First off I would like to say that I really enjoy this forum and the free flowing exchange of ideas it permits. Unfortunately it seems of late that there is a great presence of bad attitudes or "tough guy" attitudes runing rampart on this forum. I would have thought that a forum made up of soley martial artists would make for a very respectful forum. A lot of times it is quite the opposite. I started to read the postings by some people whom I will not name and I was very taken back at the disrespect shown there. Am I the only one who views this as a bad thing? I apologize if I am coming across like I am preaching but I felt as though this is something that needed to be brought to the forefront. I can't agree with the high school-esque mentalities that some possess here. I can ignore it to a point but sooner or later I believe it crosses the line. I hope there are a few here that agree with me.
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I don't understand the bad attitudes!
I'm going to tell you a thing or two Big Bird. You are exactly the low life element I was eluding to. Thank you for identifying yourself as one of those people. I could easily stoop down to your level but I refuse to do that because of the civility and discipline the martial arts have taught me. I choose to show respect to my fellow man. I f you prefer to do the opposite then YOU are the one who does not belong. I'm sorry if you do. I don't need to come on here and put up a "tough guy" act to be accepted by my peers. With a mouth and attitude like that I feel sorry for your parents.
Let me introduce you to my philosophy. Its the philosophy of Bopha it goes like this you run your mouth and you end up with your ass kicked and BOPHA DEEZ NUTZ IN YOUR MOUTH.. SO you want to talk shit I am free for some traveling this summer and will be more than happy to make you my bitch.....Back your mouth up bitch...I talk shit because I can back it up can you make the same claim?Last edited by BIG BIRD; 05-03-2001, 02:17 AM.
i believe martial arts should only used for self defense. Anyone who learns martial arts only to pick a fight is simply a thug and a bully. Once again I will not stoop to your level. I am above you and your answer is no.
Allow me to translate to Big Bird...
Bird! You yellow feathered, dickless punk ass! Quit ducking me you seaseme street fetished moron! I challenge you to fight in Rage in the Cage this upcoming month, and I'm going to come out swinging! You better recognize, biatch. Show up or chicken out you chicken ass yellow puppet you!
.......................wait a sec...I broke my hand so I can't fight you no, wait. The manager can't remember my name. So I won't fight. No no, I couldn't get my car no.........
All fun aside, this board is not the best place for traditional MA values. You're not the only one who feels the way you do, but here you just have to roll with the punches sometimes. Not a lot of people are that serious. If you're looking for a more traditional atmosphere I'd recommend E-budo. I post there myself from time to time. Post here for fun, post elsewhere if you want very serious discussion (no offense guysI still love you all.......losers..LOL
Oh and Big Bird, we can't fight unless you pay me 10,000 dollars.
Re: I don't understand the bad attitudes!
Originally posted by TracyKarate
First off I would like to say that I really enjoy this forum and the free flowing exchange of ideas it permits. Unfortunately it seems of late that there is a great presence of bad attitudes or "tough guy" attitudes runing rampart on this forum. I would have thought that a forum made up of soley martial artists would make for a very respectful forum. A lot of times it is quite the opposite. I started to read the postings by some people whom I will not name and I was very taken back at the disrespect shown there. Am I the only one who views this as a bad thing? I apologize if I am coming across like I am preaching but I felt as though this is something that needed to be brought to the forefront. I can't agree with the high school-esque mentalities that some possess here. I can ignore it to a point but sooner or later I believe it crosses the line. I hope there are a few here that agree with me.
There are a lot of punks who show no respect on this forum. Just ignore em; whereas Aloha, well, Aloha knows how to treat a lady, if you know what I meanMy advice to you is this: don't get your pretty panties in a knot over the small stuff. We talk about man's stuff here, stuff your pretty little head cannot contemplate or understand. Please stay out if you can't handle the heat.