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How did you discover MMA?

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  • How did you discover MMA?

    Several people have a story as to what influenced them to become a fan of or even partake in the martial arts... How did you discover MMA?


  • #2
    I was in Colorado Springs training martial arts when UFC 1 came to Denver. My instructor went up to watch it, wish I had. Then I could be part of the 1 million people that say they actually went to the event. Instead, all of us students watched the PPV.


    • #3
      I was a young kid and my uncle brought in a video that he recorded from the ppv of the first and second ufc's. He knew I was into martial arts and that that would just blow my mind. He was right. Been a fan ever since.


      • #4
        I saw UFC 1 and Pancrase (delayed) back in 94 and I stop..I discovered it again at PRIDE 2003


        • #5
          Awesome! I'm fairly new to UFC/MMA community so I'm constantly watching vids to get a caught up.


          • #6
            Yeah, I watched the first 10ish or so UFC's and kinda lost it until the mid 30's or so. Watched the Battlecade's also, loved them and went back and watched the Rings also. Still not sure if Rings 1 was legit or not, seemed fake to be honest but after that, they seemed legit.

