or "ultimate fighting" as the "editorial board" listed in the byline insists on calling the sport. (Apparently the sorry excuses for journalists who wrote this drivel were too ashamed or timid to sign their own names.)
The Disturbing Rise of Ultimate Fighting - The Board Blog - NYTimes.com
It's worth reading the comments, though. Not only do the supporters of MMA criticize in scathing detail the glaring and pervasive bias and factual error of the piece, but they nearly all come across as intelligent, well-informed and articulate, in contrast to the editorial's characterization of MMA fans as bloodthirsty yahoos (not to mention the ignorant, illogical and sanctimonious comments written by opponents of MMA).

The Disturbing Rise of Ultimate Fighting - The Board Blog - NYTimes.com
It's worth reading the comments, though. Not only do the supporters of MMA criticize in scathing detail the glaring and pervasive bias and factual error of the piece, but they nearly all come across as intelligent, well-informed and articulate, in contrast to the editorial's characterization of MMA fans as bloodthirsty yahoos (not to mention the ignorant, illogical and sanctimonious comments written by opponents of MMA).
