Let me start out by saying that I absolutely hate to be around any large animals. I will not go anywhere near a horse, pig, cow, or anything like that if I have a choice because I do not trust them. Then again, I don't trust most people either. I have so far been able to avoid all fights with animals except one. A small half-grown Labrador Retriever that was unchained once starteld me at night while I was walking on the sidewalk in my small home town(he was standing on some steps). I wish I could have just run away, except I doubt that I could have outrun him. I couldn't tell what he wanted so I tensed up and got ready for the worst. I just stood there looking at him until he made his move. He kind of made a funny twitch and seemed to urinate (I still have no idea why he urinated, maybe he was just going crazy), and the fight started. I grabbed him and held him down while punching him, he bit back and tried to squirm away. I got a hold of his collar and started slamming his head into the steps. I kept slamming his head into the steps until it seemed that he might be dead. I was so ******* scared of letting loose my grip on his collar. I literally carried him into the first available woods and did my best to make sure no one saw me as I carried him away. The plan was to carry him to a bridge I knew of. I figured that if I threw him off the bridge into the water, I might be able to grab a stick to use as a club and run away from him if he was still alive and if he was dead, it would also be a good way of getting rid of the evidence. I had to stop and rest several times on the way because it is very hard to carry even 35 pounds in the manner in which I was carrying it. The whole time, I never took my hands off of his collar and they hurt so bad. You wouldn't believe the cramps I was getting. I finally got to the bridge. I picked out a branch that looked good and eyed it up as best I could at night. I threw him down, it's about a thiry foot drop and he landed in the water. I ran as fast as I could and grabbed the stick (which I could hardly hold at that point)and ran home, hoping like *** that he wasn't following me and all the time worrying that he might get an advantage if he attacked me from behind. This was one of the worst experiences of my life and I dread going through it again. Worse yet, what if I encounter a larger dog that wants to kill me?
I sometimes encounter loose dogs while I am walking somewhere. I never know what to do and have fortunately been able to spot them a couple of blocks ahead most of the time and have been able to avoid them by walking back a few blocks and circling around them. This is no lie. I always go out of my way to never come within a block or two of any dog that I can not tell is chained. The problem is, I sure as *** don't want to get close enough to see if it is chained. I have to walk really slow and constantly watch and listen. Sometimes I literally walk several miles to make it somewhere a couple blocks away because my detours sometimes bring me to where there are more dogs. What I normally do is learn a path and follow that path whenever I go to a certain place.
Have any of you ever been challenged to a fight by one of your dogs or any other dog? What do you do if a formidable dog such as an American Pit Bull terrier is challenging you? I have been told that you should not run away. Do you challenge it back with dominant gestures to show it you're not affraid? A friend of mine said someone told him that waving your arms around and making mock charges while screaming usually frightens dogs away. What if it attacks me, what are my chances against a dog such as a Bull-Mastiff, Rottweiler, or American Pit Bull Terrier. I am thinking of getting a couple of dogs to protect me on my walks and possibly arming myself. What breeds do you guys recommend?
[Edited by Newbie on 10-17-2000 at 06:13 AM]
I sometimes encounter loose dogs while I am walking somewhere. I never know what to do and have fortunately been able to spot them a couple of blocks ahead most of the time and have been able to avoid them by walking back a few blocks and circling around them. This is no lie. I always go out of my way to never come within a block or two of any dog that I can not tell is chained. The problem is, I sure as *** don't want to get close enough to see if it is chained. I have to walk really slow and constantly watch and listen. Sometimes I literally walk several miles to make it somewhere a couple blocks away because my detours sometimes bring me to where there are more dogs. What I normally do is learn a path and follow that path whenever I go to a certain place.
Have any of you ever been challenged to a fight by one of your dogs or any other dog? What do you do if a formidable dog such as an American Pit Bull terrier is challenging you? I have been told that you should not run away. Do you challenge it back with dominant gestures to show it you're not affraid? A friend of mine said someone told him that waving your arms around and making mock charges while screaming usually frightens dogs away. What if it attacks me, what are my chances against a dog such as a Bull-Mastiff, Rottweiler, or American Pit Bull Terrier. I am thinking of getting a couple of dogs to protect me on my walks and possibly arming myself. What breeds do you guys recommend?
[Edited by Newbie on 10-17-2000 at 06:13 AM]