How long does one have to train to be able to defend oneself effectively in the street with BJJ? I just started training 1 month ago, and I train 5 nights a week (monday thru friday) for 1.5 hours each night. My instructors are Brazilian black belts affiliated with Carlson Gracie.
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Length of time to be effective fighter in BJJ.
Imposible to say, unless we know who's going to fight you.
But it probably has value to consider BJJ along with other arts. I know people who have been studying martial arts for years, and they STILL are'nt able to defend themselves. Certain Karate pratitioners come particularly to mind.
But with something like BJJ I think you're going to get there relatively quick.
I train 3 nights a week, for 1.5 hours a night. I've been training for about 15 months, and think I would be very effective in a fight. But you must also consider your opponent. If it was some random guy off the street, I would have no problems. Another martial artist might be more of a challenge, but I think could still beat them. Someone with more mixed martial arts experience would likely be too much for me.
But if you're simply talking about defending yourself on the street, a year should give you a good solid base from which to be an effective fighter, especially if you train as much as you say. You should have no problems defending yourself. Just be sure to learn effective stand-up fighting and multiple-opponent techniques as well.
It depend on how much you put into it. NOT YOUR TEACHER YOU! Id go to the school at every oppertunity you get. Read books, watch videos, spar with friends out of school.
There is no limit to how long it will take you. Remember Unless you are fanaticle about fighting you cant call yourself a fighter.....