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New to Martial Arts

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  • New to Martial Arts

    Hey guys hopefully you can help me. I'm completely new to martial arts, been interested for a while, finally decided to take the plunge. Doing a little research, which by the way is hard as hell given all the personal bias, I'm having a little difficulty coming up with some answers to some questions. Also I post here because I believe my answer might be to simply mix styles. This is kind of a two part question.

    Ultimately I'm looking for something that is as close to an all inclusive style as possible. Something that blends stand up fighting in all ranges and ground work. I've found the appeal of alot of styles but unless I miss my mark is lacking something in one place or another. Add to this my natural indecisiveness and you've got yourself a confused new guy thats looking at plenty of paths... but no idea which one to take.

    First Part:

    I do have some goals and thoughts in mind that perhaps you guys could interpret as what I might be looking for. First I don't expect to get into fights, but expecting doesn't mean won't. I might find myself getting threatened with a knife or a gun, or a beating. I need an art(s) that teaches me how to punch, kick, use elbows, knees, headbutts, joint manipulation, pressure points, takedowns, defense against weapons and all that because these things are useful I think because I don't know how to do any of these in the first place. Something versatile.

    Second I'd like a martial art that teaches me some ground work simple enough.

    Third something practical that can translate well to defending myself outside.

    Fourth something that has good physical fitness and conditioning benefits while doing it.

    Fifth though not quite as important having a competiton or sport aspect to it. It would simply be fun to do, a learning experience and a form of self discovery to see weak spots.

    Yeah I know that self defense and sport don't go together and from what I read alot of things from a self defense class can't be used in sport and some things in sport won't be expected in self defense.

    Here are the arts that I'm interested in , in one particular order. Some of my choices are whats in the area also.

    1. BJJ or JJJ
    2. Bando
    3. Ninjutsu ( why is one you ask? There is a guy offering it free where I live now, whos actually the first rung of black sash and there is a school in Dallas, Tx that offers it that I might be moving to. It seems interesting the stuff thats taught which looks like survival stuff with a martial arts core.)
    4. HKD
    5. TKD
    6. MMA? ( I have the Q-mark there because I see some MMA schools teach you a bunch of stuff all at once from different places so maybe that might be an answer?)

    If you guys have any suggestions I'm definately open. Oh and no flame wars heh.

    Second Part:

    1. How do I tell a legitamate school?
    2. When going to these schools I see some require contracts and such is this normal? Do all martial arts do this? What do these contracts invovle?
    3. How often can I attend classes or show up or private lessons or just to work out. I'm sure this depends on the school but just curious to know from a personal point of view. I don't have alot of money so if I can get more for the money that has some considerable weight to it.
    4. Anything else I need to consider.

    Anyway thanks for reading this and if you can answer some of these questions I'd really appreciate it.

  • #2
    Welcome aboard. Your own experiences will answer these questions in due time.

    I've found my personal blend of (combat) judo and silat to be adequate for my needs.

    Nothing like personal body armor and a reliable handgun...


    • #3
      Hapkido contains almost all of the things that you wanted in an MA. But it depends on the school as some of them are shit.

      Japanese Jujutsu is another all inclusive style, so is Sambo and a bunch of other hybrid styles around the place.


      • #4
        Tant: I suppose but I hate the idea of finding out later wether it was right or wrong or worth it. Also, I have a CCW and carry a Kahr P9.

        Wildwest: See thats part of the problem. I'm not sure how to check legitimacy or even if the teaching is any good. Well I didn't see any Sambo or JJJ places in Mesquite area of Texas so I'm kind of working with whats around. I'm noticing alot of schools are putting two things together and packaging them as one.. for instance I see alot of Hapkido places with Tae Kwon Do, which makes sense since they are both Korean and relatively close, but just makes me wonder what type of learning I'd be getting.


        • #5
          Only way to really check out hte legitimacy of a school is to show up and try it out for a week or so.


          • #6
            It sounds like what you are looking for is more in the category of survival fighting than Traditional Martial arts or MMA. There are a lot of schools that use martial arts techniques from a variety of sources to train someone to survive a violent attack. They use principles from striking arts, clench fighting, ground fighting and weapons training like stick, knife, handgun, shotgun and rifle. The overall goal is to be able to successfully defend yourself against a violent attack rather than tournament fighting or learning a traditional art.

            I am not familiar with your particular location but guys like Demi Barbito from the Center for Self Preservation Training in Central Ca (who is a member here), Rich Ryan from Rich Ryans Dynamic Combat Method are two that come off the top of my head. I have trained with Demi Barbito for instructor certification and at RR-DCM. Both can be looked up online at and if nothing else to look through and see if this is what your looking for.


            • #7
              I'd be wary of any TKD school that also offers HKD. They might be Korean but they are very very different styles. Often the case is a TKD school will offer very poor and watered down HKD which is shit and they miss the point.
              TKD does have some HKD suff in its syllabus, but generally they do it poorly and really only play with it.


              • #8
                krav maga sounds like what he's looking for, or Bart's shootfighting.


                • #9
                  New guy... read this!

                  Originally posted by Thatguy2366 View Post
                  Hey guys hopefully you can help me. I'm completely new to martial arts, been interested for a while, finally decided to take the plunge. Doing a little research, which by the way is hard as hell given all the personal bias, I'm having a little difficulty coming up with some answers to some questions. Also I post here because I believe my answer might be to simply mix styles. This is kind of a two part question.

                  Ultimately I'm looking for something that is as close to an all inclusive style as possible. Something that blends stand up fighting in all ranges and ground work. I've found the appeal of alot of styles but unless I miss my mark is lacking something in one place or another. Add to this my natural indecisiveness and you've got yourself a confused new guy thats looking at plenty of paths... but no idea which one to take.

                  First Part:

                  I do have some goals and thoughts in mind that perhaps you guys could interpret as what I might be looking for. First I don't expect to get into fights, but expecting doesn't mean won't. I might find myself getting threatened with a knife or a gun, or a beating. I need an art(s) that teaches me how to punch, kick, use elbows, knees, headbutts, joint manipulation, pressure points, takedowns, defense against weapons and all that because these things are useful I think because I don't know how to do any of these in the first place. Something versatile.
                  Second I'd like a martial art that teaches me some ground work simple enough.

                  Third something practical that can translate well to defending myself outside.

                  Fourth something that has good physical fitness and conditioning benefits while doing it.

                  Fifth though not quite as important having a competiton or sport aspect to it. It would simply be fun to do, a learning experience and a form of self discovery to see weak spots.

                  Anyway thanks for reading this and if you can answer some of these questions I'd really appreciate it.

                  Little reality check for you... ART is for people to enjoy. Sport is for spectators. If you want to learn to KILL your enemies join the Marines.


                  • #10

                    Originally posted by Thatguy2366 View Post
                    Tant: I suppose but I hate the idea of finding out later wether it was right or wrong or worth it. Also, I have a CCW and carry a Kahr P9.

                    Wildwest: See thats part of the problem. I'm not sure how to check legitimacy or even if the teaching is any good. Well I didn't see any Sambo or JJJ places in Mesquite area of Texas so I'm kind of working with whats around. I'm noticing alot of schools are putting two things together and packaging them as one.. for instance I see alot of Hapkido places with Tae Kwon Do, which makes sense since they are both Korean and relatively close, but just makes me wonder what type of learning I'd be getting.

                    You want security and confidence? Enjoy your journey! I love Judo and and came to blend it with silat. I know more about hurting people than I will ever need...

                    Do YOUR thing... none of us know your taste or prefrence? Would you be comfortable with a double tap or would you rather make them tap out?

                    one is FUN the other deadly...

                    Personally I'd rather pistol whip someone than shoot them... it's all ADW...

