I've been taking boxing for the past 2 weeks and I plan on taking it for 1 to 2 years. I'm taking fighting for the fun of it and for self-defense. I plan on taking BJJ and Muay Thai after that. And once I get better I might try other martial arts like Kyukushin, Zen Do Kai, Kuk Sool Wan etc...
I'm taking boxing for the punching and movement, BJJ for the grappling and Muay Thai for the kicks. What do you think? Any other martial arts that are fun and good for street defense? And is practical and easy to learn. Tae Kwon Do and Hapkido are too traditional and the enviroment is with wimpy, and untough little kids. The moves were made for different reasons for example the flying kick was used to take someone off a horse and it's hard to catch a punch like in Hapkido. It was meant to catch a sword hand so I don't think those arts are good for me.
What do you think? Any other martial arts that are fun and good for street defense? And is practical and easy to learn. Please tell me if you think my plan for "Boxing>BJJ>Muay Thai>Other Arts" is good.
I'm taking boxing for the punching and movement, BJJ for the grappling and Muay Thai for the kicks. What do you think? Any other martial arts that are fun and good for street defense? And is practical and easy to learn. Tae Kwon Do and Hapkido are too traditional and the enviroment is with wimpy, and untough little kids. The moves were made for different reasons for example the flying kick was used to take someone off a horse and it's hard to catch a punch like in Hapkido. It was meant to catch a sword hand so I don't think those arts are good for me.
What do you think? Any other martial arts that are fun and good for street defense? And is practical and easy to learn. Please tell me if you think my plan for "Boxing>BJJ>Muay Thai>Other Arts" is good.