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Bigger opponet

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  • Bigger opponet

    me and my friends started a UFC type league.And what do you advice i do against an opponet 100 pounds heavier than me? I have way more skill. He is just strong but has no experiance. What should i do against him that would give me an advantage. I cant take him down and he wont take me down cause he knows i have good BJJ. So what are some techniques i should try while standing?

  • #2
    Originally posted by bWsWwrestler View Post
    me and my friends started a UFC type league.And what do you advice i do against an opponet 100 pounds heavier than me? I have way more skill. He is just strong but has no experiance. What should i do against him that would give me an advantage. I cant take him down and he wont take me down cause he knows i have good BJJ. So what are some techniques i should try while standing?

    If he has no experience then why can't you take him down?


    • #3
      I cant take him down cause i weigh 128 pounds and he weighs 235 pounds and way stronger. So i cant really take him down unless he takes me down which he wont do. He has no skill like he has bad footwork and doesnt keep his hands up and sucks at stand up in every aspect and has no cardio. But i can beat him in speed but he has a longer range so i can get tons of good hits but eventually he will hit me. So what are some things i should do? Hard to explain


      • #4
        Give us something to work with, what are your credentials? What experience do you have? What martial arts/sports have you done and for how long?


        • #5
          ive been doing BJJ since i was 12 im now 14 so 2 years. I used to win all our fights. We didnt use gloves before soit was just like rolling so i always won those. And i just started watching a bunch of videos of muy thai and been training that about 2 hours everyday but only for a week so my kicks are that strong yet but i have a half decent clinch. I was thinking of working the clinch but its gonna be hard getting me knees up to his face. Im 5'9 hes 6'1. He has no experiance he only knows how to do a headlock and an RNC.


          • #6
            I hope he knocks you out!

            Please video the event and post it for us. I'm sure everyone will appreciate seeing you in action!


            I'm a little guy so take it for what it's worth. Trip him and throw him down hard! (on his face) take his back and choke him out. Works for Renzo!


            • #7
              So it sounds like you are basically starting up a backyard fight club with someone who is not very skilled and who is much bigger than you. Wouldn't it be a better idea to ask your BJJ instructor to get you involved in MMA classes and sparring? That way you could get some real MMA instruction and the chance to fight people a lot closer to your size and skill level. There is a lot to be said for rolling and sparring with guys a lot bigger than you, but if that's all you do -- and the guy is almost completely unskilled and you do not have an instructor present -- you are unlikely to learn very much and highly likely to get hurt. Just my $.02.


              • #8
                If it works for Genki Sudo...


                • #9
                  You're 14?

                  Can anyone guess what my advice will be?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                    You're 14?

                    Can anyone guess what my advice will be?
                    To spell opponent and not opponet ?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                      You're 14?

                      Can anyone guess what my advice will be?
                      Is it ?

                      ive been doing BJJ since i was 12 im now 14 so 2 years. I used to win all our fights. We didnt use gloves before soit was just like rolling so i always won those. And i just started watching a bunch of videos of muy thai and been training that about 2 hours everyday but only for a week so my kicks are that strong yet but i have a half decent clinch. I was thinking of working the clinch but its gonna be hard getting me knees up to his face. Im 5'9 hes 6'1. He has no experiance he only knows how to do a headlock and an RNC.
                      Starting a back yard "fight club" doesn't sound like a good idea at all.
                      But if it's advice you want, I'd say split up to people your size or don't do it at all. 2 years is nowhere near long enough for the average BJJer to be able to skillfully take someone larger down and finish him there. If we're talking MMA here now, fighting someone that much bigger and stronger than you will only get you clobbered and a express ticket to the ER.


                      • #12
                        I just want to have some fun and none of you guys are giving advice. And trust me ive been training very very hard for those 2 years i can definitly finish te match on the ground. And im guessing i didnt make that clear. He is just a big FAT guy. So hes not just all muscle and hes slow. Since he has a bigger reach i was thinking of moving in close to him to take away the reach advantage and just try to work in the clinch.


                        • #13
                          Go play!

                          Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                          You're 14?

                          Can anyone guess what my advice will be?

                          HS WRESTLING?



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by bWsWwrestler View Post
                            I just want to have some fun and none of you guys are giving advice. And trust me ive been training very very hard for those 2 years i can definitly finish te match on the ground. And im guessing i didnt make that clear. He is just a big FAT guy. So hes not just all muscle and hes slow. Since he has a bigger reach i was thinking of moving in close to him to take away the reach advantage and just try to work in the clinch.

                            ALL humans are top heavy when standing. EVEN YOU can trip the big man with a reap or a sweep type throw. EZ.

                            Take some REAL JUDO lessons... BJJ is girl fighting.


                            • #15
                              ive tried many different judo throws. He has good balance and good takedown defense. Thats the only skilll he has. But ill try grabbing one leg then pulling him down. And no offense but you guys really arnt that helpful. I just wanted a simple answer and none of you can give a straight answer. My fight is next week so just taking a class isnt going to work out.

