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  • shaolin

    does anyone know about the style called shaolin kung fu?
    it's advantages and drawbacs?

  • #2
    Yes, having watched every episode of David Carradine's classic 1970's hit "Kunfg Fu" I know quite alot about it! Oh yes!

    It has many advantages. Firstly it is shrouded in mystery, so people can make up all kinds of bollocksy stories about how this or that master could do amazing things, like crack a nut with his jacksie, things like that.

    Also, you get to wave your hands about in a cool dudey fasion, and someone who is a total tit may think it means that you know how to fight......

    There are drawbacks, however. You can only leave the training hall by picking up a boiling cauldron with your forearms, leaving the most amazingly mysterious dragon shaped burn marks. But's its a real pisser when you get them in the wrong place. Practice on a kettle first, but order your taxi to th hospital before you put the kettle on. Basic time management.

    Also you have to shave your head and look like a knob.

    On the whole I would recommend sticking pins in your eyes before signing up for a course.


    • #3


      well i was actually thinking of joining, there is an temple in china wich is teaching shaolin kung fu to foreigners. the classes are tought 24/7 and the teachers are shaolin masters just like tha ones you described, with shaved head and everything.

      well this training costs about 4000-5000 us dollars a year.
      that includes housing and food, clothing, training.

      don't tell me that this doesen't seem cool and intresting :-)

      i was planning to go for a couple of yaers.


      • #4
        by the way, do you know of any good movies that describes some of the shaolin style? or documantarys or something.


        • #5
          Shaolin Kung Fu is like every other art. It is up to the practitioner to make it work. Personally I think the movements are pretty cool to watch. Don't know what kind of tv programming you get in Norway, but here in the US on the History channel or Discovery channel they'll have something on martial arts, sometimes Kung Fu specifically.


          • #6

            ok thanx i'll check it out!!!!


            • #7
              check out
              great info on Shaolin Gung Fu


              • #8
                yes I have been studding southern kung fu for some time now. it has many advantages I study medicine internal and external I also study Iron skin and Iron palm forms. there are stand up forms and ground forms. internal and external. If you have this opportunity to go and learn take it. I wish I could. there a so many styles to fight from in the kung fu systems that It is truly a complete system. The school you are looking to go to, is it southern or northern? I hope you have the chance to learn not only how to destroy but how to fix what you break.
                Red Eagle


                • #9
                  yeah, what Redeagle said


                  • #10
                    this is from the people who will be responsable for my training there in china.

                    this it what they wrote:

                    Students who desire to learn martial arts are invited to come to northern China, to learn all levels of traditional shaolin martial arts, directly from the disciples of northern Song shan mountain temple fighting monks of Henan province. If desired, students may optionally learn Wudang mountain area style tai chi chuan (tai ji quan).


                    • #11
                      hehe, some Tai Chi player recently won an NHB tourney. Taijichuan means "Supreme Ultimate Boxing". Its pretty cool if you put the time ino it.


                      • #12


                        Some good movies to watch on the monks and Shaolin Kung Fu are: 36th Chamber of Shaolin, American Shaolin. Some good TV shows are: Kung Fu Starring David Carradine, There was also a very very good documentry on the National Geographic Channel.

                        Hope this helps


                        • #13
                          yes that is so true train hard fight easy. I don't know as much about the northern system, my back ground is strictly in traditional southern systems, and grappling, I like the old styles. I guess if it has worked for over 36 generations there has to be something to it. My advice to you is go learn. and keep you mind open. the one thing I have learned, every thing you do has purpose so don't be fooled by the simplicity of an exercise or routine. like picking up a spilt can of dried rice one piece at a time with chop sticks.


                          • #14
                            The most amazing feat


                            I would like to share the most amazing feat I ever saw which was performed by a shaolin monk. He picked up a needle, harnessed his chi and threw it through a peice of glass. Just a tiny hole with a few cracks.


                            Any one to share other storys.


                            • #15
                              I have a good friend that his parents have exchange students over to live with them from time to time and they had a student from china one year. any ways I watched him lay a wooden mach on his pointer finger length ways with the head of the mach at the tip of the figure, palm up and he lit it in font of my eyes. he requested to take a nap when he was done

