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Grappling was invented for Cowards

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  • #46

    Guns! Shoot them all with guns!
    Then hang them and cut their stomachs open! Now we're talking pools of blood. Muahahahahha!

    PS if you keep your strikes tight, and include elbows, headbutts, and knees there's a lot of damage to be had.
    The leverage is there, you just gotta find it and train it

    Take care,


    • #47
      Why even defend yourself?Just stand there and take those kicks and punches.Then ,when he thinks you cant be hurt you start kicking and punching back.That's how a real man fights.I like the idea of cutting yourself open to the bone in front of your enemy in order to get the Pshyco advantage.
      Bite off and eat one of your own fingers.Then look at him and say,(I dont even need catsup for you!).


      • #48
        Ay Joe, whats a madder for you??

        There may be some truth to what you say. I've boxed for years and always hated it when (in a street fight) the other guy would shoot for my legs and take me down and then would not be specific about how he was going to try and finish me, ie: no arm-bar, no choke etc., he was just interested in G&P as best as he could. My point being, even though I usually got the best on the ground as well, I hated to be in unfamiliar territory. I was good at boxing, and that is exactly what I wanted to do. I used to think to myself (when my adversary took me down) "what a wimp, that's all he can do, he doesn't want to stand and scrap, all he can do is try and take me down"!! (little did I know, that's probably all he knew, and, being on the ground was comfortable to him (his territory).


        A straight arm's still a broken arm - Master JPF


        • #49
          ALL RIGHT NOW!

          That's what I call IDEAS

          Maybe Dan is right, the Jesus Christ principle.

          Just turn the other cheek and let the man beat the be-Jesus out of you, and when he's done laugh in his face.

          A real man can take anything without getting upset or firing a shot in return.

          Actually, Socrates said this before Jesus was a twinkle in God's eye when Mary bent over to pick a flower, "Tis better to be wronged than to commit a wrong."

          Yours truly,



          • #50
            Originally posted by Joe Manco

            ... I wonder what the temperature of (Royce's) face was as he hobbled from the pride ring, humiliated as a cur? ...

            Don't get me wrong, I like Royce, but God damn that was funny


            • #51
              Gentlemen, hand me the syringe...

              Pit Dog is off his thorazine again!!!!!


              • #52

                Why do you say that?


                • #53
                  Joe Joe Joe........


                  I dont know if anybody posted this earlyier because I havent read the hole thing.Joe,actually grappling happends whethere you want it to or not.History lesson time!To my small amount of knoledge I think wrestling is the oldest form of martial art.The Greeks invented it.Now,isnt it true most of the matches left the lose dead and the winner crippled for life?Brutal enough for?

                  I'm sure most of us on here have been in a few childhood brawls right?what happends?Yeah you punch but eventually one or the other geats wrestled to the ground.WRESTLED.This just doesnt apply to childhood brawls,it applys to everybody without the knoledge of grappling.When people fight the first thing that they want to do is tackle the guy.Thats where grappling takes place.What it all boils down to is grappling is a better way to win a fight.It is also smarter.Igor, heavy hitter right?Also is learning to GRAPPLE.Either you have a hatred for grappling or you were one of the guys that was beat by Royce Gracie.By the way,you say you want to see people get knoecked out,beat up,toothless?I have Tank Abott's number,ya'll should hook up.AND,isnt the basic principle of all martial arts not to get hit?Yes,it is more exciting to see people get knocked out but it sounds like you are the majority of the puplic that just wants to see the big 1-punch knockouts.


                  • #54
                    I didnt know that mental institutions had net access????


                    • #55
                      Still having a go?

                      all I can tell you is that if i came home to my flat, opened the door and saw some satin-robed, taped-hand wanker shuckin' & jivin' in my front room wanting to trade blows, i'd f***in brain him with the table lamp, flip on the telly, and use his f***in frozen-open mouth for an ashtray...

                      of course it's a giggle watching two jackasses get in a canvas-covered ring and try and crack open the other's coconut, but that's all it is, entertainment for the drunken gits in the audience who want to watch two cat-brained wankers advance their journey to becoming drueling vegetables in some house for the aged in surrey

                      my mate ian who's about 104 kg got into a row last year with some sod outside a pub who start dancing around and jabbing like a clown, like he was naz or something. ian just fell on him and the bloke didn't get up after that. itwas like watching a bus fall onto a grape


                      • #56
                        I'd rather finish a guy off from the feet (punches, kicks, etc) but if I get the opportunity to slam his ass HARD and choke him cold then your damn right I will....

                        now go get "felatio" from some 16 yr old asian prostitute.....


                        • #57
                          Steed: WTF are you talking about???!!

                          I like the judo throw suggestion. People always forget how lethal those can be.

                          Brains oozing out, beating people bloody--this is like some martial arts Dawn of the Dead thread...


                          • #58
                            Dawn of the Dead ... one of the true horror classics

                            And if my opponent isn't walking like a zombie for at least a month after I get through w/ his arse, then I feel disgraced as a man.

                            Hey Steed:
                            Do you think you could throw in just one more slang adjective in your last post?

                            I demand right now that Tim Mousel change Steed's name either to "Mr. Slang" or "Mr. Adjective."

                            Oops! My nurse is coming, gotta go get that lobotomy ...

                            Yours truly,



                            • #59
                              bit wordy, am i?

                              never been told that before!


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Joe Manco

                                Me, I like to see them helicoptered in to the nearest life-support facility for blood loss.

                                Is being a physco a manly thing to do? if i were you i would try and subdue my hormones!!

