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  • #16
    To quote Vince Lombardi

    "Dancing is a contact sport, football is a collision sport".


    • #17
      Originally posted by Bill_1 View Post
      Had a bad experience involving quitting football eh?

      Do what you want man, don't waste your childhood. I played football for 6 years, eventually I did feel like I was playing for the coaches/parents enjoyment rather than mine. I started to wrestle and fell in love. The excitement I got from wrestling is didn't match the excitement I got while playing football.
      Sounds like my experience with muay thai when I quit football and lacrosse. My advice is the same too....find what you like to do and do it. If you like playing football, do it when you can...I guess there is a window there that isn't the same for mma or wrestling or even muay thai (in this country). I, for one, didn't feel like I lost anything when I dropped the team sports I played for combat sports...I felt like I was moving up to something more my steez.


      • #18
        Originally posted by kingoftheforest View Post
        To quote Vince Lombardi

        "Dancing is a contact sport, football is a collision sport".

        I will shed many a tear when dancing is considered a contact sport .

        (Do the smilies work for you guys at all? I have to right click and hit properties to figure them out)


        • #19
          Originally posted by Bjjexpertise@be View Post
          I will shed many a tear when dancing is considered a contact sport .

          (Do the smilies work for you guys at all? I have to right click and hit properties to figure them out)
          Just click the drop down box next to the smiley when typing your post. It's under the header next to font and all that good stuff.


          • #20
            Originally posted by bWsWwrestler View Post
            haha yeah way to tell him. MMA id say is the hardest sport. You make a minor mistake standing you get knocked out, you make a minor mistake on the ground you get caught in a submission. Plus conditioning has to be the best out of anything. Football you have to know to stay low on tackles and the rest like running you just have to be good at running and dodging. Not nearly as hard. IMHO

            Now I know why you were so bad at football.


            • #21
              Haha wow. Too bad i was not bad at football. What gives you the right to say that. Maybe some people are just naturally good at it did that ever come to mind.

              O and one more question. For a MMA bout what are some good things to eat before a fight and what type of workout should you have the day of the fight? Also what are some good techniques to calm yor nerves? Thanks


              • #22
                Originally posted by bWsWwrestler View Post
                Haha wow. Too bad i was not bad at football. What gives you the right to say that.

                This does:

                Originally posted by bWsWwrestler View Post
                Football you have to know to stay low on tackles and the rest like running you just have to be good at running and dodging.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by bWsWwrestler View Post
                  Okay im 14 and so far ive been training 2 years of BJJ at warriors cove owned by one of the gracies(mind fart, suddenly forgot which one) And ive been doing that only 2 times a week since i was in school wrestling in football. But next year im quiting football, but staying in wrestling since it will help me in mma overall. So my point it, which mma style should i learn apart from BJJ. I want to do 2 days of BJJ and 2 days of something else. I was thinking muy thai. What do you think?

                  sounds like a good plan. Speciallize in BJJ, then add the Muay Thai as well as keeping up with wrestling and Greko

