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ATTN Dog Experts

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  • ATTN Dog Experts

    Let me start out by saying that I absolutely hate to be around any large animals. I will not go anywhere near a horse, pig, cow, or anything like that if I have a choice because I do not trust them. Then again, I don't trust most people either. I have so far been able to avoid all fights with animals except one. A small half-grown Labrador Retriever that was unchained once starteld me at night while I was walking on the sidewalk in my small home town(he was standing on some steps). I wish I could have just run away, except I doubt that I could have outrun him. I couldn't tell what he wanted so I tensed up and got ready for the worst. I just stood there looking at him until he made his move. He kind of made a funny twitch and seemed to urinate (I still have no idea why he urinated, maybe he was just going crazy), and the fight started. I grabbed him and held him down while punching him, he bit back and tried to squirm away. I got a hold of his collar and started slamming his head into the steps. I kept slamming his head into the steps until it seemed that he might be dead. I was so ******* scared of letting loose my grip on his collar. I literally carried him into the first available woods and did my best to make sure no one saw me as I carried him away. The plan was to carry him to a bridge I knew of. I figured that if I threw him off the bridge into the water, I might be able to grab a stick to use as a club and run away from him if he was still alive and if he was dead, it would also be a good way of getting rid of the evidence. I had to stop and rest several times on the way because it is very hard to carry even 35 pounds in the manner in which I was carrying it. The whole time, I never took my hands off of his collar and they hurt so bad. You wouldn't believe the cramps I was getting. I finally got to the bridge. I picked out a branch that looked good and eyed it up as best I could at night. I threw him down, it's about a thiry foot drop and he landed in the water. I ran as fast as I could and grabbed the stick (which I could hardly hold at that point)and ran home, hoping like *** that he wasn't following me and all the time worrying that he might get an advantage if he attacked me from behind. This was one of the worst experiences of my life and I dread going through it again. Worse yet, what if I encounter a larger dog that wants to kill me?
    I sometimes encounter loose dogs while I am walking somewhere. I never know what to do and have fortunately been able to spot them a couple of blocks ahead most of the time and have been able to avoid them by walking back a few blocks and circling around them. This is no lie. I always go out of my way to never come within a block or two of any dog that I can not tell is chained. The problem is, I sure as *** don't want to get close enough to see if it is chained. I have to walk really slow and constantly watch and listen. Sometimes I literally walk several miles to make it somewhere a couple blocks away because my detours sometimes bring me to where there are more dogs. What I normally do is learn a path and follow that path whenever I go to a certain place.
    Have any of you ever been challenged to a fight by one of your dogs or any other dog? What do you do if a formidable dog such as an American Pit Bull terrier is challenging you? I have been told that you should not run away. Do you challenge it back with dominant gestures to show it you're not affraid? A friend of mine said someone told him that waving your arms around and making mock charges while screaming usually frightens dogs away. What if it attacks me, what are my chances against a dog such as a Bull-Mastiff, Rottweiler, or American Pit Bull Terrier. I am thinking of getting a couple of dogs to protect me on my walks and possibly arming myself. What breeds do you guys recommend?

    [Edited by Newbie on 10-17-2000 at 06:13 AM]

  • #2
    First of all, shame on you for your stance on animals. Loser.

    Second of all, if you want to find out how to handle a dog attack, read the classic words of wisdom Pit Dog wrote on his archived masterpiece, "Some Pretty Scary Stuff!"

    Thirdly, to answer your question as to which dog can "protect" your cowardly a$$ better than which other breed, I will give you a quote:

    "A pit bull can do anything any other dog can do ... and then whip him."
    ~ Wiz Hubbard


    • #3
      “A friend of mine said someone told him that waving your arms around and making mock charges while screaming usually frightens dogs away.”

      Absolutely incorrect. You must think as a dog, then you must behave as a dog. When faced with this type of a situation one should immediately drop to all fours. Tense your whole body and walk towards the threatening animal on stiff legs. Once you get close to the dog, growl slightly and start smelling his ass hole. He will try and smell yours. Rotate your poop shoot away from the animal while keeping your nose firmly planted in his. In extreme cases it may be necessary to lick his anal orifice. Keep growling the entire time. Next, the dog in question will probably try to mount you and hump you. This is a good thing. If your humping your not fighting, so let him have his way with you. Not only should this type of behavior eliminate your problem with aggressive dogs, you will probably become very popular among the neighborhood pooches. Hope that helps.


      • #4
        From what I've heard bluffing works fairly well on dogs, in the wild canine society is largely based on posturing. If the dog happens to call your bluff though, you're probably gonna get hurt at least a little.

        I think the best thing to do if attacked by a dog is, first of all, if you have a jacket or something you can wrap around your forearm, do it. Otherwise just stick your arm out there. The dog WILL bite you but if you give him your arm then he can't bite your throat. Then while he's chewing on your arm you can punch with your free hand or kick, or poke it in the eyes. See dogs aren't geniuses, so if you give them your arm, they probably will just hang on, instead of letting go and trying for your throat.

        My 2 cents.


        • #5


          • #6
            I hope you're laughing at Mickey, Joe. BTW Mickey, YUCK!


            • #7
              The Labrador Retriever of Death??!!

              I'm sensing some therapy issues!

              I like to keep a handful of Liv-a-Snaps in my pocket... no dog can resist...

              [Edited by Tony10 on 10-17-2000 at 10:15 AM]


              • #8

                I don't know if offering your arm is a good idea. I've seen a few dog attacks, as well as training to know that you'll get ****ed up bad by doing this. I've seen Pit Bulls clamp onto a forearm and the person was in such pain they couldn't strike the animal. Luckily, someone near them was able to take the dog out, as they were completely incompacitated.



                • #9
                  ---Joe Manco

                  "First of all, shame on you for your stance on animals. Loser."

                  My stance on animals? What the hell is wrong with defending myself. I have never instigated an attack on an animal except when I was hunting. The Labrador Retriever I mentioned started the fight with me. The actions I take with animals and people are not taken out of a desire to hurt anyone, I simply defend myself when someone or something is out to get me. Actually, animals don't scare me nearly as much as people. An animal won't gloat over you after it beats you. All most people want to do is beat you to the point where you quit fighting and laugh at you to show their superiority. I will run from an animal freely and not feel embarassed. When you quit fighting against a fellow human, you disgrace yourself. When you lose as reult of a lack of ability, you are disgraced just as badly if not worse. I have no more respect for a loser than I do for a curr. Let me put it this way, I would cull an animal that lacked ability just as quickly as I would cull a curr. All that matters is who wins. I actually have more respect for a coward than I do for either one of them. The way I see it, there is a difference between cowardice and curring out. A coward will run from a fight, a curr will lie down and quit in the middle of one. Not all cowards will do this when forced into a corner. There is nothing wrong with running away from everyone and everything in life as long as you can and will fight when forced into a corner. In fact, I think it is an advisable manner in which to live your life. Imagine that a friend of yours had an American Pit Bull Terrier. Say this particular dog had more natural ability than any dog you had ever seen. Say this dog did nothing other than run and hide in the corner and would kill any animal that came near it, including humans. If you or even it's owner ever came near this dog, it would do it's best to kill you if it couldn't run away. Also, say it was matched strictly in manner of two dogs locked in a cage until one was dead. It didn't curr out and always won, obtaining Grand-Champion status. However, given half a chance, it would have run away from it's opponent. Would that dog be any less admirable because of it's cowardice? Would that dog be any less useful as a stud dog than any other Grand-Champion?
                  Now, back to defeat. Sometimes there is nothing you can do after you get yourself into a bad situation. Here is an example. When I was thirteen, a kid in my class who was a lot bigger than me picked a fight with me. I fought my hardest. I tried everything I could think of, except I got my ass kicked and got knocked out. I have never felt so worthless in my entire life. To tell you the truth, I deserved to get beaten up by him because I had not done very much to prepare myself. I knew that in order to get my self-respect back, at least as far as he was concerned, I would have to defeat him thoroughly. I spent the rest of the year avoiding fights with him. I always worked to improve myself in the meantime(not just for the fight with him of course). I joined the High School Wrestling team. I joined a boxing gym after High School was finished and learned what I could. I lifted weights and tried my hardest to improve myself physically. When the Ultimate Fighting Championship came out, I tried to find Jiu-Jitsu in my area, except had to settle for Judo. I had to do all of this just to protect myself from people. Finally, when I was 23, I decided to hunt him down and win. I determined that the fight would be fair. I found out where he lived from the phone book and staked out his house. I noticed that he jogged daily in the afternoon. I decided that I would confront him shortly after he began jogging. I stopped him about a block from his house so that he would not be winded and it would be a fair fight. I never got within ten feet of him so he couldn't cheap-shot me. He tried to say he didn't remember, except I knew the real story. I told him I was going to attack him and I did. He had plenty of time to prepare, so it was a fair fight. I took him down to the ground and mounted him. I am now considerably bigger than him and WAY stronger. I am not super strong or anything, except he is a weakling. I punched him repeatedly and he turned his back after his face had been bloodied. I started headbutting him in the back of the head. I got really sloppy and actually broke my own nose during all the confusion. I couldn't see what I was doing, except I managed to control him well enough to break down his base. I truned him over with a half-nelson and slowly worked the side-mount into the full-mount. I rained down my hardest punches and elbows non-stop until he stopped moving. The only reason I continued punching him after he stopped moving is because I was afraid he might be playing possum. At that point, I was acting out of fear. I punched him until I felt reasonably confident that he was unconcious. Then I held his head in my hands and reassured myself that I could break his neck and kill him if I wanted to except didn't. That moment was the proudest moment in my life. I had finally gotten my self-worth back as far as that situation was concerned. I honestly feel that I would have been morally justified in killing him after everything he put me through, except our ********* up society would have put me in prison and I would have had to kill myself to protect myself from being gang-raped.
                  Now, I am definitely not a serious badass. In fact, I am affraid to go to parties or bars because there are probably guys there that can beat me up and I know that most of them want to. I can beat most of them, except I still need to improve. Another factor to consider is that if a fight breaks out, I will always be alone. I am a nice guy that is concerned with protecting myself, nothing else. ALL of the confrontations and fights I have ever gotten into since adulthood have been started by others.

                  "Thirdly, to answer your question as to which dog can "protect" your cowardly a$$"

                  Cowardly, I suppose you WANT to fight Bull-Masiffs, Rottweilers, or American Pit Bull Terriers. Exactly what do you do when you encounter a stray dog? What would you have done if you had come across that same Labrador Retriever.

                  [Edited by Newbie on 10-18-2000 at 06:08 AM]


                  • #10

                    Don't get your dress caught in your crack, Newbie.

                    The first step to winning any fight, be it against man or beast, is to have a pair of balls ... instead of running around in terror like a naked blonde in Harlem.

                    Grow the pair of balls first, then worry about what technique to use ... or what "breed selection" to get in a dog.

                    Yours truly,


                    [Edited by Joe Manco on 10-18-2000 at 09:09 AM]


                    • #11
                      Atomic, I don't know that it's a great idea either but if I had the choice of a dog chewing on part of my body I would choose my arm. I mean if it's gonna bite you it's gonna bite, you might as well choose where it's gonna bite.


                      • #12


                        I think you are pretty sick, and pathetic. You threw a doggie off of a bridge!! What the hell is wrong with you?!?! I can understand defending yourself if something attacks you but you took it way to far. Animals aren’t mean, or evil, or hateful. He probably thought that you were trying to break into his home. You should have shouted for the owner or at lest left the dog there after you beat it so the owner could find it and take care of it. Instead you knocked it out and carried it to a place where you could safely murder it.
                        I have done my share of walking and have had many a dog come up to me growling and barking (one was even frothing at the mouth). You might be surprised how a nice word in a gentle tone will calm these animals down.
                        You went to far with the guy who was bulling you too. You held all that anger and hate inside of you for 10 years till you could beat him up in an “even” fight. Let me tell you that it wasn’t even. You had spent 10 years preparing for it and stalking him. You let him know a couple of seconds before you beat him. That doesn’t mean he was prepared, that doesn’t mean it was even.
                        You are a coward.
                        You are so because you never thought about why he was harassing you and you never gave him a chance to atone for it. You would have been so much more of a man (and a brave one at that) to meet him that day, tell him you have wanted to repay him for ten years, and then forgive him. A true hero fights to save lives, not his bruised ego.


                        • #13
                          your joking right?

                          :/ Theres easier ways of dealing with dogs than killing them


                          • #14
                            Like I said, Newbie, you are a sick coward.

                            Jeffrey Dahmer started off killing dogs too.

                            I am sure you are going to wind up mounting ... and f*cking ... dead, naked, ethnic men in the a$$ ultimately also. Are you also going to eat their body parts later at your leisure in the pattern of your hero?

                            You should be EXECUTED and have your unfit genes removed from the genetic pool, loser.

                            Yours truly,


                            [Edited by Joe Manco on 10-19-2000 at 08:45 AM]


                            • #15
                              There is something definately wrong with Newbie. I'm not sure I buy the whole fear of dogs thingy. Have you done in any cats by chance? Your profile makes for a great sociopath, seriously. It all starts with animals and then moves on. Did you kill the dog before you got into this fight?


