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Grappling was invented for Cowards

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  • Grappling was invented for Cowards

    I may take a lot of flack here (on a grappling board), but if you think about it the whole concept of grapplin ... "closing the distance" and taking someone down to subdue them ... is the result of someone trying to figure out how best NOT to fight.

    I will not argue that BJJ (submission, etc.) is effective, but it was basically invented by those who hadn't the balls to swap it out like men.

    Think about Royce Gracie (when asked what his strategy in a UFC fight was): "I just don't want to get hit."

    LMFAO, can you imagine a real fighter like Hagler saying this? And of course when Roycie-poo tkes a few bonkers on the legs and noggin' he folds like a bad hand in a western saloon and quits.

    I wonder what the temperature of his face was as he hobbled from the pride ring, humiliated as a cur?

    For all of its "intricacy," for all of its "effectiveness," for all of the patches that may adorn you people's gis ... there is a reason WHY you take grappling over boxing ... and that is because you are not masculine enough to fight like men and trade punches, but would rather roll around and hug each other from betwixt another man's legs.

    Yours truly,


  • #2
    Um...I'm pretty sure you're trolling now.


    • #3
      Actually, serious answer Joe.

      I would strike first, try to stay on my feet, and use grappling if I got taken down against my will. Try to get off the bottom as quickly as possible.

      I would also run first, so obviously I am not a "real man" like yourself.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Joe Manco

        and that is because you are not masculine enough to fight like men and trade punches, but would rather roll around and hug each other from betwixt another man's legs.

        This should be good....


        • #5
          Obviously not, Ronin.

          The whole reason to learn how to fight is to BEAT THE BE-JESUS out of someone, not "subdue" them.

          Who wants to finish a fight with a choke. That doesn't hurt.

          I want to beat a man senseless, toothless, and bloodless by the time I get through with them.

          I guess you girls would rather have a man lying unconscious and unhurt before you when YOU'RE done with him. And, um, then what do you do next?

          Me, I like to see them helicoptered in to the nearest life-support facility for blood loss.

          Yours truly,



          • #6

            nyuk nyuk!

            What about taking someone down and beating the bejesus out of him?
            nyuk nyuk, and if he has friends just shoot them.



            • #7
              I'll actually agree to a certain extent

              There is no questioning the effectiveness and necessity of pure grappling skills...but guys who only know how to grapple and have never learned how to take punches or deliver them just aren't really fighters in my opinion.


              • #8
                Well, yeah, if that's your definition of fighting.

                I thought the point was to eliminate your opponent as a physical threat to you--who cares how you do it?

                Not that I'm not down for an old-school ass-kickin', should the occasion present itself...

                Or whatever.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Joe Manco
                  I want to beat a man senseless, toothless, and bloodless by the time I get through with them.
                  ......I like to see them helicoptered in to the nearest life-support facility for blood loss.

                  Brought a tear to my eye………..


                  • #10
                    You have to admit: the thread title is one of the all-time classics.

                    Outstanding work.


                    • #11
                      For the most part you are right, Joe.

                      Except for one thing you wrote:

                      "LMFAO, can you imagine a real fighter like Hagler saying this? And of course when Roycie-poo tkes a few bonkers on the legs and noggin' he folds like a bad hand in a western saloon and quits."

                      Hagler was a real BOXER, not a real FIGHTER.

                      nice troll by the way.


                      • #12
                        No, Hagler's not a "real fighter," Hounddoggy-dog. He was just some rich jew who "took MA lessons" a couple of times a week, wasn't he?

                        Tell you what, Lost Dog, see if you can arrange to meet Hagler in person, and slap him in the face, and see if you'll find yourself in a "fight" or not.

                        Yours truly,



                        • #13
                          yer freakin losing it, Pit Dog.

                          ...and then i would offer the same suggestion to you. Go find Royce on the street, slap him in the face and see if you'd have yourself a fight.



                          • #14
                            Big Talk There, Mate

                            oh really mr. manco?

                            anytime you want to come to my place and talk smack like that you can flail all you want but it won't prevent me from taking you down, mounting you like the beeyotch you are, and pounding you into f***ing hong kong.

                            i'll use you for an f***ing oilplug, mate.


                            • #15
                              Oh boy. Here we go.

