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ATTN Dog Experts

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  • #16
    ---Joe Manco

    "The first step to winning any fight, be it against man or beast, is to have a pair of balls ... instead of running around in terror like a naked blonde in Harlem."

    That's funny that you say that. I have won fights before against males that were "braver" than me. Loud-mouthed punks that think the fact that I am displaying fear absolutely means they can beat me. I guess their big, bad "balls" didn't save them. The thing is, they could have just left me alone. If somenoe's backing down, he must be physically incapable of fighting according to their thinking. The thing is, 99% of these loud-mouthed assholes score easy victories. Some of them could probably beat me, so they deserve the victory for the time being. Many don't.
    When you are challenged, you have two choices. That is all it comes down to. You can either run away or you can attack all out and fight to the finish.
    Imagine this scenario, and try to actually answer the question. You are in a bar. A guy you've never met subtly glances at you in that way they all do to establish social dominance as you pass by him in the bar. Do you instantly challenge/fight him, or do you back down and let yourself be humiliated while the entire bar laughs at you after you leave? I will admit that 99.99999999% of the time I go home in humiliation in that instance and tell myself 'someday'. I notice every little glance, comment, or body movement directed against me and remember the son of a bitch responsible and think about what I would like to do to him. I can only imagine what they all do and say when I'm not watching. Do you know what it's like to constantly know that everyone is against you. I know what most of them want to do. If they ever cut my balls off, rape me, or do anything like that, I will definitley finish a few people before I kill myself. There will be no reason for cowardice at that point.
    What do you suggest I do, beat the living *** out of every single person that challenges me? I have already lost jobs and gone through too many headaches entirely because of assholes that literally do not deserve to live. There are several people that I work with now that I would love to beat within an inch of their lives because of the way they have disrespected me. They do it in subtle ways now, except I can tell what they're doing. I know they all get together and laugh about it behind my back. I know I have to be extra careful every night when I walk home from work. There are a couple I would be reluctant to fight. I don't bluff, if I don't want to mess with a guy, I will run away. If I do want to fight, I attack him. What am I supposed to do, fight everyone? Do you honestly expect me to believe that you beat the shit out of every single person that challenges you? You would be getting into fights several times a day every day of your life. There is no way you could hold down a job. Oh wait, I bet you don't fight sometimes because you are above it. Sure.
    How many dogs have you killed? You must not walk anywhere. EVERY SINGLE strange dog I have ever come across wanted to kill me, I could see it in their eyes.
    Another question you didn't answer was this. Imagine an American Pit Bull Terrier runs away from every thing that comes near it. It will do anything it can to kill any human being or animal only when cornered. It's owner matches it in locked cage matches so it can't run away from it's opponent. Say it proves to be a legitimate fighting dog and doesn't curr out under those circumstances because it can and will fight to the finish when forced to do so. Would you admire it any less than any other dog of comparable ability? What about in comparison to a dog that it beat under those circumstances by making the other dog, which would have beaten it under standard rules, quit after a long, hard fight. What about in relation to another dog which it simply over-matched physically. To me, the originally mentioned dog is the ultimate expression of self-preservation.
    To me, that animal is an ideal that is worth striving for in life. I admire his paranoia, ability, and tenacity. I would love to breed a line of dogs like that to watch them.
    As I stated earlier "There is nothing wrong with running away from everyone and everything in life as long as you can and will fight when forced into a corner."


    The Labrador Retriever left me no choice. The person I told you about deserved a lot worse than what he got. I have been beaten up nearly that bad before. In fact, I meant what I said earlier in that the reason I didn't erase him from this earth had nothing to do with morale character, I simply didn't want to get into trouble.

    [Edited by Newbie on 10-19-2000 at 09:50 AM]


    • #17
      You are a b!tch, Newbie.

      And, yes, you're a sociopath. Look, you're already talking about "killing" the guy, justifying doing so in your warped mind when you were no longer in any danger whatsoever.

      See, ALL sociopaths are 1) totally self-absorbed to the point nothing exists or matters besides their own little warped world and view; 2) ALL are scheming, evil, sneaky little f*cks; and 3) ALL are total cowards.

      That is why they scheme and sneak, because directness takes balls and integrity.

      You schemed, snuck, paincked, and killed a "lab" ... and then you beat up a weakling. You "would have" killed him ... but you were "scared for your own a$$."

      LOL, what a sorry, sorry, SORRY little b!tch you are. Seriously, I mean seriously, just kill yourself. You're pathetic.

      Yours truly,



      • #18

        You are wacked! There is nothing disgraceful about backing down from a fight because you don't want to fight. I think you need to stop hanging out in bars. In fact, you should take up something like basket weaving or knitting so that you don't have to deal with people.
        Try this: next time your freaky ass is in a bar and someone does that "challenge" look just ignore them and go back to your friends. If they push the matter with you then buy them a beer and tell them that you don't want to fight. Sit down with him and talk, get to know him and be friendly. People go to bars to meet people and make friends. You can do the same thing Newbie!!!


        • #19
          Newbie is either a very long-winded troll or he works for the Post Office. If it’s the latter Newbie, I have a Ruger Mini 14 with a slew of 30 round clips I’m selling, and I give discounts to Government employees.


          • #20

            LMAO! Newbie reminds me of someone I once met on the Ashida Kim board! I don't know about you guys, but my life isn't wracked with that much low-confidence, and I'm a pretty harsh self-critic.
            Fighting gets your clothes dirty, and whoever can't deal with the adrenaline dump usually loses. Not that big of a secret huh?



            • #21
              ROTFLMFAO @ Mickey...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

              Shi'ite MAN!

              I'm at work reading your first post and crying laughing! Great stuff man. You must have owned a few dogs in your time... details only a dog owner would know.


              • #22
                Dude, you are MESSED in the head


                • #23
                  "You schemed, snuck, paincked, and killed a "lab"

                  I had never met that Labrador Retriever before the incident. How could you say I schemed? The truth that you want to ignore is that it instigted the fight and left me NO DAMM CHOICE!

                  "and then you beat up a weakling. You "would have" killed him ... but you were "scared for your own a$$."

                  Who beat the shit out of me and was laughing about it. He wasn't a midget or anything(I guess he stopped growing in Junior High), he was about 5' 9" 145". Besides, what about the fact that he could have been playing possum and pretending to be knocked out. As is, all he suffered was a bloody, mangled face and a small piece of his shoulder bit off from behind(which resulted in the previously mentioned broken nose on my part when he snapped his head back as I was jerking up from the bite). I'm sure you've done a lot worse to others before for a hell of a lot less worthwhile reasons.

                  "That is why they scheme and sneak, because directness takes balls and integrity."

                  In both of the incidents I mentioned, my opponents SAW me coming well before the fight started. I TOLD the individual I fought I was going to attack him before I did. How can your pathetic little mind construe this as a sneak attack.
                  In fact, we seem to be in agreement on the topic of sneak attacks. For example, I honestly believe that ideally, if someone rapes and kills an individual’s mother, that individual should have to challenge the other individual to a fair fight to the death if he wants to kill him. If he sucker punches him or attacks him in any other similar unfair fashion, I think charges should be pressed. On the other hand, I don’t believe that criminal charges should ever be pressed in the case of a fair fight. I’m not sure how much truth there is to it, except I have read that often in the Old West, people would hang a man that shot someone in the back, regardless of his motives. However, if you challenged him to a fair fight with guns, no charges would be pressed.

                  [Edited by Newbie on 10-21-2000 at 03:14 AM]


                  • #24
                    Newbie, just ignore Joe Spanco (aka Pit Pussy), he's just trying to wind you up. Joe is unemployed and has nothing better to do than troll and jack to prOn.


                    • #25

                      Try SELF-employed.

                      Do you think the height of existence is to be a wage-slave for someone else?

                      Newsflash, DungBeatle: being "employed" basically means you are a SERF for a better man. You came groveling to the better man to kiss his shoes and beg that he toss you a few scheckles in exchange for your "labor."

                      So, you're right, I AM "unemployed" ... because I am a superior organism who creates his own income, not a clown who begs for one from someone else.

                      Yours truly,



                      • #26
                        Don't you feel pathetic posting 6am in the morning on a week day? Must of been the first thing you did when you got up in the morning then you replied to yourself.

                        You "must" be the man.


                        • #27
                          Liar Liar Pants on FIRE

                          Originally posted by Joe Manco

                          Try SELF-employed.
                          Oh yeah. Your dick has your right palm on retainer. Self-employed my ass.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Newbie
                            "You schemed, snuck, paincked, and killed a "lab"

                            I had never met that Labrador Retriever before the incident. How could you say I schemed? The truth that you want to ignore is that it instigted the fight and left me NO DAMM CHOICE!

                            "and then you beat up a weakling. You "would have" killed him ... but you were "scared for your own a$$."

                            Who beat the shit out of me and was laughing about it. He wasn't a midget or anything(I guess he stopped growing in Junior High), he was about 5' 9" 145". Besides, what about the fact that he could have been playing possum and pretending to be knocked out. As is, all he suffered was a bloody, mangled face and a small piece of his shoulder bit off from behind(which resulted in the previously mentioned broken nose on my part when he snapped his head back as I was jerking up from the bite). I'm sure you've done a lot worse to others before for a hell of a lot less worthwhile reasons.

                            "That is why they scheme and sneak, because directness takes balls and integrity."

                            In both of the incidents I mentioned, my opponents SAW me coming well before the fight started. I TOLD the individual I fought I was going to attack him before I did. How can your pathetic little mind construe this as a sneak attack.
                            In fact, we seem to be in agreement on the topic of sneak attacks. For example, I honestly believe that ideally, if someone rapes and kills an individual’s mother, that individual should have to challenge the other individual to a fair fight to the death if he wants to kill him. If he sucker punches him or attacks him in any other similar unfair fashion, I think charges should be pressed. On the other hand, I don’t believe that criminal charges should ever be pressed in the case of a fair fight. I’m not sure how much truth there is to it, except I have read that often in the Old West, people would hang a man that shot someone in the back, regardless of his motives. However, if you challenged him to a fair fight with guns, no charges would be pressed.

                            [Edited by Newbie on 10-21-2000 at 03:14 AM]
                            You bit him? Did he taste like chicken? You are a true sociopath and personally if I knew you I would pray to God that you were dead because one day you will kill somebody.


                            • #29
                              While I definitely understand the desire to protect yourself from dogs. I cant believe you killed a half grown lab - it wouldnt have come after you once you hurt it. You didnt have to smash his head into the ground. Poor owner - what if the dog just wanted to say hi?!

                              Dogs have really sensitive paws, so if you get an opportunity (maybe while the dog is on top of you), instead of hitting his head or collar, smash his paws.


                              • #30
                                < What if it attacks me, what are my chances against a dog such as a Bull-Mastiff, Rottweiler, or American Pit Bull Terrier. I am thinking of getting a couple of dogs to protect me on my walks and possibly arming myself. What breeds do you guys recommend?>

                                -First of all,the best dogs ever are Pit bulls. THey arent for everyone, but if you raise them from puppies, they are the most devoted and loyal, and toughest dogs around. They will attack instictively anyone that intends you harm, and they dont "bite", they attack and will not stop until they or the victim is dead. They hate other dogs and love to attack them at will. Likewise, they will attack small kids also. These dogs arent for everyone, but I wouldnt own anything but a Pitbull. HEres where I got mine

                                Just having a Pitbull scares people away, they dont know how loving they can be, messicans are scared to death of them

