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Question for all.

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  • Question for all.

    Sup yall?

    As we all know there's bound to be people on message boards that piss you off and every time you run into em, you're gonna say something smart assey to em. I've done it, and I'm sure you guys have too. Anyway, at this other forum I go on this guy had claimed some guy tried to instigate a fight with him by spitting in his face several times. The guy claimed he never did anything back. So I called him a coward (everybody on that forum gave me hell for that and if anybody does so here, then too bad so sad)

    The next day he makes a poll asking the community if they thought he was a coward. Then went on to list all his credentials as mixed martial artist, boxer, and wrestler. On top of that he also asked who'd win a fight between me and him. LOL..

    A few pages into the thread he claimed the reason why he didn't do anything to the guy is because he's a pacifist and because he was too afraid of what he would have done to him since he was this well trained boxer.

    Now, I've NEVER been Mr macho tough guy. But I do have a breaking point and will not hesitate to put somebody's ass in line if it comes down to it. That's just who and how I am. But seriously folks, would any of you guys let somebody spit in your face and get away with it? Everybody at that other forum was just like "you were the bigger man, I love your self control yadda yadda yadda". But again people, this guy spit in his face. And several times as I've said before. Maybe I'm making a big deal out of it but I just couldn't let somebody do that and just walk off. I can take quite a bit of shit talk and taunting, but if someone spit on me I'd have to punch em.


  • #2
    Holy lurker, Batman!

    Oh, and yeah, the guy was cowardly if he just accepted the spit and walked away. For sure I would have stood up for myself, but maybe not gotten into fistycuffs iykwim.


    • #3
      National Football League

      It happened in the NFL not long ago. (TO) Terrell Owens spit in a guys face and the guy didn't do anything. Maybe somebody else can remember who it was but I can't think of the guys name.

      The guy probably wasn't a coward but may have been stunned and shocked and just froze up. It happened to me once when I got sucker punched at the age of 16. I didn't do anything but I don't consider myself a coward for it.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Hardball View Post
        It happened in the NFL not long ago. (TO) Terrell Owens spit in a guys face and the guy didn't do anything. Maybe somebody else can remember who it was but I can't think of the guys name.

        The guy probably wasn't a coward but may have been stunned and shocked and just froze up. It happened to me once when I got sucker punched at the age of 16. I didn't do anything but I don't consider myself a coward for it.
        I remember about 15 years back Bronco linebacker Bill Romanowski spit in 49er receiver JJ Stokes's face. That was a bad scene. There were suggestions that it was racially motivated, people came forward with stuff Romanowski had said. On top of that, Romanowski had been on the 49ers prior to coming to Denver. The thing kind of ended quickly, Romanowski apologized and said he was running on too much emotion and it was a stupid thing to do.


        • #5
          To my knowledge T.O. never apologized. Or did he?


          • #6
            You have to ask how did you end up in a situation where somebody wanted to spit in your face to begin with?


            • #7
              Why was he close enough to someone to enable them to spit on him..

              Why did he need to take a poll to determine if he was a coward or not..

              I think we all need to re-evaluate who we are and what we stand for.


              • #8
                Originally posted by WildWest. View Post
                You have to ask how did you end up in a situation where somebody wanted to spit in your face to begin with?
                Here's the guy's story in his exact words. I copied and pasted it from the other forum:

                Yeah, I had a roommate in college that was blasting his TV while I was trying to write a final paper. I asked him politely several times to turn it down and he refused. To give him a dose of his own medicine I started to blast some hardcore, at which point he got up and slammed my stereo off. I tried to turn his TV off at that point, but he blocked me from doing so and got in my face and challenged me to fight him. Being a strict pacifist, I refused, and to try and further instigate me into fighting him, he literally spit in my face. Not once or twice either, but several times. Eventually people heard all his yelling and screaming of obscenities at me and got the RA to break things up. This of course led to the RA calling the cops, and we both had to go in and fill out statements and were stuck at the police station for over an hour. Good times.

                He then claimed that the reason why he made the poll was to prove to me that I was wrong due to the fact damn near half of the community voted for no and only a handful voted for yes. I didn't give a damn though. I still thought he was a coward then and I still think he is now.


                • #9
                  Sounds like a war of egos over nothing.....


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by WildWest. View Post
                    Sounds like a war of egos over nothing.....
                    Perhaps. But someone spitting in my face warrants an ass-whooping.


                    • #11
                      Like I said earlier, how do you get to the point where someone wants to spit in your face? This whole situation could have been avoided much earlier on.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by WildWest. View Post
                        Like I said earlier, how do you get to the point where someone wants to spit in your face? This whole situation could have been avoided much earlier on.
                        Evidently when he tried to turn his tv off is when he was brought to that point.


                        • #13
                          I guess people take their televisions very seriously.


                          • #14
                  's a sad state of affairs.


                            • #15
                              he should have burned the other guy's TV way before the situation escalated....
                              LOL... kidding. Seriously: how do you handle gross, rude people who harass you with their loudness? that can become unbearable, especially when you're studying....

                              As for the spit: that's horrible, nobody should be allowed to do that to you without receiving a powerful slap in the face. Just my 2p.

