a knife or a gun to defend themselves, the principle remains the same: that to survive an attack on your life, one must realistically train and be honest with oneself about their self-defense skills."
                            Michael Van Blaricum


                            • #74

                              Originally posted by Garland View Post
                              Can we ALL at least agree that Tai Chi is not self defense?
                              If by WE you mean you and the mouse in your pocket than yes.

                              I cannot believe this one slipped past me. I guess I was to busy practicing my favorite past time (messing with religious nuts in other threads).

                              Will I say the Tai Chi in most studios and any DVD you can buy out of a magazine are not for self defense ....

                              Hell Yes!!! With a muther freakin' cherry on top.

                              But true Tai Chi the way it's supposed to be taught and used can, was, and is used for SD. But this thread isn't 'bout that shiznit hommies dis here thrized is 'bout MMA for SD butternuts.

                              Saying all Tai Chi is not for SD would be like saying water is for bathing not for drinking.

                              Now please continue on with your discussion gentlemen cause I got nuthin else to spout. I'm just gonna step down from my soap box and let ya'll continue to filibuster


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by kingoftheforest View Post
                                If by WE you mean you and the mouse in your pocket than yes.

                                I cannot believe this one slipped past me. I guess I was to busy practicing my favorite past time (messing with religious nuts in other threads).

                                Will I say the Tai Chi in most studios and any DVD you can buy out of a magazine are not for self defense ....

                                Hell Yes!!! With a muther freakin' cherry on top.

                                But true Tai Chi the way it's supposed to be taught and used can, was, and is used for SD. But this thread isn't 'bout that shiznit hommies dis here thrized is 'bout MMA for SD butternuts.

                                Saying all Tai Chi is not for SD would be like saying water is for bathing not for drinking.

                                Now please continue on with your discussion gentlemen cause I got nuthin else to spout. I'm just gonna step down from my soap box and let ya'll continue to filibuster
                                isnt true tai chi incredibly fast and utilizes weapons?

