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Grappling was invented for Cowards

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  • #16
    This is old, but seems oddly relevant.

    Brutal!? You don't know the MEANING of brutal until you've heard the story of Culture Three!
    How brutal WAS Culture Three you ask?
    Culture Three was SO brutal that they maimed, tortured, enslaved, and in general brutalized
    You see, Culture Two had made a virtue of stoic resistance to pain, stubborn fortitude, that sort of thing.
    So when Culture Three came around, they had a problem.
    How were they going to impress everyone as being EVEN TOUGHER?
    Their answer? They would arrive at a battle, stand on a tall hill where everyone could see them
    and chop off one of their own limbs! Then they'd wave it around, screaming and shaking it at their enemies.
    It worked! It scared the hell out of their opponents! They ran like crazy!
    You could tell who was a real war hero back then by how few arms or legs he had left.
    War parades were quite different too. Instead of sturdy old warriors walking slowly past the reviewing stands
    they tended to roll, and at a good clip, too.
    To you, an inferior alien, this may seem bluntly stupid -- the product of a sick, primitive society.
    SNORT! You couldn't be more right!
    Culture Three was, as you can well understand, only the third Thraddash Culture
    and was therefore far from the tempered perfection you have encountered here and now.


    • #17
      Now I'm starten to believe that this isn't PD, but a damn good imitator.

      Joe makes some good points, so "IN TRUE CREONTE FASHION", I will attempt to find a good boxing gym near my crib.


      • #18
        Pit Dog,

        Great Post. You are really roiling the waters lately.

        Sounds like you have too much time on your hands, but we certainly enjoy your clever musings.

        Finally I see the light: I have wasted the last several years studying Judo and BJJ!

        Thanks for the enlightenment, Master Pit Dog!



        • #19

          why do you blokes here apple-polish this manco buffoon?

          i've seen plenty of kimono and headband wearing poseurs bark up a storm as they tout their invincible striking skills only to be used as mat wipes after they've been beaten into a permament spot on the special olympics team.

          take it form someone who knows stick with your grappling and let fantasists like this clod sleep with their fantasty boxing blankey at night



          • #20
            i think steed is Pit Dog/Joe Manco

            arguing with himself


            • #21
              I think we have found Pit Dog’s evil English twin.


              • #22


                • #23
                  Right on, Mickey! heeheeheeheeheeheehee


                  • #24
                    ha! steed don't take no sh!t!


                    • #25
                      Go slap Coleman in the face and see if he cant take you down and still have u flying out on a helicopter to the nearest hospital. Hell i guess if your knee was popped or arm broken then you would just walk away and not even get it checked though right? Hell anytime ive choked someone out in a streetfight im usually mounted on them when they come too but i guess there cant be any real damage done there either.


                      • #26
                        right-o old chap!


                        • #27
                          The return of SCOTSGIT????

                          Could it be???


                          • #28

                            I love a good troll. It's truely an art. The best trolls are so subtle. This one is totally lame.

                            ..."beaten into a permament spot on the special olympics team"



                            • #29

                              excuse me: i'm a troll?

                              if i had to venture a guess i would say whoever that moron was i was wasting my time responding to is your troll, mr. bennett.

                              the only thing more pants than his idiotic claims, on a bjj board no less, was the fact that he probably had he probably had to stop typing to put his hand in a boxing glove before he grabbed his f***ing willy.

                              if i'm being harsh i apologize but if there's one thing i can't stand it's loudmouths who grandstand for a bunch of satin-short wearing homosexuals when in reality most blue belts could take your tyson friend and screw him into the ground head-first so you could use his arsehole to plant the flagpole before we run the union jack up it.

                              i'm surprised people here are praising this blowhard


                              • #30
                                I agree, this is a lame troll.

                                Already 2 pages long (and outranks every post on the topic but two) in an hour. Hell and we pulled in a dumb bloke from across the pond as well.

                                But that was a "real spiffy" quote there, John.

                                Coleman? LOL

                                Remember how he "stood up" to those blows of Williams??? Remember that "brave" expression on his face while he clock-watched against Mo Smith???

                                ROTFLMAO, like I said grapplers "are" grapplers so they can avoid pain and hide in each others' arms, instead of using their arms to whipass.

                                Yours truly,


                                [Edited by Joe Manco on 10-19-2000 at 04:51 PM]

