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Thoughts on Cote/Silva match?

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  • Thoughts on Cote/Silva match?

    I wasn't impressed with Silva's "performance." It looked like he was running around the whole time avoiding Cote, who while a game fighter and likeable, should have been easy to beat because he wasn't putting out much himself. Everyone was talking about the "exciting" fight that was happening, but maybe they were watching something else. I love Silva but I was shocked by how little he was doing, and in my opinion, it sounded like both were being booed for lack of action. Anyone else?

  • #2
    I thought he was going easy on him on purpose and would've let him have it in the rounds that didn't happen.


    • #3
      That's a thought but that's no excuse for being largely inactive for someone with Silva's level of skill and experience. He should been busy thoughout instead of waiting for the "Hail Mary" strike that would end the fight. Cote was pleased to be the only person to take Silva into the third round but there was really nothing happening for the first two rounds to expect that the final round would be any different.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Laura View Post
        That's a thought but that's no excuse for being largely inactive for someone with Silva's level of skill and experience. He should been busy thoughout instead of waiting for the "Hail Mary" strike that would end the fight. Cote was pleased to be the only person to take Silva into the third round but there was really nothing happening for the first two rounds to expect that the final round would be any different.
        He wasn't waiting for that "one punch knockout," he was completely toying with him. All of that he was doing was just straight up disrespecting Cote's skill; it showed he wasn't taking him seriously at all. If I were Cote I wouldn't be happy I took Silva to the third round at all, the only reason he was still standing was because Silva was toying with him, that's nothing to brag about at all.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Bjjexpertise@be View Post
          He wasn't waiting for that "one punch knockout," he was completely toying with him. All of that he was doing was just straight up disrespecting Cote's skill; it showed he wasn't taking him seriously at all. If I were Cote I wouldn't be happy I took Silva to the third round at all, the only reason he was still standing was because Silva was toying with him, that's nothing to brag about at all.

          If toying with him was all Silva was doing then he should have been boo'ed over Cote for wasting our time and money. To think, I didn't buy Griffen vs Rampage, but I did buy this, only to be toyed with along with Cote and the rest of viewers that paid big money to be there in person. Doesn't say much for Silva.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Laura View Post
            If toying with him was all Silva was doing then he should have been boo'ed over Cote for wasting our time and money. To think, I didn't buy Griffen vs Rampage, but I did buy this, only to be toyed with along with Cote and the rest of viewers that paid big money to be there in person. Doesn't say much for Silva.

            I debated not buying this one as well. In the end, my husband won out and we got it. Agreed, Silva/Cote was highly disappointing. Silva acted bored and did waste everyone's time and money. Even if he didn't think Cote was a worthy opponet (which is I think how he acted - toying around and such) at least show some respect and sportsmanship and go out there and give it what you have. But, at least the Sherk/Griffin fight was, in my opinion, worth the cost of the PPV.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Mattyj View Post
              I debated not buying this one as well. In the end, my husband won out and we got it. Agreed, Silva/Cote was highly disappointing. Silva acted bored and did waste everyone's time and money. Even if he didn't think Cote was a worthy opponet (which is I think how he acted - toying around and such) at least show some respect and sportsmanship and go out there and give it what you have. But, at least the Sherk/Griffin fight was, in my opinion, worth the cost of the PPV.
              I liked watching Sherk too and I agree, it was a great performance; I also enjoyed watching Kosheck and the Brazilian kid - I'd be great to see him paired with GSP after watching him defeat Kosheck.


              • #8
                Silva wasnt toying with Cote in my opinion he was looking from the outside for a way in safely,he isnt daft he knew Cote can hit a bit and respected that,we will never know but i think Silva would of worked him out in the end and "got" him with something,however Silvas Muay Thai skills are overated and he is very beatable.


                • #9
                  It seemed to me like Silva was baiting Cote into something.


                  • #10
                    From what I hear I'm glad I didn't buy the show. Looking forward to Couture-Lesnar...


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Mattyj View Post
                      I debated not buying this one as well. In the end, my husband won out and we got it. Agreed, Silva/Cote was highly disappointing. Silva acted bored and did waste everyone's time and money. Even if he didn't think Cote was a worthy opponet (which is I think how he acted - toying around and such) at least show some respect and sportsmanship and go out there and give it what you have. But, at least the Sherk/Griffin fight was, in my opinion, worth the cost of the PPV.
                      It is an honor for Cote to even set foot in the ring with Silva. His skill level is on a different chart all together. This sport is not a Tuff guy competition, it is about skill and prowess. Cote was unable to impose his will an a better skilled opponent. This resulted in a loss for him. Perhaps if Silva had gone into the ring swinging like a wild man, the results would have been different.(obviously what YOU wanted to pay to see). Everything that happened coul not have happened any other way! So give Silva credit for his victory and move on.

