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Just a question?

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  • Just a question?

    These forums seem to be mostly about Ju Jitsu, but I was wondering if any of you guys know about a good NIN-jitsu school?

    I dont know much about Ju Jitsu, and have only gotten my yellow belt in it, but I want to learn ninjitsu.

  • #2



    • #3
      oh god. I realy hope they don't make money off that site.


      • #4
        jared, my young, newbie friend... the "they" to which you refer is none other than the gruff, but lovable SHIMORA... (lmao)


        • #5
          In all seriousness

          A yellow belt in Ju jitsu is all you need to deal with anything short of a gun.


          • #6
            yes, but I hvae not been in a while, and I like what I have heard about ninjitsu, it is more than a fighting art, it also teaches stealth and things like that


            • #7
              hahahahahaha.... hohohohohohohoho...

              PLEASE stop... !!!! i'm gonn wet my pants... !!!!!!!!!

              rotflmfao ... !!!!!!!!!!


              • #8


                • #9
                  Shimora?! Where are you?!


                  • #10

                    Did you not know that BJJ is the ONLY martial Art?

                    All that other stuff is window dressing. All those thousands of years that all those East Asian people spent developing a myriad of techniques, fighting wars, using swords, knives, guns etc was one giant waste of time man.... What a bunch of KnuckleHeads....

                    Stealth? Internal Healing? Meditation? Weapons Training? Acupuncture? Pashaw I say.

                    Slap 'em in the guard and choke 'em out baby.

                    Can I get an Amen?

                    Side note: Someone had to do it fellas, forums been slow lately.

                    Peace and love,



                    • #11
                      I agree that BJJ is great, but I still want to learn Ninjitsu, I have heard some really kwel things about it, and If nothing else, just to try it.

                      and the only guy around here that teaches BJJ is sort of nuts and no body likes him, so I want to see what else there is.

                      Recently I have been in a Taekwondo class, but TKD is mostly just for show, and I want to find something else, and since as of right now, BJJ is not an option, I want to try Ninjitsu


                      • #12
                        that's it... i just made in my pants...


                        • #13
                          Will someone besides Karlinhos respond to my question?


                          • #14
                            You will have to excuse Karl.He has no idea of the intenal power of NinJitsu.As it is too deadly to use in casual competition.Ninjas are invisable to the untrained eye.So,he has never seen one.
                            Most of the worlds history has been molded by the actions of Ninjas.From assasinations to spying for corporations,the world has been shaped by the ninja.Why,I remember that terrible beating Royce had to endure from Scott Morris after he was done faking out the whole world with the fake blood he used to blind Pat Smith in what was the biggest misconseption of loss we ever saw.If you remember,the next time you saw Pat Smith in the UFC,he was bald.The ninja techniques may be slow acting,but what other martial art can teach you the delayed baldness techniques?Go with it.


                            • #15
                              OH my gosh, I forgot about the delayed Baldness techniqes!
                              How stupid of me!!

                              But seriosly, most of the stuff you just said is stuff that I have heard before, which is why I want to learn it, but until about 10 years ago, there was no Ninjitsu outside of Japan, but I have heard that there is a few schools in the states now, so I was wondering if anyone knows where any kwel ones are.

                              So, do you?

