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Help Choosing

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  • Help Choosing

    Okay im 14 and so far ive been training 2 years of BJJ at warriors cove owned by one of the gracies(mind fart, suddenly forgot which one) And ive been doing that only 2 times a week since i was in school wrestling in football. But next year im quiting football, but staying in wrestling since it will help me in mma overall. So my point it, which mma style should i learn apart from BJJ. I want to do 2 days of BJJ and 2 days of something else. I was thinking muy thai. What do you think?


  • #2
    Knock yourself out!

    I think you're fortunate to afford quality instruction. Hope you appreciate it.


    • #3
      stay on the football team.


      • #4
        Muy Thai sounds like the route to go. Any kind of stand up really. It sounds like you have a good foundation in ground fighting and you love what you're doing.

        Continue to do what you love as long as you love it.


        • #5
          Originally posted by jubaji View Post
          stay on the football team.

          No. When i started BJJ and wrestling i realized what loving a sport really is. When i do it its like im just having fun, while on the otherhand football seems more like a chore. I just dont have fun doing it anymore.

          And yeah i think im going to go muy thai, especially since seeing how that mixture worked for anderson silva.


          • #6
            Originally posted by bWsWwrestler View Post
            No. When i started BJJ and wrestling i realized what loving a sport really is. When i do it its like im just having fun, while on the otherhand football seems more like a chore. I just dont have fun doing it anymore.

            I see. Well, if you're no good at football that's different then. I just hope you don't regret your decision later.


            • #7
              Actually im really good in football. Done it since 2nd grade. But its not worth putting the time in effort into it if im not enjoying it.


              • #8
                Sure, whatever you need to tell yourself is fine. It's your decision after all.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                  Sure, whatever you need to tell yourself is fine. It's your decision after all.
                  Had a bad experience involving quitting football eh?

                  Do what you want man, don't waste your childhood. I played football for 6 years, eventually I did feel like I was playing for the coaches/parents enjoyment rather than mine. I started to wrestle and fell in love. The excitement I got from wrestling is didn't match the excitement I got while playing football.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Bill_1 View Post
                    Had a bad experience involving quitting football eh?.

                    No, I'm not big on quitting. I loved football; played as long as I could.

                    I don't think being comfortable with quitting is a real positive attribute to bring to wrestling either.


                    • #11
                      Sounds like a very fine selection you've got there, man.

                      BJJ, wrestling, and Thai Boxing are very good bases to stem into MMA, imo.

                      Are you going to compete in MMA or just doing it as a hobby?

                      In any case have fun with that, young man!


                      • #12
                        I want to actually compete in MMA, but it will also feel like just a hobby. Im dedicated enough to do whatever it takes, and starting at my young age should really help me in the long run.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                          No, I'm not big on quitting. I loved football; played as long as I could.

                          I don't think being comfortable with quitting is a real positive attribute to bring to wrestling either.
                          You loved football, he didn't so much. The football part of his life may be over, that's fine. Hes moving onto different more difficult things.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Bill_1 View Post
                            You loved football, he didn't so much. The football part of his life may be over, that's fine. Hes moving onto different more difficult things.
                            haha yeah way to tell him. MMA id say is the hardest sport. You make a minor mistake standing you get knocked out, you make a minor mistake on the ground you get caught in a submission. Plus conditioning has to be the best out of anything. Football you have to know to stay low on tackles and the rest like running you just have to be good at running and dodging. Not nearly as hard. IMHO


                            • #15
                              I think football is under rated as a contact sport. Talk about a clinch and takedown game...


