Originally posted by Bjjexpertise@be
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Deashi is the very first (throwing) technique I learned. It represents the whole cannon and philosophy of JUDO to me...
What can be easier than a tap on the side of a foot to topple anyone? That throw is technical BEYOND the simplicity. It requires SOLID kuzushi and perfect timing to make it look THAT easy!
It won't score ippon but it's sweet and slick and subtle.
If you can get them to commit to a "step" to keep the balance and hit it right before it makes contact with the floor...
He's going down.
Nothing he can do but break his fall.
I like the Sasae Tsurikomi Ashi too. or even a simple wrap around throw (takedown)
Lands him in good position for the straight arm bar...

I hardly pay attention to clothing or the Gi but any "clinch" can do the trick (Most of the time)...