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  • #31
    Originally posted by Bjjexpertise@be View Post
    I dunno man, I've been training judo pretty hard coming from a solid background of BJJ and a little bit of wrestling and I still gotta say De-ashi is one helluva hard foot sweep to land for someone new to the sport. Hiza Guruma and Sasae-Tsuri-Komi-Ashi I like but I think they'll be hard for him since his opponent won't have a gi on.

    Deashi is the very first (throwing) technique I learned. It represents the whole cannon and philosophy of JUDO to me...

    What can be easier than a tap on the side of a foot to topple anyone? That throw is technical BEYOND the simplicity. It requires SOLID kuzushi and perfect timing to make it look THAT easy!

    It won't score ippon but it's sweet and slick and subtle.

    If you can get them to commit to a "step" to keep the balance and hit it right before it makes contact with the floor...

    He's going down.

    Nothing he can do but break his fall.

    I like the Sasae Tsurikomi Ashi too. or even a simple wrap around throw (takedown)

    Lands him in good position for the straight arm bar...

    I hardly pay attention to clothing or the Gi but any "clinch" can do the trick (Most of the time)...


    • #32
      im thinking just keep my hands up and and my head aimed way down to tire him out and just do jabs and move alot. Then once his arms start to fall and he is breathing heavy explode on him.


      • #33
        Did you see the "Judo Vs. wrestling" post?

        Choke him out!

        Take what he gives you and break it...

        Don't forget to post your video!


        • #34
          Originally posted by Tant01 View Post
          Deashi is the very first (throwing) technique I learned. It represents the whole cannon and philosophy of JUDO to me...

          What can be easier than a tap on the side of a foot to topple anyone? That throw is technical BEYOND the simplicity. It requires SOLID kuzushi and perfect timing to make it look THAT easy!

          It won't score ippon but it's sweet and slick and subtle.

          If you can get them to commit to a "step" to keep the balance and hit it right before it makes contact with the floor...

          He's going down.

          Nothing he can do but break his fall.

          I like the Sasae Tsurikomi Ashi too. or even a simple wrap around throw (takedown)

          Lands him in good position for the straight arm bar...

          I hardly pay attention to clothing or the Gi but any "clinch" can do the trick (Most of the time)...
          I'm totally with you that footsweeps are the very pinnacle essence of Judo. Perfect Kuzushi is needed for a footsweep!

          The move itself is stupid simple but it won't work unless the kuzushi is good which is why I didn't recommend it to him, especially since he doesn't have a Judo instructor to watch him and tell him what he's doing wrong. I'm sure you have your reasons for choosing that as a beginner throw though.

          I have a friend who's been doing judo for more than 15 years and actually played Judo for Cumberland University and when I asked him about footsweeps he told me that the footsweeps were there to pretty much chop down the opponent's defenses more than anything, told me that out of competing in Judo all those years he's only finished 1 or 2 matches with a footsweep.

          Everybody has their own opinions I'm sure.


          • #35
            Oh yeah, I'm with Tanto, post a video of the fight!!


            • #36
              Ill make sure to post a video of it. Hopefully i can get him on the ground. And about choking him out he has very good RNC defense because everyone in the leauge only knows that submission other than me. So he is always watching out for that.

              And one question, whats a good defense when someone is in your gaurd and jamming there forearm in your trachea? Also what can i do if im mounted and they have me like that?


              • #37
                Originally posted by bWsWwrestler View Post
                Ill make sure to post a video of it. Hopefully i can get him on the ground. And about choking him out he has very good RNC defense because everyone in the leauge only knows that submission other than me. So he is always watching out for that.

                And one question, whats a good defense when someone is in your gaurd and jamming there forearm in your trachea? Also what can i do if im mounted and they have me like that?

                You've been doing BJJ for two years and haven't picked up choke defenses?

                Seriously dude? That's grappling 101.... Stay in school, eh?


                • #38
                  Originally posted by bWsWwrestler View Post
                  Ill make sure to post a video of it. Hopefully i can get him on the ground. And about choking him out he has very good RNC defense because everyone in the leauge only knows that submission other than me. So he is always watching out for that.

                  And one question, whats a good defense when someone is in your gaurd and jamming there forearm in your trachea? Also what can i do if im mounted and they have me like that?
                  Ok I smell a rat. I seriously doubt you've been doing BJJ for 2 years if at all, and watching UFC then trying to do the moves on your friends definitely doesn't count. If you've been grappling for 2 years this stuff is elementary.


                  • #39
                    I second the rat-smelling


                    • #40
                      My strategy would be to:
                      1. First tire him out with striking-Focus on switching up the height of your attacks. So like low thai kick followed by high straight punch, jab to face-jab to body-straight to face, etc. Focus on circling with lots of direction changes to outmanuveur him since you said he has crappy footwork. Since he's so big, I'd try and hit him in the face, kidneys, solar plex just so he gets hurt and becomes less confident with his size advantage
                      2. Since he has a reach advantage on you, try to learn to use skip kicks on all the kicks you use
                      3. I've tried trips and other leg takedowns with mixed results, but since he's ur friend and you've got a steady backyard club going (I started one of those too), sooner or later u'll take him down


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by bWsWwrestler View Post

                        And one question, whats a good defense when someone is in your gaurd and jamming there forearm in your trachea? Also what can i do if im mounted and they have me like that?
                        You're mounted and he's sticking his arm out and you're wondering what to do?!?

                        As Tant01 said, this is something you would learn in your first WEEK of BJJ, if not your first class.

                        Rattus Familiaris.


                        • #42
                          Yes i have been doing it for two years. I know what you guys are thinking, go for the armbar. Trust me i have tried doing an armbar and an omoplata when he does it but it just doesnt work. I dont really know what he does but he makes it relly hard to get on him. He goes close to your body so its hard to get the omoplata and he is too strong for me to pull his arm across for the armbar. I have been doing it for two years. For all you non beleivers, once again i asked a simple question and got no answer. Thanks guys


                          • #43
                            You got lots of answers that you don't seem to want to listen to.

                            Beat it, punk.


                            • #44
                              I got answers like " what do you think your supposed to do" the only good one was from heroic wolf. Im not a punk im just a person who wants to be the best i can be in BJJ and is having a bunch of no it alls give him sarcastic answers. Of course im going to get frustrated


                              • #45
                                We're weeping for you. Go read all the responses again.

