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Grappling was invented for Cowards

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  • #76


    • #77
      "Who wants to finish a fight with a choke. That doesn't hurt."

      Couldn't you choke him out and then punch him in the face repeadetly afterwards until he is sufficiently beaten up? Or perhaps a person could continue applying the choke until the other person suffers brain damage or dies. Or possibly a joint lock could be APPLIED.


      • #78
        Call me a coward, but I'd rather fight effectively and be able to escape or subdue someone than be a stupid idiot and try to slug it out with someone a lot bigger and end up taking a lot of punishment and possibly get seriosuly injured. Ever seen two people who couldn't fight go at it? It's gotta be one of the stupidest things I've ever seen in my life. It's not manly at all, it's just plain stupid like monkey knifefighting.
        It's plain sensible to try to end a fight quickly as opposed to suck and fight in a long drawn out pummel fest.



        • #79

          OK, as you wish, I'll call you a coward.

          What you coward-apologists just aren't getting is the fact your "worry" over "being hit" is ... PRECISELY ... your cowardice.

          Yours truly,



          • #80
            When I fight I like to use grappling, not because I'm afraid of getting hit, but because I can. I like to show my opponent that he is nothing compared to me so I dominate him in everyway possible and make him tap out. I show him that I could hurt him if I wanted to but I would rather him go home feeling like the bitch that he is and knowing that I am superior to him so next time I see him he knows to do what I say or I'll f*ck him up. That's what I call being a man.


            • #81
              Rudolf The Red Nosed Reindeer

              Remember Berl Ives speaking for the trembling Snowman in the Christmas classid, Rudolf The Red Nosed Reindeer, saying "Tell me when it's all over"...

              That's how I imagine the grappler after seizing a manly chest, hugging it to within sniffing range, pushing him horizontal to the poppy fields.

              "Ohh.....GOD...." is what Tom Cruise said in Risky Business, descending the steps in terror as the prostitute waited at the door. This expression is also what most grapplers murmur under the craven, shallow breath as they step to the center of the ring with Daddy, seizing him in an Oedipal effort...

              When you're ****ing pissed at someone, you fantasize about beating him down...not scooting to the 69 position, justifying such an inglorious and public exhibition with "I wanted to work on my Kimura..."

              A little known fact - Kimura was a switch hitter who spent hours with his "little Tanto's" finding submissions from that north-south position.



              • #82

                I'm always curious want motivates a 30 year old something man to troll. No social skills I suppose.

                This post makes as much sense as a chimp slapping his penis on top of your head Joey.

                Love and Kisses.


                • #83

                  That senselessness was born from your brain, partner...and it truly was a tour-de-force of idiocy. You condemn the post while adding a footnote to a text on mental health.



                  • #84
                    ladies, ladies

                    cowardice? i don't think so, mate. you can try and throw a punch my way, but you better drop me with it, because if you don't the next thing you know you'll have the mancunian monster on you like a bad suit and, for your lack of consideration, i'll be slamming you into the bloody pavement before i mount your crumpled mass and pound you with so many lefts, you'll be BEGGING for a right.

                    of course 'tis better to give than receive as manco says, but what i have no patience for is some light-footed fairy dancing around in front of me stabbing fruitlessly into the wind before he reaches his own inevitable demise, which i can assure you will be most unpleasant.

                    if some unfortunate sob is unskilled enough to provide ample facial real estate for my incoming fist, than i say: cheers! that just means i don't have to get me f***ing pants dirty.

                    i don't care if you know how to bloody punch or not, if you don't know how to grapple, i'm going to put you down, chicken-wing you and break your f***ing arm off, which i will then use to spank your tourist girlfriend.



                    • #85
                      Hey Steed:
                      You can save all of your limey rhetoric that followed your first posit ... because I would knock your a$$ out with the first punch. And I'd use your gaping, bloody, unconscious maw to hold the discarded condom which would be the result of the aftermath of my "finally" satisfying your wife while you were "out."

                      I mean, get real. Everyone knows limeys can't fight, they're too busy posturing with their ridiculous accent to bob & weave and get out of the way of punches.

                      And, even on the ground, Stooge, I'd mop your bum cause I've grappled longer and with better instructors.

                      But even though I have a grappling background "too" ... I do not fool myself as to which style is for men, and which for boys. 99% of the high-ranking belt holders I knew would have QUIT if they were taking boxing instead. Too tough, too real, no QUITTING allowed.

                      In fact, the WHOLE IDEAL of grappling centers around quitting: the tap. We don't have that kind of cowardly sh!t in boxing.

                      Yours truly,


                      [Edited by Joe Manco on 10-21-2000 at 03:06 PM]


                      • #86
                        You kick ass


                        • #87

                          Originally posted by Gargoyle

                          That senselessness was born from your brain, partner...and it truly was a tour-de-force of idiocy. You condemn the post while adding a footnote to a text on mental health.


                          That reply was born from your brain, sister...and it truly was a tour-de-force in what it's like being born without any natural wit. Do you feel embarassed coming up with that crap? Your post is a footnote to your pointless life.

                          I am glad I mock your pointless life. It was well worth the 20 seconds I spent as I type rather slow you know.

                          Love and Kisses.


                          • #88
                            Hey Steed:

                            I see you already got a cheerleader. One bi-yotch screams, while the other waives pom poms.

                            I told you grappling was for cowards, women, and faggots. Y'all stick together like cowards, women, and faggots.

                            The next thing I know, you two pansies are going to come up with a local "Coward Support Group" too ... or maybe even an annual "Cowardly March" ...

                            Yours truly,


                            [Edited by Joe Manco on 10-21-2000 at 05:30 PM]


                            • #89
                              I'd like to see a boxer that didn't want to tap out after I've broken his arm, leg, and had him in a guillotine


                              • #90
                                Steed, ignore Pit Pussy. He got his assed kicked a lot in school. All the poor guy wanted was to hang with the popular kids. Like most guys with attack dogs, he is lacking in the bollocks dept. and needs a dog on his arm for protection, he also carries guns. My guess is he received a sturdy reaming from a family friend when he was a teenager, hence the love/hate fag thing. Deep down he knows he has a little sugar in his tank, this enrages the poor guy and crystalizes his hate for "fags".

